What are we doing about "red flag" laws which allow police to confiscate legal firearms from law abiding citizen? 11 states have these laws. Where the fuck is the NRA?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>serving protective order to remove guns
>with a 3:30 AM no-knock SWAT raid
>the man was shot on sight as he was holding what appeared to be a weapon

Does anybody actually believe that fake news story?

"the man was asked to surrender his guns, and after he refused a struggle ensued"
load of bullshit.

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i think you mean where the fuck is the supreme court, and the answer is that it's coming

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It never got that far. It was a 3:30 AM no-knock raid.
they broke into his house and opened fire on him.
The only things that are being admitted are purely conjecture -- and anything that may or may not prove it (such as mandatory body cams on the cops) will never be released.

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>liberal judges push gun control
>NRA challenges laws
>gets shut down by liberal judges
>wheres the NRA why arent they doing anything???
This meme got old long ago

>Expecting anyone in power to do anything
Looks like it's tyrant killing time

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I'm caught between believing in states rights and believing the supreme court should do something about all the blatantly illegal laws states have passed
At a point, especially with gun control, it's almost like they're mocking the white house because they know they currently wont do anything, because its getting/gotten to the point where most moves set precedents and nobody wants to be the person to point the finger at if shit goes awry

Article says 5:17am, which is still absurdly early.
This is fucked. They killed a 60 year old over something that is truly illegal for the police to do.

"She said one of her aunts requested the protective order to temporarily remove Willis’ guns."

I would like to know the reasoning for placing the "red flag" protective order. As it stands this is a murder by police officers.

thats it, lets kill cops. comes on guys who wants to start first

You wanna talk court precedent let's talk court precedent

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Are you a fan of the old west?

this is who the government trusts with the security of America. look and laugh

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Nothing can be done. We lost. Every day you wake up from now until your death you'll be less free than the day before. Not just with guns but with everything.

You can go out swinging but that won't accomplish anything.

Here's a redpill
"no one ever gained freedom without fighting "

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t. German in 1920

t. defeatist faggot

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Glow in the dark nigger, go fuck off and stay go.

Prove me wrong then.

Solzhenitsyn tells you how to deal with communism.

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Sadly, this user is right. Our freedom is loss because no one will stand up for up. The right will never organize to take back our rights and any attempt at it gets shut down instantly by the feds, meanwhile leftist militant groups are allowed to roam the streets and are backed by the media. I suggest you all find a house in the rural country/innawoods and prepare to move there when things get unbearable. Maybe we can just wait this out.

>What are we doing
masturbating to traps and then ignoring the sticky to shitpost gun control threads in Jow Forums, apparently

I'm in, let's start with you, glow in the dark CIA nigger

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>republicans hold all three branches for almost two years
>zero pro-gun legislature gets passed
>red flag garbage gets passed all over and gets bipartisan support
wow so amazing.

holy fuck, that guy pictured lived to be 38? Holy shit, Soviet living must've been brutal

no, he spent 38 years in a gulag.

States' rights doesn't mean they get to shit all over our constitutional rights. It refers to a delegation of government responsibilities. Just because the state tramples all rights doesn't make it ok.


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any word on if the family will sue? Did they murder the wine aunt?

according to wikipedia, he lived to 89.
anyway, dude was based as fuck!


I still don't understand how they can abrogate the 4th and the 2nd so blatantly and get away with it. That should not be physically fucking possible.

women can do nothing wrong bigot
Where is the NRA? The NRA is doing its usual thing, throwing its base under the bus to appear "civilized" and "reasonable" to nogunz which is of course a losing fight.
Keep a gun- a good one- on you at all times. Consider keeping a carbine or rifle in your vehicle as well- after this they may well begin targeting people when they are not at home.

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That's just too blackpilled. McVeigh stopped the ATF raids on preppers. The Bundys eventually won in both cases except for the dude who got killed. There's going to be some fighting in the future but it takes a lot for people to rise up. I feel bad for you that already live in cucked states.

Nyet, country is fine.

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What about the civil right s movement or the Indian independence movement ghandi started. Or the Christians pracful movement ?

The numerous reductions in gun laws and increase in CCWs and states with constitutional carry. Just because the 9th district legislates from the bench all the time doesn't mean everywhere in the US is losing gun rights or that those unconstitutional laws will stay. California and the 9th have been blatantly violating the constitution and its own state laws for years.


