user, have you ever bought/plan on buying a gun because you saw it in a movie/game?
User, have you ever bought/plan on buying a gun because you saw it in a movie/game?
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I bought a 75b because of gunsmith cats
Joshua used a Colt© New Agent though™ OP
I bought an SVT-40 because of Come And See
I mean, Id buy a USP 45 anyways because i love the aesthetics of it. But I played a good amount of COD4 and I think itd be pretty cool to own a gun that was used in that game.
Damn shame I cant really find a USP45 that isnt the tactical version or expensive as fuck. Cant really justify the premium for a TB when id probably never use it.
Sort of related but I bought an underfolder for North Hollywood Shootout aesthetics.
Yes, I bought a Beretta M9 because of an anime and still haven't shot it. And I'm looking for a Mle. 1873 revolver because of The Mummy, to go with my Lebel.
I bought an AUG, Scorpion Evo and an HK93 because of R6: Siege. Almost bought and built a DP-28 parts kit too. Fuck, pre-nerf IQ and Ela were so fun.
Planning on doing a VZ-61 Skorpion as my next project because of black ops 1 (best COD)