GWG Bread

Cheeki Breeki edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

think they got raped?


Anyone got the pic of the black haired girl in the little black dress with a pixie cut aiming a rifle? Can’t find it and it’s driving me insane

dont have it at hand but search for oleg volk

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If you are female in army must you wear the colors during inspection/parade?

I wish outher nations troops has such pride (or were required to display it anyway)

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I don't care about Ukrainian airshit sluts

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cheeki breeki

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That is a boy

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Attached: i wish i was that pmag.jpg (1080x922, 76K)

>That is a boy
they know and don't care, Jow Forums is full of homos

Attached: tikka-t3x.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

please post actual trads

Attached: download (5).jpg (194x260, 8K)

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Susan Wojcicki?

The filthiest person alive?

>the other shadman who's worse than shadman

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I want to touch both of those a lot
What are their names
Baste shadman? I dont know what to think about this

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>get die Maschinenpistolei

Attached: girls_with_guns__taz_with_mp5_by_sprocket_man.jpg (900x675, 196K)

>not posting the one with feet

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1. Attractive Slavic girl
2. QT traditonal dress
3. Glorious 5.45 AK
4. ?????

Attached: 1523936965992.jpg (661x800, 473K)

Never seen her with a gun, but Yulia Makyukina will conquer you by her voice alone

Attached: Yulia_Matyukina.jpg (402x604, 35K)

Name of both AK and human model?

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Gwg means girls with guns frend

did you just assume her gender?

I want them to fellate gun

So. Effing. Saved. Thanks!

>Using the lever as a hook

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X for Doubt

Best "Girl"

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Dude, I can only get so hard.

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Keep ruining these threads by posting gross photos

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I love her!

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Attached: Stephanie RJ.jpg (1000x927, 189K)

>is that a PMAG in your pocket or are you just happy to see me

Attached: dolores__westworld_fan_art__daz_studio_iray_image_by_shibashake-dck6ruj.jpg (784x1019, 99K)

Do not lewd the Platelets

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Looks like a Saiga with tech rear aperture sight? Not 100% sure.

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Oh my

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That's a Saiga AK rifle.

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No lea speed 6?

why are they there?

Come on guys. Post! Been a long time since I've seen one of these threads and nobody seems to care.

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poland stronk

>bullet button wonder wrench

If she had natural C’s, she’d be killer.

Is that Mae? I thought she had put on a lot of weight but damn.

Holy shit cankles

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My kielbasa!

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>shoot a bunch of corpses after the battle to make sure the fuckers are dead
>one of these thots gets up and begs you not to kill her
>there's nobody nearby
What do, Jow Forums ?

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I don't know about you guys but I couldn't operate with a qt. I'd lose focus.

Obviously a lie, Goyim.

Use your eyeballs

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Hot. Now let’s see her wearing a 60 pound ru-
>oh yeah.....

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Shadman is based in general, as a person.


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These threads are cancer, don't post this shit ever again

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God, if only there was some way to hide threads that I don’t like so that I wouldn’t have to be bothered by them ever again....Oh well.

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Stop stop stop stop stop

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