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Forgotten Weapons | Labour negotiating tools: 1921/28 Thompson Gun
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This faggot also felt the need to blur out the swastika in the German war flag in the new panzerschreck video instead of not putting a flag thumbnail. Take that nazis.
This was discussed many times. You are the faggot here.
fuck off dumb leftypol cunt
YouTube was delisting his videos with swastika thumbnails. All Nazi emblems are displayed on Full30.
What's your favorite bote, Jow Forums?
I thought we told you last night to not post this leftists degenerate again? We were nice yesterday kid do not piss us off.
I wish I bought this book when I had the chance, it's so good.
fuck off dumb leftypol cunt
He literally did a video on why he's been forced to do this you fuck
ian is so based
>tommy gun
by fucking who? millenials that have never seen a movie older than 2005?
FW isn't exclusively obscure shit. Ian takes a look at pretty much anything interesting that he comes across.
>both have an interest in huns, history and other nerdy shit
>being well adjusted humans they don't care about each other's personal lives and share a business venture
Leave your mom's basement for fucks sake.
He already fucking reviewed that like 2 years ago. Man I thought his content was getting boring but now he's just recycling shit?
why does he keep dropping blue pills in his videos?
this is part of a kind of series he was doing on these guns and they're mostly history
He’s a liberal cuck that vainly think’s he’s going to somehow win over liberals and get to keep his guns when they take power.
>forgotten weapons
lay off the ideology
I mean he's not exactly wrong. This was the gilded age. Basically the closest the US ever got to genuine AnCapistan. We literally had corporations hiring "detectives" (IE mercenaries) to deal with employees attempting to unionize by force of arms and armed intimidation. The unions were armed too and on occasion also very violent/corrupt. It came to ahead many times and occasionally with the National Guard getting in on the action as well.
On occasion Thompson guns were in fact implemented.
Charlie Siringo's book "The Cowboy Detective" chronicles his involvement in several of these clashes as a union infiltrator, fugitive and occasionally combatant. It got pretty crazy.
There's also the battles of Matewan and Blair Mountain in W. Virginia, The Haymarket Riot and the Ludlow Massacre.
It's a forgotten facet of American history, but the right to form a union without being murdered, the right to be paid in actual US dollars, safety standards, the 5-day/40 hour work week, holidays, etc. were in part won with death and bloodshed.
>the right to be paid in actual US dollars, safety standards, the 5-day/40 hour work week, holidays, etc. were in part won with death and bloodshed.
None of these are rights, learn what a right is, it's not whatever big brother says it is to get votes. Unions and governments didn't popularize the 40 hour week, or any other job improvements, forward thinking businessmen did.
>being this new
As if we needed any more confirmations that Ian haters are retarded Jow Forumstards.
they are though, you retard
This spammer has genuine mental health issues.
How else can you explain this fucking obsession with a youtube gun channel guy.
I should clarify that of course much of this occured before 1920, so Thompsons would only see use in this role towards the tail end of this era.
Stupid Jow Forumsnigger.
When has he dropped blue pills? Can you give an example?
This flag is banned?
Weimar Republic was the last flag to show the Orthodox eagle
Also i saw his HK SL8 video, i can't shake the feeling that this guy browses lefty/pol/.
It’s so weird. He is consistently pro 2nd A, politically neutral, and apart from the Rhodesia thing that I can only chalk down to ignorance, been fairly consistent in his views.
I mean, who says shit like this without sounding like a GAMERS RISE UP post?
Watch this video and delete reddit from your favourites tab you fucking retard
Every FW thread is the fucking same. Aren't you tired of them anons?
Ian cucks for reddit and hates Jow Forums. Go suck his dick there.
Ian dislikes Jow Forums because stupid Jow Forumsniggers keep spreading falsehoods about him.
>forcing a person via threats of death or imprisonment to offer the kind of benefits you would prefer is a right
statist scum gtfo
No he hated Jow Forums it for trap threads, and all the other wired shit since the early 2010s, newfag. That little stunt with the flip nigger spanking his ass made him bash Jow Forums non-stop on his subreddit.
I wonder when the Rock Island Auctions is going to get one of these and Ian makes a video on it.
Jow Forumsdditors RISE UP
Kill yourself you fucking NIGGER
Fuck off communist faggot.
>Labour negotiating tools
It's code for stopping commies who try to steal your property. Why do you think (((FDR))) passed the NFA of 1934 and the FFA of 1938?
you've never had a job, have you