Is the grass really greener when you ETS, boys? Life is good right now but fuck man...

Is the grass really greener when you ETS, boys? Life is good right now but fuck man, I can't stop reminiscing about civilian life. Not having anyone to report to, stable relationships, no field problems with 2 days notice, having my own place, long road trips whenever I want without having to worry about a leave packet.

God, I can't fucking wait. I've been in for 3 1/2 years as an 11b and I ETS in less than 9 months. I have such a love/hate relationship with the Army but for those of you who ETS'ed, did your life get better after leaving? I can't even imagine how I would feel the last time I drive past these gates.

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one and done or 20, nothing in between. poor yourself into school or a job

It depends, what was your reason for joining?

For me, ive always had good friends gorwin up but I never knew my father so "that hole" was always there, lets just say I know how it feels to suffer in silence while you see other happy families through the years, sure there's nothing "wrong " with you but you know you are not like them.

Well in my fucked up reasoning I thought "well im never going to fill that void so I might aswell start blastin people, robbin"

But as I thought that the movie Saving private Ryan was on, precisely on the scene were Matt Damon talks about his family life with Tom Hanks.

Then I thought "hold on...they look like they are part of a family BUT there's a lot of sons that will never meet their fathers...brothers....I CAN PREVENT THIS OR AT LEAST LESSEN THE NUMBERS"

On that day I joined, I dont do it for glory or country, I do it so no kid has to grow up without their father and if I die doing so then be it.

You best have a job or school lined up, user. Don't be the dumbass who sits on a couch and death spirals.

I'm the dumbass sitting on his couch and death spiraling. Listen to I won't make it past spring. Don't worry, though, I'll be using asphyxiation. I won't inflate the gun-death stat.

What said.

Don't get out for dumb reasons like muh freedoms, or I hate waking up early and going to the field.

Have a legitimate fucking plan and follow it. You should have decided whether or not you were going to stay in at your 2nd year mark and started to build something for yourself on the outside. Whether that be saving and investing, looking into jobs or establishing yourself to get enrolled into school. If you have done none of that, you're better off re-upping because you have absolutely no idea what you're doing and will fall flat on your face without the army telling you what to do. I have absolutely no interest in re-enlisting myself, I hate the fucking army so much. The only positive thing it has given me is a paycheck twice a month and educational benefits,
But I have told some of my peers after evaluating their specific situations with them that they should probably stay in.

If you want a degree, start going to community college right away and apply for FAFSA instead of using your GI Bill until you transfer

I wanted to be a Ranger but failed RASP. Went to Ranger School as a PFC, spent 6 months there but got double day 0'ed from Florida. I feel like how my whole military career is a joke. I've never deployed, failed school. The only real accomplishment I have is my EIB. I would love to back to school or RASP but that would involve having to re-enlistment. That's the last thing I want to do.

Yeah man, the reasons I'm getting out is muh freedoms and I'm sick of going to the field on a moments notice to do nothing but waiting around. I plan on going back to school as the University of Florida. I'm almost 23 and I'm going to be in classes with 18 year old kids, that is another thing I'm not looking forward to.

>Got out at 25
>Went back to college
>I can buy beer, they can't
>I got over binge drinking and skirt chasing while I was in the army
>Military barracks are basically a frat house, so you already know the social dynamic
It's actually pretty good. You're also going to get auto-invited to parties because you can provide alcohol, and women are still going to want to fuck you (and it will be easier because you're not sloppy drunk).
I also found it a lot easier to sit down and do my coursework compared to my pre-army attempt at college.

Being a civilian is automatically outranking everyone in the army. You can literally tell everyone you ever know to go fuck themselves. You should be looking forward to 18 year old chicks

IDK man, girls hate military dudes here. The retards give us all bad rep. You ever have a girl show you her Tinder account near a military base? It's all privates posting barracks mirror selfies in duty uniform. It might be different in a big school hundreds of miles away from anything military though.

I got my Masters, I travel alot and smash hoes, I wake up when i want for the most part and Dont have to do staff duty or CQ. Yes, its greener

>ETS'ed, did your life get better after leaving?
I did seven years in garrison, intel.

I've been out three years, drinking every day, no job. It's SHIT. I wish I could enlist for infantry right now but I'm too old. Fuck man. Stay in if you can. Request a re-class if you hate infantry.

Read Sebastian Junger's Tribe. I miss my platoon, my company.

The fact that you were in the military shouldn't even come up unless you say something or you're wearing some kind of army bullshit.
Get out, you did your time, smoke weed, get drunk on terminal leave and proceed to start the next chapter of your life.

what's your rank lad

Corporal. I should be going to the board for my 5 when we come back from leave.

How'd you get fucked into being an army corporal? I was a specialist too, currently a cadet and about to be an LT. Thought about dropping a civil affairs packet?

No idea, my unit just never sent me to the board. I've been a corporal for almost 8 months. A lot of units hold e5 hostage unless you re-enlist but since my unit is so short on NCOs all of a sudden, they're trying to promote me.

