/hwg/ - Human Weapon General

Inaugural edition of Human Weapon General. ITT post: training schedule, martial art you practice, what belt you are at, what state / metro area you are in so that we can meet up with Jow Forums Jow Forumsommandos and not portly mil LARPers.

I’ll go first: BJJ / white belt / NYC metro area (sucks)

Don’t tell me you don’t train user, being a Jow Forumsommando requires more than just a monthly range trip.

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Why does nyc suck.

Because he’s not allowed to have a firearm or fighting knife in the city and has to rely on his hands for defense and feet for running away

You don’t need a knife or a gun in the city.

I do own firearms here. But correct, can’t carry. Its stupid. Only here for work, only for two more years. From a real state originally, my ARs and full size handguns are there.

Also sucks because I like the outdoors and the people here are the antithesis of kommandos.

But money is good, and some of the best BJJ gyms in world. It is what it is, for now. Taking advantage of it.

Not a single fellow human weapon. Pathetic. Knew you all were fat LARPers.

So why don’t you move upstate.

Tangentially related, but what a crazy couple weeks to be an MMA fan. Rizin on Sept 30, Conor vs Khabib and rest of that badass card last week, and Chael vs Fedor/Bader vs Mittrione this weekend.


Because I work in midtown and have no interest in living upstate where I would have to take 1.5 hour train, twice a day, to come into the city, where I wouldn't be able to carry. And I wouldn't be able to own any guns that I don't already own here in the city. Really don't understand why anyone would live in upstate where all the same stuff is banned and getting a concealed carry permit takes a year plus. Why not just live in PA, CT or Vermont - or even MA?

Any of the upstate towns that are still close enough to commute into Manhattan for work are still filled with pretty shitty people. And in terms of the outdoors, VT/NH/ME are close enough and cheap enough to fly to regularly that I more than save the money I would spend on the train tickets and car ownership cost of living upstate. Rent might be better, but again, 3 hours of commuting a day is brutal, and not as much to offer a single guy up there.