Be me

>be me
>noguns but has enough know-how to get on
>stuck in the People's Republic of Illinois
>model 37s are anywhere between $80 to under $200 on Gunbroker

should I pick one up Jow Forums so that I may join the hasguns elite?

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Don't get a gun unless you know what it's for. Do you want a hunting rifle? Then get a Winchester Model 70. Do you want a birding shotgun? A self-defense handgun? A concealed carry piece?

Definitley dont listen to this fag. Get what you want because you want it.

nigger I just want to start to exercise my rights without breaking the bank

1. Figure out what ammo you want to use. The more ammo types you have to shop for the more $ it costs to hoard.
2. Hunting shotty, security shotty and dumpster defenders all have different rolls. Shotguns used as easily the cheapest firearm. I suggest looking at Local Gun Stores used sections in Illinois before using Gunbroker and having to pay an FFL fee.

Do it. shotguns with wood furniture have some much more character.

>needing a reason to buy a gun

>needing a reason to buy a gun

If it's your first gun, you have to know what you need it for before you start looking. If you have a few guns that can do what you need them to do then go ahead and purchase whatever you please.

Illinois nogunz here, how long did your FOID take to process? I want an AK so before JB the Hutt can take away our rights.

Hell yeah man, it's a good shotgun. Otherwise, consider an AR but shotguns are my favorite kind of gun

Shotguns tend to still be mercifully cheap to buy and even shoot these days. Make sure to research however since people can still manage to fuck up one of the most basic and old designs. Not to mention check the manufacturer date to see if the manufacturer had a bad batch or poor materials at the time which I find is one of the most notable issues when it comes to an otherwise reliable firearm type.

Above all however, be sure when making a purchase that you look into the cost of ammunition. Sometimes you may fine a cheap as dirt weapon secondhand, but often you may find they're chambered in a rare meme calibur so the gun might cost you $125, but you'll be spending $1.25+ for each round of a very limited supply you put through it.

You can get an AR right now for under $400. Given that the rats control the House, they might give the ATF the nod for some new rules about scary black rifles. Get one while you can.

If that's out of your price range, yeah, get an Ithaca or some kind of 12ga. They're great.

My Ithaca was not exactly my first gun but it was/is my first shotgun. If you have questions then I'm likely in the most identical situation to you and therefore likely to give the most relevant experience. Ask specific questions if you want, but in general;

>How much did you pay?
$250 2 years ago. It was on gunbroker but I noticed that it was literally a mile from my house and the only 37 in DFW worth the price you I just bought it instantly.

>Do you regret it?

>Would you have ideally bought something else?
Also no. The Ithaca has it's charms and to me, and a gun that is fun to shoot is more important than one practical to own. Slam-fire is pointless but fun none-the-less and the blue/wood aesthetic is unmatched.

>Sounds like you like it, should I buy one?
I can tell by the way you worded your OP post that you want one for reasons other than practicality and at those prices, there's no reason not to really. If you feel safe in your area then buying a gun simply for recreation is reasonable although you may get lampooned by people that think you should value practicality more highly.

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oh shit JB won? damn it all

I haven't gone through the process yet, I'm still a fucking poorfag but once I get the cash together I'm getting stuff together and not going back

they're all rats, user, it's just a question of whether or not they're domesticated. Also people have been saying that the scary black rifles are gonna get banned even since civilians could get their hands on them, and so far, barring the ten-year AWB, they haven't been, so I think things will be fine for the next few years for me to pick one up.


>buying into black rifle panic sales

>panic buying
You don't own one yet. That's reason enough to panic. Prices are affordable still, there is no panic. Check the daily deals at PSA.

Model 37's are sweet shotguns. If you're getting them that cheap, pick me up one too.

As a person who just msised out on buying a $175 dollar Maverick 88, yes just buy an ithaca

Ithacas are hot AF and they are never going to get cheaper. They're in that 3rd gen S&W tier of firearm where they're mechanically sound, perfectly functional compared to modern equivalents, and offer a much greater degree of quality than a similarly priced modern equivalent would offer. By one and never sell it, future you will think it was a great decision 15-20yrs from now.

seriously fuck this fudd, you buy guns because you want them, end of story. Any use you get outside of the feeling of being hasgun is a plus.

>ithica model 37
get it now.

Pic related is JB's brother/sister. What could possibly go wrong in IL?

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If history has taught me anything, nothing that hasn't before. We're the Midwest's New Jersey though we've got somewhat better gun laws anywhere outside of Cook County. No SBRs or SBSs, but other than that you can go hog wild.

you going to get a bayonet attachment, OP?

Go for it. Ithys are fun. If you can find one in good shape and a good price there is really no reason not to.

shit dude if your a noguns id throw back 120 bucks and get a 12 from a pawnstore or secondhand
its not the preffered means of home defense but if loaded right it will make a mans chest cavity explode

tyvm for the redpill on them faggot family

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How about this reason:

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The Ithaca 37 is a good allaround kind of shotgun. Ejects downwards, so if you're left-handed, it's fine for you.
The older models also had no disconnect, meaning if you held the trigger down, and racked the pump back and forth real fast, you could 'slamfire' shells rapidly.

Also, if you're new to guns, something that you might get the instinct to do is to hold the stock of a gun away from your shoulder, the thought in your head being that it will hurt less.
This is not the case, when you hold the stock tight against your shoulder, the motion of your limbs and body as the recoil pushes back acts as a big set of levers, distributing and absorbing the energy of the recoil.
If you hold the stock away from your shoulder, what happens is that the stock is now just going to slap you in the shoulder when the gun recoils, with some guns, this can actually hurt.

Hey you're in PRI too, you in the North part?

This. Shooting is fun by itself. Dont need a reason to shoot.

ISP is only supposed to take 30 days at the most, but according to Illinoiscarry the average return time is around 2 months. I got mine pretty quick, about 1 month. So to answer your question apply for that shit asap, jb is gonna fuck us all. I'm hopefully moving to Indiana soon though so fuck that fat kike, I've wasted enough of my time and money in Illinois. I kept hoping things would get better. They're only getting worse.

Around 30 days exact. If you're worried buy one through someone else with a foid who trusts you

As much of a fudd this guy is, he is sort of right in the sense that you don't end up regretting your purchase in the future and wish you spent your money on another gun. At least, I hope that's what he meant. I hope he meant buying quality over quantity. But if he meant you literally ONLY buy a gun for a very specific task and never replace the gun or just have a gun for fun, then fuck him.