Jow Forums Status Check

How are you holding up, Jow Forums?

I'm still nursing a small concussion I got from being too close to a flashbang at pic related (not protesting, just taking videos for youtube shekels). School's going pretty OK. How about you?

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Shit, accidentally included a black frame at the end. This one should loop more smoothly.

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Im doing pretty well all things considering but Ive been wasting alot of time because im fucking retarded and its going to bite me in the ass soon. I got 440 1981 7.62x54r at 35cpr at the gun show on sunday.

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>440 1981 7.62x54r at 35cpr
Nice. In the spam can or loose?

It was 2 cans in a crate. I bought one for $150 and I moved the paper packs from the can to old US cans I can open and close

Friend dropped me from their life because their controlling BF told them to.
Tried ordering new night sights and my cards been flagged for fraud.
Had to call the bank 3 times, then the company I ordered from twice to try and fix it.
Having to call people causes anxiety while giving me 20 minute panic attacks.
Card still isn't working with PayPal and Amazon saying its denied.
Trying not to have a panic attack tonight over calling the bank tomorrow.
The bank lady is nice at least.

It's ok user. We'll get through it.

and you still have us!

Dang. I hate when that happens to me, I usually have to have a new card shipped to me and subsist on cashing checks at the supermarket for weeks on end. Always seems to happen around the holidays, too.

Thats part of the reason I keep coming back to Jow Forums
Even when everything else has gone to shit theres still 3-5 good threads on here.
Looking like I need to just get a new card also. I've got enough cash to make it for now but you are right about happening at the holidays.
Can't order anything if you dont have a card.

I'm a federal attorney writing reports on Section 8 fraud investigations.

The degeneracy of my fellow Americans never ceases to horrify me. Every day is the worst day of my life.

Concussions aren't anything to mess with so make sure you get your head on straight again.
Getting outside to do things is good though. You got the utube vids uploaded to show for your hard work?

pretty bummed my KAC stolen valor meme Rear buis exploded on my last trip to the range, idk what made me more upset the fact that i have to now replace it or that some crayon eater from ocean side sold me a knock off sight

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Good lord, man.

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Almost done with the edit, I'm about a quarter of the way through color correction right now. Going slow because it's only the second time I've used Adobe Premiere Pro. Took a little break to make this webm from it because I was getting kind of bored. I'll probably post it here once I'm done, some pretty Jow Forums shit in there.

Got sick this weekend and still recovering from it. Only got two more days of class this week but they're going to be extra long because of professors trying to cram everything before thanksgiving break. This weekend will determine if I still have a gf or not as we got into a massive fight over guns and she seems adamamt on being anti gun though I hope that I can fuck some sense into her. At least I'll get a K98k by this weekend/early next week. Overall, pretty shit. I just want a pro gun, ancap libertarian gf.

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i have an online girlfriend (male) and frankly it's the happiest i've ever been despite the true pitifulness of the situation

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I'm living in California

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Missing every goddamn motherfucking sale this year because lolneedacar.

In the end I suppose i’m Being a whiny bitch though.
I’m being picky and trying to get something fun instead of some FWD boredommobile so I suppose future me will thank me for it.

Still no gf.
Haven’t gotten up the guts to go back to school.
Still at the same dead end job waiting to die, trying to get ahold of myself and git Gud at not being awkward.

And once again.
I have you guys.
My family.
My fathers, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.
Thank you you glorious bastards.

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Then you don't want her. Nothing is more badass than finding out your new waifu is a hasguns and will let you molest them.
If she feigns agreement, she will work silently to Jow Forumsuck you

cant i just get hit by a truck already?

Good car is in the shop for a brake job, my shit backup had a flat when I got out of work, some yankee cunt at work tried blaming me for something I had no control over, and to top it all off they told me I can't have thanksgiving and black friday off, even though I was told in my interview that I could. So I'm getting on the plane anyways and telling them they can kiss my ass.


Just tired. Was going to type out something long and complicated about social obligations and new people around me that are prohibited persons, but I'm just tired.

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Every day I find myself able to connect less and less with actual people to the point where I have no interesting stories and thus don't bother talking to friends and family any more because I have nothing to say.
I feel myself becoming less of a person every single day as others move on and advance having families, taking vacations, and having a good time. The weird bit is that work is going ok and I have decent money, bu still I feel kind of trapped in my dull existence.
I bought a new shotgun the other week though so that's pretty fun.

>work 13 hours
>come home
>start stressing for tomorrow's work
At least I'm not poor I guess

been kinda bored lately. other than that, not much is going on in my life.

The fire rises.

My social group of friends is slowly breaking up. We all met in University over our shared interest in shooting and non-commie politics. We all live in different parts of the province and everyone seems to be bailing from our group chat as they all move on with their life. I'm stuck in downtown Toronto for work surrounded by gun hating lefties and no real opportunities to meet new people. There's like 4 of us left still talking and planning meet ups but that's probably going to be down to 3 soon enough.

I don't blame the other guys for moving forward with their lives, getting married, etc. It just sucks they seem to see that process involving cutting off contact with long time friends.

limit social media intake to 30 minutes a day or less and you'll feel fine

Good advice, but I have 0 social media intake. It's all messages and text and word of mouth stuff.

I think my problem is that I need to get out and do things other than clean my apartment, buy groceries, shitpost on Jow Forums, and shoot. The problem is I wouldn't even know how to go about expanding my horizons for those sorts of things.

Hopeful, going though some program to become a apprentice for trade jobs.

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Watching the state I grew up in, turn from a samsquatch-filled innawoods wonderland to a liberal shithole. Fuck Washington, fuck King County, and fuck Bill Gates. It's never going to stop...

