Can Falcons Be A Weapon?

Look so I think Falconry is pretty cool and Falcons in general are neato speedo. They're the HiGh SpeEd Low Drag mega monster of the birds unique perspective of existence. I mean have you seen those pokers? So can Falconry be weaponized, as a means of warfare, or self defense? I see them as being fairly applicable for hunting nasty lil ugly robo drones. I mean look at those talons! They'll shred your gay vlogger drone to itty bitty pieces!

Can we talk about Falcons and their applicability to various capacities otherwise held by more traditional firearms? I guess in the meantime I will post cool falcon fotos!

Attached: sdb42z4or7gz.jpg (700x933, 88K)

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Attached: DRacycw.jpg (600x794, 75K)

Attached: 1826-falcon-3.jpg (445x275, 37K)

Attached: falconry.jpg (1280x720, 30K)

Attached: bc804a91-28f9-4a86-be4d-ae24f4016bb5.jpg (2000x1293, 497K)

Attached: oT2R3.jpg (768x1024, 150K)

Tell me about Falcons, why do they wear those hoods?

To keep them docile, when launching a falcon the falconeer would remove the hood and the falcon will SPRING into action!!

It's bad enough that fucking jews and sandniggers are shooting falcons out of the sky already. Let's not, as cool as falconry is.

Lot of loyalty for a trained falcon.