Why do you carry, Jow Forums?
Why do you carry, Jow Forums?
Nice try ATF
>Doesn't understand how to use this meme
wallet, keys, cell phone
I lost my gun in a boating accident
I ain't saying shit else
Because I know that I'm not the biggest, toughest, Bruce Lee-est motherfucker. I don't know if a midget is going to try and rob me, or a 6'8" 320lb brick shithouse is going to try and rob me; carrying is a way to ensure I can deal with either, should the day come that I need to.
When it's time to lay waste I don't be lackin'
The weight of my regrets
Because muh bare hands can kill a man, but muh .45 can kill his soul.
Fleischgewehr 18 with 2 loaded mags
Didn't know I needed a reason.
To avoid the guilt when I don't. Thanks, Jow Forums, you've worn me down faster than a Jewish mother-in-law.
So I always come with something
And my 500 s&w can create a ripple in the space time continuum
Living in the world can be adequately described by driving on the highway. It’s usually pretty smooth going and more or less boring with some moments of good times and bad times and slow times and fast times. I don’t get into my car looking to get into a life threatening car wreck, but despite my best efforts, it might just happen. Because of that risk I wear a seatbelt and drive a car with air bags and crumple zones and all of the rest. I want the best odds of surviving such a situation.
Living life is just the same. I don’t go out into the world looking to get into a confrontation or situation that is life threatening but despite my very best efforts, it might just happen. Therefore I carry. I want the best odds of surviving such a situation.
It has nothing to do with manliness, bravado, thrill seeking, endowment compensation, looking to commit murder, or having a death wish. Rather it is purely out of an adult sense of risk management and being able to project a credible level of force, if need be, to ensure my self determination and my personal rights.
Pic related
Good job saving the mobile version dumbass
I don't always remember to remove the m, it happens
Just in case I gotta shoot someone or something.
Because I dont trust people, and I dont trust the police to save me in a violent situation
Lol I got a ban warning for this post???
I live in commiefornia where the mentality ill run rampant and get to stalk you in the cars mon and dad buys for them
Uh, that sounds a lot like a very specific personal problem. I've been accosted by meth heads but never had people stalk me in daddymoney cars.
crazy neighbor's kid doesn't have a leash on him. I've gotten a restraining order but the state can't do anything until he actually kills someone. small town, cops are 30 mins away. followed me into an alley with his pt cruiser once with full on murder face on and I put in the paperwork in good my ccw that day.
California sucks in so many ways.
You're right about the mental health thing. We can't carry here (Best California) and basically the streets are overrun with crazy druggies who steal shit and rob people. The county doesn't want to arrest them because they just waste jail resources as they are indigents and the bleeding heart libs don't want to do anything about them to segregate them from society.
Well, I carry because of I live in a higher than the national average crime area, my job has me make a lot of enemies with the general public, I live in an apartment with too many neighbors, etc.
Short and sweet answer, niggers and meth heads.
The mods and janitors in current year are complete raging faggots.
I am a prison guard, my job is to piss off inmates pretty much daily. These people have serious mental illnesses and take any minor slight (real or perceived) to a new level.
But he's not black
I carry a tactical knife everywhere I go, as long as the law allows it. That's the creed of a real Oath keeper, were always prepared.
Deez nutz
That weight
Because I don’t let some whiny leftie turds in government tell me no.
Because I’m responsible for my own safety.
Because chugs.
Its better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
Because I can
Because I moved up to Redneck okanagan and everyone's packing
Unlike here I cant be nogunz