What concealed weapon would you bring to give this girl her first time, Jow Forums?
What concealed weapon would you bring to give this girl her first time, Jow Forums?
Concealed? Nah. Best start her on long arms. I'd bring a 10/22 as it's just fun as hell to shoot and great to lern on. I'd bring tin cans or other reactive targets. The immediate feedback is much more gratifying to beginners than paper targets. Is... Is that not what we're talking about?
I'd stomp the brains out of her dumb little inbred beaner mutt skull, happily.
>someone actually fucked that thing
I'd ask how desperate you'd have to be but I was desperate enough to fuck a tumblr chick
No dummy we are supposed to talk about how were going to kill her because shes a liberal
A Turkshit singleshot 12Ga and some 3.5” slugs reloads with the wads removed and loaded with a compressed charge of like 100grs of Unique
exnay on the murderay
the F.B.ay
is watchingay
>How do you do, fellow gun enthusiasts! I sure love NFA non-compliant firearms, don't you?
was she fat? if not you still win
Kek. My choice would be hand her a grenade with the pin pulled and take cover asap.
no, no, no
Never teach a Commie to shoot
>tfw I teach commies to shoot
Something pink because she needs to start acting like she’s female.
Enough of this gender neutral shit!
I'd do every hole raw t b h
There is nothing about her that's 'pink'
She's a Commie, blood red is her color
i wouldn't, she probably got AIDS.
WTF She's 2 feet tall?
Would definitely smash and make breakfast for the next day
Got the perfect thing for 'er.
someone should do the daisy-chan thing to him so he looks like a girl.
I watch gay too, but you don't see me announcing it to everyone
Based. The only way to turn the hearts of grabbers is positive reinforcement with a fun day of plinking.
>Had borderline SJW coworker
>convince him to come to range with me once
>thinks he's going to prove why I don't need "assault weapons"
>actually enjoys the hell out of target shooting
>few weeks later asks me who to talk to about getting membership at my range
>Asks for my help picking out first gun, get him a 10/22
He's saving up for an AR now, only had to shoot the can cannon once to want it.
Is it bad that I wanna hatefuck her face while Diane Feinstein eats my ass?
That sounds like a good time friend.