How China won the South China Sea before it became mainstream

IMPRESSIVE Chinese tactics used against an US-puppet's much larger US made warships and US trained Special Forces:

>1.Some of the Tactics the Chinese Used in the Battle were Very Innovative

>“The commanders received orders to ‘speed forward, fight close, and hit hard.’ The smaller, faster, and nimbler Chinese vessels purposefully sought close combat (贴身战, literally, “stick-to-body combat”) against the larger, lumbering, and slower-firing RVN units. The tactic was to draw so near that the enemy’s main deck guns would overshoot their targets. By fighting while sheltering in these blind spots, the Chinese effectively nullified the superior range and lethality of the enemy’s firepower. The PLAN commanders chose a knife fight against an adversary expecting a gunfight.”

>3. Paramilitary assets mattered—and could matter again in a future South China Sea clash:

>“The civil-military integration of China’s maritime power, involving the militia and the fishing trawlers, contributed directly to operational success. The militia, stationed forward on Woody Island, acted on short notice. Akin to a rapid-response force, the militia slipped onto the Crescent Group’s southeastern islands under the cover of night, preempting the Vietnamese. Indeed, the militia threw back RVN commandos attempting to seize the islands the next day. The ability to act quickly and effectively denied operational objectives to the enemy while likely buying time for regular troops to mobilize on the mainland. Finally, the militia took part in the seizure of Robert and Pattle Islands that helped to secure China’s control of the entire archipelago.”


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Other urls found in this thread:

Dr. Toshi Yoshihara, Professor at the United States Naval War College,
"The 1974 Paracels Sea Battle: A Campaign Appraisal", Naval War College Review 69.2 (Spring 2016): 41-65.

Not surprised. If you read any of Evan Carlsons books or anything about WW2 in China you’ll see how the. Hi see have always been wood elves and masters of small unit raid tactics and gorilla warfare.

So what you're saying, is that US warships should be armored and this entire tin-can missile boat doctrine that we've been pursuing for the past 40 years is shit?

I doubt any major war will start over the South China Sea. No side would risk it over the region.

Modern equivalent to that sort of tactic would be drone swarm/autonomous mine warfare

lol, their innovative tactic is to hide out as civilian ships and pray the enemy doesnt sink you until you're close enough for your guns to be effective? That shit has happened in literally every naval conflict I can think of, and it doesn't work after the first time, because once the other side is hit by "merchant men" They simply start sinking all the civilian boats in the area, causing hilariously high death tolls for the side trying to mascarade as merchants.

Thus their master plan is to sneak up sink a couple of vessels and then sue for peace before this relation happens. Luckily for them, no other time the US has been attacked have they started decades long wars....

except this isnt what happened at all.

spotted the butthurt gook

Why has government sponsored shilling gotten so bad within the last few months?

Tell the MSM to write less about China for us to repost here lmao.

The PLA was always good in waging tactical warfare with little means. In Korea, their defensive ops rendered US firepower and tech advantage moot with nothing more than intense tunneling, reverse-slope foxholes and overlapping fields of fire.

Attached: PVA tactics DEFENSE.jpg (830x2595, 1.28M)


Source please.

Historical Perspective on Light Infantry Maj. Scott McMichael

Attached: PVA tactics STEALTH AND TRAPS.jpg (828x3168, 1.48M)

>Chinese battle "records" before the arrival of portable video cameras and satelite photos
>t. "estimating" eternal Anglo "historian"
>t. "testifying" butthurt niggers that got their ass whooped by China

>Chinese battle records since the arrival of portable video cameras and satelite photos
>gooks try funny shit with China
>5 dozen gook zerglings become swiss cheese without firing a single bullet back
>China retreats, deescalates and keeps status quo

Really makes you think

>burying a mortar shell under a good fireplace to make it explode 2 hours after lighting when US troops already warm themselves around it


Who do you think the Vietcong learned their tricks from?

Attached: uncle ho learned from the best.jpg (850x400, 74K)

Murrica was rekt in Korea by an army of what they would nowadays consider Rangers or Special Forces, minus all the firesupport and airpower that their own would depend on.