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>Not today, NSA
>Give it a miss, MI6
>Go away, CIA
>Nothing to see, FSB
>Pass me by, FBI
>Leave me be, BND
>Time to go, ASIO
>Say your goodbyes, five eyes.

1. Agree to testify as a character witness for any of your buds who you trust, in case of a red flag hearing. It won't do any good at an ex-parte order, but those can only last for 1-4 weeks. Then he's going to need all the backing he can get when he defenda himself in court.

Then, if your boy has his order vacared, inform his accuser that their a hand wringing butt wipe who risked his life by calling the police.

reminder to our glowing friends that all posts here are ironic fanfiction

Movements dependent on the empathy/weakness of whites. We are not dealing with those people now.

imagine being a CIA nigger on Jow Forums. How can you possibly avoid being gaslit and/or redpilled by all this? Remember the thread a few months ago when a CIA nigger was unironically posting useful gun info?

>What are we doing about "red flag" laws which allow police to confiscate legal firearms from law abiding citizen?
Nothing, that's the best part. Jow Forums has been talking the talk for years and will never walk the walk

Kavanaugh will break his dick off in this. Also the 9th is getting turned red thanks to Trump. People forget how much he is packing the lower courts.

Imagine believing this. Kav is not pro gun and SCOTUS avoids gun cases better than Nicole Aniston avoids getting cum in her mouth.

As I said in the Jow Forums version of this thread someone should dox the cops names and addresses, that's what old Jow Forums would have done.

(All for "peaceful" actions such as sending angry letters or filing lawsuits of course, to any CIAniggers reading this. And I take no responsibility if some suicidal depressed user does something more drastic.)


>their a hand wringing butt wipe who risked his life by calling the police.

Ignoring the grammatical error but what the fuck is this going to do? The people who abuse such laws generally have a holier than thou attitude and will not feel guilt at all since they think he "deserved" it simply because they don't like him.

You're late to the party

>>Where's your gun at?
>What difference does that make?
>>I need to see it.
>Nah, you don't.
>>Well, just so you know, you're under arrest. Okay?
>No I'm not.
>>Yes. You are.
What happened next blew the cop's mind:

no. do something more useful and impactful like burn down state buildings. risking your life for a couple pigs aint worth it

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or kick all the politicians out of town like some mexican towns did

So it’s been a week since this happened, and the murderers haven’t been doxxed yet.

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imagine glowing this hard
Jow Forums is a board of peace and we do not condone violence

I dont understand, how did he teleport back into the house with PSA ARs and condor chest rig?

>domestic abusers are often intimate partners who fall under the list of people eligible to make a red flag request
>domestic abusers could use the red flag law against their victims to disarm them to make them easier to attack
>for some abuse victims the gun is the last line of defense for them (and their children) against an abusive ex

Why hasn’t this argument been brought up yet against red flag laws? Or is it because people want to believe nothing bad could ever happen in this Best of All Possible Worlds?

fuck off. you don't speak for me, nigger

>Indian independence movement
Millions died during the partition what the fuck you on about. Had a friend who had his entire family 4 generations up slaughtered by muslim fucks.

all because the niggers kept tearing across his lawn.

What's even more fucked up is the shooter's son is a local sheriff's deputy. macon.com/news/local/article136242108.html

The old bastard kills to local cops and goes back into his house to get a rifle so he can try to kill more local cops, all while know his own son is a local cop.

That's a bad relationship.

Youre retarded if you believe this law is for anything but disarming citizens. Its not about safety, making arguments wont work. The powers that be are trying to figure out any way possible to stop people from having guns.

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None of that has happened since 2012. It's been a rapid decent downhill since then, and will only get worse.

It's better than just lying there and taking it. At the very least you can use it against normies you end up arguing with, you know before they end it by threatening to legally swat you.

They really don't like releasing footage of cops getting shot, so they cut out the end of the first segment, where he presumably ventilated both cops with his handgun.

This habit really annoys me.

