I’m looking for a good reason why people should be able to own grenades. I’m super pro-gun and I want there to be a good reason, but I can’t think of one. It’s not like guns. A good guy with a grenade won’t stop a bad guy with a grenade from killing people.
What is the argument of civilian ownership of grenades?
Hell I'd just like for m-80s to be legal again.
If grenades are legal, then niggers will have grenades
Thus we will need self defense grenades to protect ourselves
Well the just banned firecrackers in wa
>only reason to give a muck cash
The primary purpose of the 2nd amendment isn’t self defense. It’s a safeguard against tyranny.
They're not legal?
Shit, become drinking buddies with a chemist and he'll be able to cook up a shit ton of fun
Also stuff that goes boom
Anyone can make a pipe bomb..
a) they're safer than molotovs
b) good luck banning tin cans, nails, and gunpowder
Actual m-80s are, someone correct me if I’m wrong but I think they were actually filled with a now controlled explosive or had an amount of flash powder in them that is now controlled
A gay "Antifa" shit stick pipe bomb has no comparison with real TNT
Tri Nitro Toluene
Make that in your garage antifa fuk boi
That’s the other issue. The Second Amendment refers to arms. Are grenades considered arms? I actually don’t know.
Again, I can’t wait to mount a .50 cal to my car, I just want a reason people should be able to own them (without an unreasonable risk) so I can justify my beliefs.
If it doesn't have a sporting purpose it's illegal
So I say trip-wire hunting gernades
plural noun: arms
weapons and ammunition; armaments.
"they were subjugated by force of arms"
synonyms: weapons, weaponry, firearms, guns, ordnance, artillery, armaments, munitions, matériel
"the illegal export of arms"
I’m sold.
I actually want to try this now.
We make infograph threads all the time
Just be careful, cooking boom boom powder can poison and or kill you
I remember hearing a while back that you can construct, own and possess a pipe bomb if you register it with a type 3 FFL and tax stamp. Its something about destructive devices and you can also buy mortars and RPG's that way as well.
Do the "don't do it"s all explode?
I mean, it tells me what toxic gases are, and i shouldn't do those either. So why are some specifically "don't do it" while other bad ones say what they are?
It is your right as an American to throw grenades into your local city hall
If I write complaints about my elected officials on the grenades, does that count as a petition for redress of grievances, protected by the first amendment?
I think it's because they only appear in the "hair conditioner" and "toothpaste" combos.
>Peroxide can bleach your hair
>Lye is pretty caustic and would burn you
>Don't put actual bleach in your toothpaste
TNT is relatively easy to make as are many explosives
Yes my friend. By combining the power of the First and Second Amernments you have achieved the power of Double Jeopardy and are now invincible according to the laws of nature.
Most pussies can’t throw them far enough. It’s for their own good.
explain to me one reason I can't have shells with my legally owned 12pdr cannon.
The founding fathers explicitly allowed private cannon, why would they exclude explosive shells for said cannon? It's like saying that I'm not allowed to own canister shot.
They are filled with Flash Powder, usually 3.5g of the 7/3 potassium perchlorate/aluminum powder mix. The ATF considers it a binary explosive, falls under the same rules as Tannerite. It's legal to possess the necessary ingredients to produce it, and it's legal to produce as long as you don't store it or transport it or use it for commercial purposes. From my understanding, you could theoretically legally make m-80s as long as you are planning to set them off at the same time and location you happen to be making them. I'd hate to have to try to explain that shit to a cop if one showed up though.
Im not a melanin laden Swede
I have no use for grenades
Incorrect. You can't have a single item that contains more than 1/4oz of explosives. This is why some explosive tipped bullets are still unregulated. M80s exceed the legal limit and are therefore illegal. Manufactuing one would be the same as making any other DD regardless of when you set it off.
It is true that you can manufacture explosives as long as you destroy them on the same day, but you can't let johnny law find out that you made fun stuff with them in the process.
Part of what makes exploding targets legal is the fact that you are not using a fuse to set them off. It's just a container right up until you hit it hard enough to detonate the thing.
They’re fun.
>A good guy with a grenade won’t stop a bad guy with a grenade from killing people
Sure he will there's just a higher risk of collateral damage.