Of course they are butthurt and make up lies to explain why they lost.

holy shit the CCP netizen shitheads shills in here.

Tienanmen square massacre

>People's Liberation Army Navy

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>That shit has happened in literally every naval conflict I can think of, and it doesn't work after the first time, because once the other side is hit by "merchant men" They simply start sinking all the civilian boats in the area, causing hilariously high death tolls for the side trying to mascarade as merchants.
you're talking out of your ass and you're a fucking moron.
Cease your seething rage, retard.

I always enjoy listening to Anglo "historians",their excuses and imagination amuses me.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

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>china had to literally crawl over their own dead to dislodge a tiny american army with little support
>a fat american was literally crushing chink heads while they panicked and cried
>1.3 million chink "soldiers" were barely able to force a tiny us army unit to concede north korea at little loss of their own
>a measly 36,000 americans died assraping north korea into oblivion and swatting away chinamen, who lost hundreds of thousands
>not even a million slants were able to push them out of south korea or past the paralel

great, spam moonrunes that'll get him to go away

i guess that would hold some merit if not for the fact the chinks don't give a shit about human life

Stay mad chink.

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really wish you had thought before you typed that out because I literally have no idea what you are trying to say

>posts moonrunes that only chinks can read
>point out how idiotic this is
>n-no you're the chink
i don't think so tim

that doesn't actually work bro


>Soldiers in boats winning a naval battle


>all this sort of thing belongs on Jow Forums not Jow Forums

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You know what is more embarassing than losing against Chinese peasants who have NO support at all?

>19 SEALS and a Chinook get blasted to hell by eight (8) Taliban
>then making a movie out of it



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>UN intelligence, on the other hand, estimated that only 171,117 combat personal were actually available for the PVA on January 1, 1951.


Americans with all their aircraft carriers, tanks, planes and artillery lost against literally 171k starving peasants with old capured japanese rifles.

Shameful Display of the Whitoid's vaunted """"""""""""strength""""""""""


>National Interest
Into the incinerator it goes.

I was gonna say nothing but you're right that is more embarrasing lmffaoooo

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>People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force

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yeah the chicoms are not creative with their names or anything at all for that matter

>Hurr durr muh kool battleships
Why do retards keep falling for this meme?

South Vietnam couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, pretty sure Americans of all people know this. On the other hand, we all know how successful China was in the Sino-Vietnamese war...

>be chinese
>run away from the first sign of resistance from starving africans

>Murrica was rekt in Korea

Chinese sources admit to losing somewhere in the neighborhood of 250K troops in Korea. US lost 36K. The goal of the Communist forces was to invade and subjugate South Korea. They failed. South Korea still exists.

So, if you consider China not accomplishing their military objectives while also losing a quarter million “Rangers or Special Forces” to be Murrica rekt, more power to you. Whatever helps you sleep at night, bud.

its well known that chinkoids value human lives less than americans.

>understating casualties

I swear, the worse the US gets, the lower they state their own dead.

China killed, maimed and captured roughly 600k UN troops - and that's discounting North Korean kills.

What is your excuse for losing so many """"""superior""""" """""uberhumans""""" to us insects?

Attached: US UN casaulties.jpg (787x563, 254K)

Just wait until their marines get an aviation component- PLANMCAF

Chinks won't consider you Asian, Hans. No matter how much you suck their dicks.

>t. Seething chink

Are you really that desperate to change the topic of discussion? You could start another thread if you really wanted to.

How did the US lose? Their military objective was to repel the invasion of South Korea. Do you have access to a current world atlas? South Korea is still there, still unoccupied by Communists.

If you need to call that a Chink victory, your life is pretty tragic, bro.

Point still stands.

America's track record of winning against badly equipped peasants and goat-herders is not so good.

PLA soldiers in Korea were even worse equipped than that eight Taliban fighters who scarred that "lone survivor" for life.

Ah. I see. And that, plus not accomplishing their objectives is somehow a victory?

And China's military objective was to throw the US back from North Korea and defend their bufferzone.

