Jobs, what does k do for work?

Alright lets have a k jobs thread, what does all of you fuckers do for work.
Ill start.
I work security unarmed, night shift.
I like the job and thinking of starting to conceal carry at work.

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I'm an accountant.

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FP&A manager for a private mid sized manufacturing company in Dallas TX.


>Amusement park
In the process of getting a new job

I buy companies in the O&G industry.

12 hours a day, 5 days a week, $15 an hour
Hard work and the weather conditions can suck but I honestly love it and make decent money with all the over time

Entry level IT guy.
Its fun being able to block plebbit but allowing Jow Forums

College English professor.
We're not *all* libshits.

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Welding, Metal Fabrication, and the occasional Masonry

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