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>Actual tyranny happens
>All the internet tough guys of nu/k/ literally do nothing

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>confiscate legal firearms from law abiding citizen
I'm pretty sure they have reasons...
it's not like 'oh let's raid that random innocent guy's house and steal his guns'.
whether it's a DV incident, a mental health incident or intel that doesn't extend to enough to charge for criminal offences.
I'm sure there was a reason police are seizing guns.

Not a valid argument to those who think that a domestic abuse victim will just have their gun taken by a big strong man when they try to use it, so it's really better to not have the choice at all, right?

Also, it's totally not sexist to believe that women are so weak that even with a gun they cannot defend themselves from a physical attack by a man. Totally.

>git awff muh lawwn

tfw those nogs would have been shunned from the black community if the black community weren't racist and hateful.

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Doing something makes you an ATF/FBI/CIA shill user. Doing nothing is the cool thing to do.

Only available info is that an aunt put in the complaint to get a red flag seizure. A niece of his said it was over a family argument. Very little info is being given other than the raid, yes raid, was early in the morning. The guy refused to hand over the gun by the door, and when the cop burst in, the guy grabbed the gun. The man was then shot.

>I'm sure there was a reason police are seizing guns.
Yes and that reason is "fuck you, because we can". The same with any other asset Forfeiture

he looks pretty badass in this picture


this is where we see this nigger backpeddle

>gun control is okay user, i'm sure they have a reason
Nah, go choke on a cock.

old Jow Forums wouldnt have done anything either.
Besides, nobody has their names.

You want to do something?
Dox the pigs that did this, it's completely legal to do so and it's useful information.

LITERALLY nothing. Oh wow, lead ammo for hunting in national parks? Wow, what a great victory. Everything else is
>proposed law, not passed nor expected to.

>implying packing the lower courts and SC with conservartive judges, ensuring a right wing judiciary for the next 30 years isn't the biggest pro gun prize of all

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No one who would actually do something is going to make a post on a nepalese snowshoe weaving BBS that we all know is monitored and actively used by feds, that's just foolish

>Trump within the first month in office repeals a law that even the ACLU of all people opposed that would of prevented most of Jow Forums from legally owning guns
>Literally nothing

>A niece of his said it was over a family argument. Very little info is being given other than the raid, yes raid, was early in the morning. The guy refused to hand over the gun
well having a gun is a serious responsibility.
We can't have mentally ill people or suicidal people possessing firearms. When they go crazy and shoot people it reflects badly on the rest of us and gets everyone off side.
When police are doing a legitimate enquiry, even if the action later gets appealed or contested, police deserve to be treated appropriately and not obstructed or assaulted.

Let's fucking do it.

A no-knock raid in SWAT gear is not a legitimate inquiry

>Thinks a rule change (to the status quo no less) is a law change.
No wonder we always lose. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

>gets everyone off side.
bong go home

>t. bootlicker

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It isn't when they don't rule pro-gun is it bud?
>T-they will!

Why are people so petty nowadays? It seems nowadays everyone is more than happy to disproportionately react to everything. Like 5 years ago nobody would consider swatting someone to be an appropriate response to a family argument. I doubt that idea would have even been considered.

Where's the bodycam footage? What the fuck??

apparently the part where he actually iced the two fatbodies was edited out

>nowadays everyone
you mean everyone in America?
Other countries don't routinely have shooting in kindergardens.
Except maybe African countries...

it's a policing action that could have been appealed through the correct channels.
Grabbing a gun or obstructing that process is not the correct way to react.
Because everyone in America has guns house entries or any police response has to be conducted in a manner proportionate to that threat level

this should be a matter of public record. I'm curious how he got the drop on them. They did seem really nonplussed by him with his hands in his pockets.

Nobody likes you Jew obsessed schizos

Would it be possible, by chance, to request the name of the person who initiated the red flag visit via FOIA?

I seriously wonder how they feel knowing that their actions got this man killed.

How about we reduce the threat level by not rolling up on the fella and busting down his door at five in the morning?

You've revealed yourselves, Majestic Twelve

it's a high risk environment. If you don't want highly strung police don't have a high risk environment.

>this should be a matter of public record
not if it paints the police in a negative light or exposes their incompetence. what, do you think we're all equal under the law or some dumb shit? stop thinking for yourself CIVILIAN

It's a high risk environment BECAUSE the cops are high strung. Not the other way around.
Quit being obtuse.