what went wrong and what was the mistakes they made ?
What went wrong and what was the mistakes they made ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Serving with a nigger
Driving Miss Daisy meets Black Hawk Down
In a nut shell they got ambushed
going to africa lol
serious answer: not much. sometimes shit happens and there's nothing you can do to stop it. lrrps got stomped on frequently back in vietnam.
Biggest mistake was retreating and not advancing onto their enemies. Escaping is a fucking meme that isnt real.
They made this same mistake when they got ambushed by some border guard, they hid behind cover and some random sandnigger 1v4d them because they werent covering open territory.
You can't assualt through an ambush if you assault through it into another group of enemies 200x times your size.
>They made this same mistake when they got ambushed by some border guard, they hid behind cover and some random sandnigger 1v4d them because they werent covering open territory.
Wtf are you even talking about?
The niggers mother blamed everyone but the niggers which killed her son
Who were the last two alive and who was recording? Why didn't they liberate their black brother?
Jordanian First Sgt literally soloes entire squad of green berets