If you're going to correct someone you should at least be right.
The 1/4 oz limit is an NFA thing and only applies to projectiles. DDs like pipe bombs or grneades are regulated no matter how much explosive they contain.
Firewroks like the M80 are not weapons and are regulated under the explosives regulations. Completelty different set of rules and regulations.
Being set off by fuze or not has absolutley zero bearing on it's legal status.
Any explosive device that can be accurately aimed is a descriminate device and shouldn't be regulated. Cluster bombs, missiles, mcnukes, and mines are indescriminite and should be require a loicense.
founding fathers let civilian ships have cannons, so ya
Ok. Stick a fuse and a blasting cap into a can of tannerite and send the ATF a few pics. I'm sure they'll come by to tell you how cool you are.
How is a missile indiscriminate? Missiles are guided projectiles by definition.
3.5g is no where close to 1/4 oz.
Blasting caps are regulated. The components in Tannerite are not.
>A missile indiscriminate
Missile- No
Explosive tipped Missile- Yes
Explosive tip bullets? WHERE?
>inb4 firequest
yeah but good luck learning them without a swat team at your door bucko
>Shrapnel in your venison
lab grade high yield explosives in a casing designed to maim are different than black powder in a pvc tube with maybe some nails
>Carry set packets of explosives' ingredients
>When needed, mix single sets into Set each off before making another so never carrying more
They're probably volatile as all hell
bombs are different
guns are efficient and precise tools only as dangerous as the user
explosives are destructive, unpredictable, and indiscriminate
literally anyone can pick up explosives, kill hundreds, completely destroy property, and kill themselves in the process
not to mention property damage and injuries for potentially miles from one person
which is why the left should be glad shooters are using guns and not explosives
both are merely tools and one is significantly more dangerous than the other
i fear removing one will encourage the use of the other
Pretty much the only argument you can make is protection against tyrannical government. Founding fathers meant for the citizen body to be not just armed with guns, but basically to be a fully equipped army waiting to rise up if the government became tyrannical. That logically includes grenades.
It's kind of an old argument that's been used a lot, and you'll have to be ready to counter the "but you can't fight the gubmint it's too powerful" argument they'll make, but it's the only argument that applies here.
A few extra murders a year are nothing compared to preserving the freedom of the people into the future.
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The word arms in the 1700s extended not just to guns but all weaponry and explosives.
>b-but even nuclear weapons?
yes but the vast majority of people don't have the money for that so it's a non-issue
>w-what about tanks
you can own tanks
but also, they're already legal with a cuck stamp.
>implying they are illegal.
Tanks are a legitimate self-defence tool
Eat your iron boy
Normally I’d agree that any weapon short of wmds should be allowed.
But seeing as how many idiots reside in this country I think grenades might be pushing it.
>tfw Jim bob leaves out is grenade collection and young billy bob blows up his school bus showing one off.
I remember being a kid in the early 90s and reading my dad's gun magazines, there was a guy selling grenades for $4 each in the back in the advertising section.
Shall not fucking be infringed. You literally don't need another argument.
If you're looking for a "good reason" for people to own grenades, then you're not the most stringent 2A supporter. With that said :
>People will be making them anyway
People have access to all the shit required to make a grenade at the moment. They just choose not to make them.
>Corporation-made grenades can have a standard
You remove the threat to citizens by standardizing the production quality of hand grenades, therefore preventing the need for handmade ones.
>This will put civilian and government entities on the same playing field
You can be sure as shit that the government would have zero qualms about using live grenades on your ass. Why don't we have the freedom to do the same?
>civilian owned cannons and warships
>civilians meant to be able to own power equal to the military if they can afford
Fuck yes. Even just a basic mortar would be neato.
Jim shoulda been more responsible
Italy still uses this bad boys.
However the fact that those objects are largely outlawed makes it impossible to have reliable grenade experts....at the sime time the hood doesn't need to have access to grenades.
I think flashbangs should be legal
it's 80% armor, ofc it's for self defense
The point is national defense, against foreign or domestic threats.
Giving the military a monopoly over a type of weapon defeats the purpose of the 2nd.