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Got a cold and my shower's out of commission for a day or two, but otherwise not bad.

Honestly not the best. My hours have been cut and financially I'm struggling. I was hoping to pick up a Marlin 45-70 or an Arex pistol but I literally am now having trouble getting food im making so little. It's all so tiresome.

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That's pretty bizarre imo. I've been out of the Army almost 10 years now and I still have a group of 6 that I kept in touch with. We all tend to try to go fuck around in the woods 2 to 3 times a year. It's hard with kids and shit which is why we shoot for more than twice a year so we can pick up one of the other trips of life gets in the way

I'm doing ok. I am going to go meet a fellow kommando on Saturday at my land on the mountain top because he wants to live off of my land. I'm ok with it, he wants to build a house there. If it goes good for him then I'll have a life long battle buddy. I still think about dune guy who I gave coordinates to a little bit ago, wondering if it's larp or whatnot I at least went by to check on him. Other than that, I feel good about life. I've been coaching my local friend girl on what to do with certain relationships while working on my own relationships. I've talked to some famous people recently that inspired me to go above and beyond but that's a whole diffreent subject matter. I also look forward to the big Cali meet. I have something cool planned.

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Go to a movie theater, and invite a friend or two. Doesn't have to be a great movie just something you and your friend(s) can somewhat enjoy. Bring up your guns or whatever's on your mind when talking to them. Even go eat out at a restaurant (not fast food), don't even have to bring friends along just go there for the experience. You also don't need to go out of your house to do other things, read a book, learn a skill. You'll have to force yourself to try new things if you wanna change the way you are now.

Not a bad idea; I'll start heading back to the gym and get back to model building. Maybe try to get back into radio building and repair.

As for friends, they all live pretty far out, but it has been a while since I visited any, so I'm due for that too. Thanks mate.

Alright for what it's worth.
>Dissatisfied with current job but it's a steady salary and experience
>Cold weather makes life harder
>No gf, tinder kinda sucks but it's better than hitting on random girls in public

A little stressed over applying to graduate school programs at the moment. Overall life is pretty good, so I can't complain. Kinda hoping I get accepted into an out-of-state program so I can see what life is like outside of this shithole known as California.

>having a kommando live off of your land
I need this life goal


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Start looking for other jobs in your free time. I can not overstate this.

>female friend
Friend zoned beta detected. She's got a boyfriend now you cuck, get over her it's for the best. This is real fucking life this isn't a romantic comedy, you won't "end up with the girl" because you seemingly deserve it. Her boyfriend is doing you a fucking favor, go seek some new bitch to latch onto while you complain for months/years that you'll never get together.

Today has been insane. Im just having another beer and planning to buy some pipe tobacco tomorrow.
>Mfw I hardly believe today happened and I was there

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Anytime, glad I can help user

>inna job I love and making steps towards moving up
>money is really tight right now with tuition, moving, and life in general
I just feel like I cant catch a break sonetimes

>TFW vision is too fucked to join up
>Little sister goes army
>Empty feeling inside

Will they let me in if i get corrective surgery? Or should i just an hero now?

I know those guys.

First off an heroing is never the option when not pinned down by commie/xeno/traps

Secondly yes, friend of mine is joining the Air Force and he's saved up to get the surgery necessary, just talk to the right recruiter and set up some realistic goals.

You'll be okay user.

I know that feel user

I just left my toxic ass job to hopefully have something thats a little more fulfilling

we'll make it, when ur backs against the wall muddle through.

Call it exposure therapy and be grateful. I used to be exactly like you, parents made every call and then my wife for most of my life. After my divorce, a lot of the stuff I thought was some medical anxiety issue I just sort of got over by having to do it.

It's some pavlovian freudian shit, you give it power over you. It's not hypothetical or subconscious, it's neurological just like people who manifest physical allergy symptoms without being allergic just by being deluded.

I have an MRI to do in 12 hours, and given the reason why it's making feel like I'm dying.

Drank a lot with the mandem last night, encore this night at a chinese place. Learned I get to africa for my first real mission. Military life sucks but in a good way.

you are big man with the big pp

stay safe user, my brother is just wrapping up basic

how long are you gonna be gone?

Missions here are 4 months long, and not bad for the money.

no not bad at all

I'm about a week out from being a 31 year old kissless virgin.

I feel my awesome powers growing...

I wonder how durable a real one is.

Want to get into guns but the political situation makes me wary that I might just spend money and time to something that will just get banned in a couple of years. Will also move out of my parents house soon so finally some freedom

I’m trying to get shit done for once Jow Forums. ADHD is a bitch.

I used to hate my own race before i found out we are sponsored by iwi and colt. We use the galil ace for feds. The m4a1 for local pd. The negev for navy. The m16a1,m16a2, and m4a1 and m4a2.

But goddamn is my homeland a shithole for gook monkeys who have been raped for generations.

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Please let them know I posted the pic on Jow Forumsportland as a caption contest and the current winner is "...and that's how I got crabs."

I’m trying to change my career from
Maritime to something shoreside.

I’m 24, and have not legitimate friends in 2 years since moving to Seattle. Got involved with a militia and am shooting with them this weekend for the first time. That’s something.

Vietnam? I'm laughing at the thought of them using M16s. "Is numbah one gun, kill granddady long time!"

thanks user

Go light some more fires and burn the rest of that shithole to the ground, do God's work user.

Slowly drowning in student debt, working for a souless IT company for pennies, most of my family won't speak to me because guns. Sometimes i just want to light it all on fire