How would Jow Forums clear out a Goblin nest?

How would Jow Forums clear out a Goblin nest?

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Napalm then a MOAB

Fal or g3 particularly of Rhodesian variant.

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A generous use of traps and lava. Or in modern terms, lots of claymore mines and plenty of jellied gasoline.

Mustard gas

>How would Jow Forums clear out a Goblin nest?
>go to nest/cave
>yell "You're not white!" into entrance
>a thunderous chorus of "WHITER THAN YOU MUHAMMAD" is the response
>toss in a pill of Germanic ancestry
>watch as the entire nest of goblins fight to the death for it

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therminte grenade thrown from the entrance, either they all die because lack of oxygen or because of the heat

modern firearms would kind of make the whole thing trivial

I don't think that would happen like you think it would happen.

Call ICE.

Man, you've done your research.
>either they all die because lack of oxygen or because of the heat
Thermite contains its own oxygen, it'll use non form the surrounding air.
>or because of the heat
That'll have to be a real small nest.

Will El Goblino, or La Creatura ever be included in the Goblin Slayer universe?

>Build something to obstruct the entrance (exit) to the cave.
>fill it with barbs and hooks
>plant some sharpened sticks along the way out
>preferably find some plant which releases toxic fumes when it's burned
>light big ass smokey bonfire at entrance of cave
>blow smoke up their asses until they die
>if they try to break out they have to run through stakes and scale barbs and hooks
>stand outside with a spear and shove it in the face of every gobbo stupid enough to poke his head out of the small hole I left for an exit
>inb4 another exit
then I'm probably fucked. Leg it


That’s not how thermite works user.

I love Incase

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With the o'l Scattergun of course

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>More Whites in the U.S. than in Europe
Europeon education.
>hurr reeee
Subtract Spanish, Italian, and Eastern Europeans.

>Being this upset

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Some nervin agent like the one used by russian special forces.
Then you send operators to clean the mess and eliminate eventual survivors and then blow up the whole thing.

Goblin must be genocided.

Not as upset as Europeons, you had to create a shit meme.


Go with his smoke-out tactic, but replace the smoke with Buntkreuz to simultaneously please my WW1 boner. Let those little fuckers suffer.

>still getting offended by le 56% meme
What the fuck are you even doing?

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I think he meant thermobaric but had a brainfart. not sure if there's such a grenade though.

Like how we did it in Vietnam.

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Gas and fire. Water could also work.
Fuck fighting in caves.

A group of out-of-shape, overconfident Jow Forumsommandos in a hodge-podge of gear with no plans, strategies, or tactics and a complete lack of coordination and communication rush the goblin nest only to get ambushed, stripped, and raped.

That's hot.

I mean, I like a nice fem chub as much as the next guy.

Thats episode 1, give it a watch.

chlorine gas


VX or other nerve agents, fuck going down there

Any recommendations?I am in urgent need to blicky my stiffy

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They're unfortunately difficult to find as most fem guys go for slim looks and most chubs go for a more masculine look. Try TimbyWuff on twitter.


Pic related, and carry a sawed-off shotgun with me just in case

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Behold the Goblin slayer

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Zyklon B

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Molten aluminum

>>shared reality with fantasy
>>Veitnam war
>>goblins are allied with Charlie
>>tunnel rats having to worry about goblins and Charlie while clearing out tunnels.
I like it.

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Release a horde of xenomorphs into their lair.

More mustard gas than Germany could ever dream of deploying and explosives at the cave mouth.

They live almost exclusively in caves and tunnels. I’m grabbing an M2 and showing them why America won the fight for Iwo Jima.

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Napalm, son, is lots of fun,
Dropped in a bomb or shot from a gun,
It gets the gobs when on the run,
Napalm sticks to greens.

Gas them in their tunnels Napalm to finish off an survivors.


Children sucking on a mother's tit,
Wounded gobs down in a pit,
Dow Chemical doesn't give a shit,
Napalm sticks to green.

I've been told it's not so neat,
To catch gobs burning in the street,
But burning flesh, it smells to sweet,
Napalm sticks to greens.

a bunch of pozzed convincing traps

Chuck in a sampan, sitting inna stern
But he don't think his boat'll burn
Them fucking gobs'll never learn
Napalm sticks to greens

Drop some napalm on a farm,
It won't do them any harm,
Just burn off their legs and arms,
Napalm sticks to greens.

>"are you supposed to looking directly at it?"
>immediate resounding NO

They're in good shape for the shape they're in
But there's no way that they can win
With napalm running down their skin
Napalm sticks to greens.

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I found the matriarch. Goblin bowling?


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One Episode of Globlin Slayer hits the net and some child has to come here and sperg all over K

>glow in the dark inquisitorial cia nigges destabilize enemy regions by promoting the growth of goblin nests with weapons, food and training

P90s. Lotta ammo, small goblins, tight space.

When they think we done run out
They all crawl out and snarl and shout
But the hot petals rise and they rout
Napalm sticks to greens

That slutty E-2 who has every venerable disease known to man contained in her snatch.

It'll be worse than chickenpox blankets because it'll probably cause their population growth to diminish from defective births.

Check the area for any alternate exits, block them and collapse the cave with explosives, or at the very least the entrances.