See that map? Communism still exist on the Korean soil and Chinese Communism grows stronger by the day.

Tactically and Strategically, China won.


And the chinese sure did well against the rice farmers of Vietnam.

They did. You failed your Home-by-Christmas Offensive and North Korea was protected to this day. Enjoy Kim's nukes pointing at you.

They did. Look at OP's post.

Who’s understating casualties?

You are.

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>Point still stands.

What, that you’re moving the goalposts to a completely different venue? Ok, how about the performance of Chink peacekeepers against a pack of feral negroes in Africa? Iirc, the Chinks shat themselves, threw down their weapons and ran back to their compound. Where, presumably, they required the services of a troupe of PLA prostitutes to help them cope with the stress.

>imagine dying to this

cant make that shit up.

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>Tactically and Strategically, China won.

By backing a failed invasion attempt. Sure.

thats no me dumbass.
>alsoi fucking hate the chicoms you dense fuck

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>North Korea was protected to this day

So that’s the narrative you’re pushing. Who started the war, again?

You might want to read about the history of China's entry into the war, which was strongly related with repeated warnings to the US not to get close to the Yalu River.

China didnt care about the Korea until the US decided to invade the North.

Not China.

You do realize that the US casualty figure is for all US military deaths from all causes, worldwide, right? US combat deaths in Korea were 33K. There were another 3600 US deaths from non combat causes. Go ahead and post another picture of stone engravings to support your argument.

>China didnt care about the Korea until the US decided to invade the North.

And then China threw all of their military might into backing a failed invasion attempt. They threw away a quarter million troops just to get the lines back to status quo. But, hey, if that’s what you want to call a victory, go for it.

Precisely. NK did, got their shit pushed in. By second rate, green garrison troops btw. China throws in on the side of the botched invasion, and after horrendous losses manages to get the lines back to where they were before NK started the ball rolling. Big Chinese victory, whoo-hoo.

Go home, Chang

>get buttblasted by facts

Even those poor chink lions have slits for eyes.

>be chink
>get buttblasted by winnie the pooh

>how the Chinese won an imaginary war


Nobody is risking war over the South China Sea, China won without ever firing a shot, the beginning of the end for the USA

>And then China threw all of their military might into backing a failed invasion attempt.
lol. Keep crying while I drink these delicious Chosun tears, bitchboi

The Korean war saw just over 1 million dead Chinese and North Koreans, to 36,000 US and 217,000 South Koreans.
2.3 million injured Commies vs 540,000.

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>>“The commanders received orders to ‘speed forward, fight close, and hit hard.’ The smaller, faster, and nimbler Chinese vessels purposefully sought close combat (贴身战, literally, “stick-to-body combat”) against the larger, lumbering, and slower-firing RVN units. The tactic was to draw so near that the enemy’s main deck guns would overshoot their targets. By fighting while sheltering in these blind spots, the Chinese effectively nullified the superior range and lethality of the enemy’s firepower. The PLAN commanders chose a knife fight against an adversary expecting a gunfight.”

>>“The civil-military integration of China’s maritime power, involving the militia and the fishing trawlers, contributed directly to operational success. The militia, stationed forward on Woody Island, acted on short notice. Akin to a rapid-response force, the militia slipped onto the Crescent Group’s southeastern islands under the cover of night, preempting the Vietnamese. Indeed, the militia threw back RVN commandos attempting to seize the islands the next day. The ability to act quickly and effectively denied operational objectives to the enemy while likely buying time for regular troops to mobilize on the mainland. Finally, the militia took part in the seizure of Robert and Pattle Islands that helped to secure China’s control of the entire archipelago.”
Just use more missiles

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Yep. Failed. Chosin Reservoir is in North Korea, Lotus Blossom. Lets review the course of the war, shall we? North Korea invades South Korea. At first, it goes badly for SK. They get pushed all the way back to Pusan. US reinforcements arrive, Inchon happens, things start going badly for NK forces. They get pushed back so far into North Korea that they’re about to get shoved all the way out of their own country. China doesn’t want to deal with several million additional starving, illiterate peasants on top of the countless millions they’ve already got. China also doesn’t want to share a border with a hostile ideology. China also has to do something with a few hundred thousand former kuomingtang soldiers, who are
A) ideologically suspect
B) veterans of a couple of decades of fighting
C) all too likely to become troublesome insurgents.