>I wanted to be a Ranger but failed RASP.
>I feel like how my whole military career is a joke. I've never deployed, failed school.
>I would love to back to school or RASP but that would involve having to re-enlistment.
You washed out of RASP when you were a kid. That doesn't make you a loser, it's to be expected. Recruiters use incentives like that to trick dumb teenagers into joining. The overwhelming majority of people who make it through tough schools do so after they are 24+ and have the maturity and physical fitness to do so. You were never expected to pass RASP at that age so don't hold it against yourself.

>the reasons I'm getting out is muh freedoms and I'm sick of going to the field on a moments notice to do nothing but waiting around.
That's fair, but a lot of your gripes with the army could be solved by making a career switch within the army. Why don't you consider going Green to Gold? Let the army pay for your school while collecting a pay check. You'll come out an officer (which makes your life 1000x better in any job) and you will get the chance to switch to a non-retard mos possibly doing the swoopy shit it seems you've been fantasizing about (aviation, psy ops, civil affairs, etc, etc)

>I plan on going back to school as the University of Florida.
>I'm almost 23 and I'm going to be in classes with 18 year old kids, that is another thing I'm not looking forward to.
Going to college just for the sake of college is a bad idea. This isn't the 1950's. Just being white and having a bachelors doesn't guarantee you a good life. The current civilian job market is 100x times more competitive and cutthroat than anything in the military.

I went to college right outta high school, fell for the "le stem major" meme and struggled for almost 2 years doing bs jobs for low pay before saying fuck it and joining up as a butter bar. My life is super comfy as an officer. The money is adequate, the benefits are solid, and I genuinely enjoy my job.

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I thought about that course - dropping a Warrant packing for aviation but fuck man, that involves giving another 8 years to the Army.

Look into another branch of service if you hate civvie life. Air Force or coast guard are your best bets. Army is arguably the worst branch. The Marines at least brainwash you enough where you think being a marine is the best thing ever. The army just makes its soldiers want to kill themselves

>that involves giving another 8 years to the Army.
You act like giving 8 years to the Army is somehow worse than giving 8 years to some random corporation that will give even less of a shit about you lol. Maybe you should ETS, see what the real world is like and gain some perspective on life.

Use your GI Bill, go to school, call any number of veteran support groups, even move back in with mom and dad if you have to. Just don't kill yourself. There are no advantages to it.

Wtf is an ETS faggot?
Army nomenclature is so fucking retarded and faggy.

Boot 0341 mortarman, I’m told by my seniors a lot that I’m gonna hate it until I get out and miss it, and I can see how if I think about it, idk how long I want to stay in, but man does civilian life sound sweet

Can you give any advice on school while in active duty? I have Montgomery g.i. Bill, and I’m an e2 infantry man, I want to learn a trade and be a firefighter on the side when I get out, how do I go about learning a trade like welding or plumbing?

Yeah man, as much I hated it, I miss my Ranger School moments. Hell, I miss a lot of basic training shit too. In the moment I absolutely fucking hated my life but now I miss certain aspects of it.

civilians are the cause of Veteran Suicides .
Good luck out here

It will just be a means to go to a party school lol combat MOS has nowhere in the civilians world for us

>got double day 0'ed from Florida
What the fuck? How does that even happen? Was it peers?

(p.s.: it would never happen to a woman)

Peers and failed patrols. Major minus.

Transfer to 91E or 1316 if you want a trade. Once they teach you the basics you can use your G.I. bill at facilities offering that trade to get better.

meh. You'e a failure. Get out and become a homeless troll.

Fucking civilian potato identified

I ETS'd in 2013 and I still wake up most mornings thinking "Fuck yes I'm not in the Army anymore. Life is good." but thats just me.

In the Army, you're always given the plan and all you have to do is execute. The hard part about going back into civilian life as an adult is now you have to make your own plan and follow it.

meh, felt that way for about a year after 2015, still feel it every time I hop into a hot shower, but when I started school and saw the stock of overly-coddled fruits I would be with, I started missing my division's no fucks given attitude. These kids are bitching if the teacher just aks them to stay off their phones as they waste mommy and daddy's money.

well yeah, the world is full of little whiny faggots. but in the end, it just makes you look better in comparison. let the NPC's do their NPC shit and humor them every once in a while. Don't take things too seriously.

will try mate. as you say, "it makes you look better." which is very true. The teachers at least acknowledge your experience and don't give you the same song and dance shit as the brats.

I got out and was happier. Though you'll always have someone to report to and can't just take a road trip any time. You'll have to have a job you go to, that keeps you tried down a little. It's not as restrictive as the military, but it's there. You'll miss military life for a bit, but it goes away. Don't rejoin the military because of that. I did and hated it.

No just a crayon eater who knows that glorious Marine nomenclature shits on faggy, non-uniform across the branch nomenclature.
You fags change it from unit to unit, in the Marines every nomenclature is branch wide.
Its because youre such a big shitty branch everyone has to feel special by making up their own shit.


Man make sure you have a real plan when you get out. Let me tell you, the job market is not friendly toward infantrymen. Recruiters will look at you weird when you tell them.

HAVE A SOLID PLAN. if you don’t have a solid plan, you better be using for GI Bill