If it's a building or fortress like the one where the all female team got gobbed, then do as GS did and light it on fire, picking off any survivors.

Don't bother with survivors. They'll either be dead, or wish they were dead.

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Cobras flying in the sun,
Killing gobs is lots of fun,
Get one pregnant and it's two for one,
Napalm sticks to greens.

Too long and unweildy in a cave, enjoy your rape

Better get every entrance, and never hit THEIR traps

Not how any of that works, underage

>Assuming a goblin den has one way in/out

You need to make sure the nest is killed to the goblin. Survivors remember and plan

How do you ensure proper saturation before they flee?

I like you

Then we have to get out the xeno-gob crossbreeds

That's how you get hobs and shaman

Do you want hobs and shaman?

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mah nigga

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grug use stick
kill goblin grugs n gruglets
fuck goblin she grugs

Don my picklehaube and unleash the mustard gas

Fuck the well used roasties at the bottom, unless somebody warns me ahead of time ill just assume its all gobs. Same way milord goblin slayer does, smoke em out or burn em out, or if there's a nearby river or pond then hang out and dig a little canal to their burrow entrance. Gobs ain't shit outside of a cave or alley. They all die down there or run through a preset killzone to "fight" me. Only alternative is playing into their hands and engaging in dirty ass tunnel fighting and dealing with their traps. Key is staying safe as possible and denying them any advantage, can't clear out the next nest if you died trying to play white knight for whats essentially a broken sack of meat with a set of holes at this point. Of course this is all assuming period gear and skills. With modern tech my approach would be a bit different, involving NVGs, heavier than air opiate based gas, suppressed shorty SMGs, concussion grenades, and body armor(older style not ballistic). What makes opiate based gas bad for IRL hostage use would make it perfect for anti gob use. Heavier than air with a strong bias towards smaller individuals(females and kids) increasing the odds of finding hostages alive, severely debilitating or outright disabling common gobs, and posing lower immediate risk if your mask fails. Would even help to stupify the bigger older gobs.

my nigger

>tfw friend actually thought about sparing a gobbo

My man, gob threads were a thing before too, goblin slayer is one of the more k animes.

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>ywn ice gobos while smoking weed and drinking colt 45s

Is your friend a faggot? They sound like a faggot. Make sure they aren't 3 goblins stacked together under a coat.

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Ithaca 37 stakeout.

I like to keep this handy for close encounters

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Aint no gobos gonna touch my dumpster

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If we're going the "any means necessary route"
>Surround all possible exits
>Pump your favorite choice of mustard gas/nerve agents/tear gas or even just good old fashioned smoke if you're feeling low tech into the nest
>Gun them down when they try escape, smoke trails will lead you to new exits if they attempt to make them
>Send kill teams into the nest to clear any hold outs out, with NBC gear on of course
>Alternatively fill the cave with a flammable gas that's heavier than air, then detonate for extra well done goblins

If we're going the "one man army" route
>Armor torso, head, neck, and groin with stab proof materials
>NVGs with a headlamp as backup
>10mm full retard Kriss vector with extendo mags and laser as a primary
>LOTS of earpro, shit is going to be loud in caves
>10mm glock sidearm for ammo and magazine commonality
>Flashbangs to help in room clearing (and so you don't start a cave in with a frag dumbass)
>Backpack full of nothing but ammo and the overly caffeinated beverage of your choice
>A mace or something if you feel like going medieval on their asses

It goes without saying the breeding slaves in the hive are going to have to die, can't risk them breeding more gobs. There's probably better things to use than a vector and glock but I have a boner for 10mm stoppin powah.

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>Hey man, c'mere I gotta check something. Hey, don't worry about it man I just gotta-

Appropriate fantasy setting rape bait. Let the gobos tire themselves out. Calmly murder them during post-coital sleep.

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Trip line. A single human will fall in one piece, three goblins will tumble apart. Bash skulls as the situation warrants. Prevents them being too close in the highly likely event your friend is 3 gobos.

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A better question, what can Goblins do to even the odds against Goblin Slayer?

This would probably help:

Personally, i approve of this meme mashup

>Bash skulls as the situation warrants.
>not flamethrower
do u even incinerate bro?

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10mm sounds good, but did you take into account thick hides and skulls? 5.7 or 4.6 meme calibers could probably actually work pretty well here with less recoil. So far working pretty well for my 5STR medic in my O&T campaign with my friends.

Well, that explains why the hat would never come off. Fucking cunts.

Desperate goblins on fire at a moderate range for visual inspection may quickly become latched to you.

But honestly, that's an excuse. The crunch of the skull is why.

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>Goblin gang rape
>The haughty cunt learning her place
Muh dick

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What does goblin pussy feel like?

>Desperate goblins on fire at a moderate range for visual inspection may quickly become latched to you.
thats what red asbestos suits are for, and a wood stocked shockwave wrapped in Xmas lights, a can or more of gasonline and one of them polish 15 shot flare guns and a frying pan for close quarters


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Got me hard.

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pic related with drum mags

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NVGs and suppressors.
Also bring a lot of friends with NVGs and suppressors.

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>not putting a loudener on to deafen the gobos

I laughed