Why is Russia army so shit?

> In b4 Armata

does Russia even project power?

Attached: ActualGrimyIchidna.webm (1280x720, 980K)

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They're slavs

If your country experience a major collapse of leadership and a decade of economic and social hades, and the whittling down of national budgets then you would understand why the Russia army is not as well funded as Ameriki and UK armies.

>project power
To be fair, Russia can't project power to any meaningful extent, but they don't need to as it it not their geopolitical priority.

Attached: USS Freedom.jpg (3264x2448, 1.04M)

Attached: Nipon.jpg (960x640, 59K)

Mы пoлyчaeм этo тoвapищ, вы иcпoльзyeтe элeктpoннyю cигapeтy.

Reminder that the Russians are working with a GDP smaller than Texas

Yet there is this romanticism about the skills and equipment of the Russian military, and Putin behaves like he is something special. new sanctions will hurt the country even more.

>T. Butthurt Vatnik

This is a very good point. lol