Why are they memeguns?

Attached: PDW.jpg (640x480, 39K)

They use a meme caliber and the real deals are far too expensive for anyone here to own.

They also look distinct enough for normies to recognize them by sight. Boom, memegun.

Because SBRs do almost an identical job with a standard caliber.

Key word there is "almost".

they are pistols with large capacity and csn pierce soft body armor
their compactness is useful, but are too expensive for its intended use as a modern day M1 carbine

they have a niche use in special forces, counter terrorism, and SWAT though
where they are a middle ground between the armor piercing assault carbine and more compact SMG

They use a meme caliber and the real deals are far too expensive for anyone here to own.

They also look distinct enough for normies to recognize them by sight. Boom, memegun.

They use a meme caliber and the real deals are far too expensive for anyone here to own.

They also look distinct enough for normies to recognize them by sight. Boom, memegun.

>Made to be given to support people abd special forces to kill armored commies.
>Cold war ends.
>Armored commies not a threat anymore
>Unarmored terrorists become threat
>Shit at killing terrorists because of bullet size
>Everybody drops them

If you could actually buy a full giggle P90 they wouldn't be memeguns

This. Tank crews etc still use old af SMGs.

Attached: gallery-1463517339-gettyimages-530688488.jpg (768x537, 130K)

They use a meme caliber and the real deals are far too expensive for anyone here to own.

They also look distinct enough for normies to recognize them by sight. Boom, memegun.