Shooter on I-15

Police are working over the radio to setup containment on an active shooter on I-15. While they are listing the guy as emotionally unstable, do police never account for the proliferation of police scanners online revealing their conversations to an active situation?

Attached: police-radio-system.jpg (2048x1355, 767K)

What are they supposed to do, stop talking to each other?

Law enforcement has been switching over to encrypted radios for a long time now. Unless they're super poor or retards, they shouldn't be broadcasting any important info in the clear.

My state police use encrypted channels. Since they would have the jurisdiction there (highway) pretty much all active situation updates are going to be encrypted.

Trunking if they are poor, encryption if they are less so.

were you not here for the greatest farce in police history? the fight over the boat, the dogs, and the helicopter after the Boston bombing?

Wasnt that the exact reason why they developed FirstNet?

>unstable, do police never account for the proliferation of police scanners online revealing their conversations to an active situation?
did you know that it is illegal to disseminate information to other people who are not listening to the scanner?

Attached: 1302923886828.jpg (423x477, 43K)

>surround the boat
>some cop ND's
>the rest think they're taking fire, and open up on the boat
>a couple hours of shooting ensues
>don't manage to seriously wound the kid
>he didn't even have a gun
>no investigation into this gross display of incompetence

Massachusetts police, everyone.

>do police never account for the proliferation of police scanners online revealing their conversations to an active situation?
that's why metro moved to digital unfortunately