China decides to use one problem to solve another. Throw the troublemakers into a meatgrinder and establish a buffer zone. The only victory China won was against internal dissent, and that didn’t even last all that long.

lookup the streisand effect

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Indigenous Research and Development
Moral High Ground
People's Champion
Real Government of the People
Efficient Governance
Socially Positive
Superior Intelligence
Indefatigable defender of human rights
Vicious enemy of Corruption
Effective form of Government

>US admits the faults with its F-35 program and constantly report setbacks and breakdowns
>US admits that its THAAD and AEGIS missile defense systems would realistically have a high miss-rate
>US admits that the railgun is becoming too expensive and impractical to develop until supporting technologies catch up

>China announces its J-20 and flies a few around to show they work
>China shows off its ship-killer missile and flies it around to show it works
>China deploys what they claim are railguns on cargo ships to show they're nearly ready to deploy

Do the Chinese really believe that their untested technology won't immediately start falling apart after the outbreak of a major war? You aren't supposed to flex that hard if you've never even been in a fight. That's common sense.

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What is untested? You have no clue what is and what isn't tested.
As for the J-20 and the J-31, I don't think anyone has any illusions about these planes. They were built thanks to stolen data from the Americans, so it's unlikely they will be any better than their American counterparts. Certainly as far as stealth goes (insofar as it can be said to actually work) we know the Chinese still haven't managed to create engine nozzles like the Americans.

I wish we went full retard with the defense budget like if the illuminati decided to do something not selfish and throw another 10 trillion to the military so they could buy all the toys and prototypes they ever wanted. And give the hundreds of little agencies money to buy and hire staff.

Mostly so the coast guard can get dozens of carriers and shit all over China's dick inferiority complex over the islands.

Attached: InfiniteSeaWallFunding.jpg (960x622, 77K)

Amelica bewale

Incidentally, where the French learned how best to skin an Algerian as well.

Indochina, not even once.

I'm not referring to 'tested' in a functionality sense, but more along the lines of battle tested -- I'm sure the J-20 flies just fine.

For example, the M1 Abrams looked like an invincible monster until practical battle testing proved otherwise. The M1 Abrams that exists today is a completely different beast from the one used in the initial invasions against Iraq. 20 years of hard battlefield data and reinvention went into the newer versions and the same can be said for American planes and helicopters. I'm not saying China doesn't have functional technology. What I'm saying is that China doesn't have the same level of field experience behind theirs. When it comes to weapons, reliability and ease-of-use are absolutely critical as are the tactics and doctrines used to deploy them. America has war down to an art form at this point and the fact that everyone is obsessed with destroying their toys says a lot.

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From the Soviet.

CHINA STRONK TITLE in subject field


>Greentext paragraph
>Greentext paragraph
>Greentext paragraph

IMPRESSIVE CONCLUSION, how can the US even compete

Get a new goddamn template.

China hasn't won anything.
America is going to drive a wedge so hard through the center of your country, its going to split in half.

China already has wrestled American control over Philippines, Sir Xi has just finished visiting Philippines where Philippine President signed contract to give way to Chinese claim to South China Sea in return for money. And included in contract is Chinese use of former American base, Clark Air Base. All American footprint in Philippine sand will be wipe out by Chinese water.

>Enemy decides to use gun-heavy tactics which make missile standoff range impractical, trials show it to be successful
>Rather than change own tactic to meet the enemy, whine at them for not playing by your rules as they put a hundred holes in your modern fleet with weapons that would hardly scratch the paint of their predecessors
>"But muh CWIS! Muh AEGIS!"
This is the battlecruiser shit of WWI all over again. Heavy firepower does not make up for the fact that your ship can be perforated by a .50 BMG and will crumple like wet tissue paper in the line of battle. Cracks in the strategy were already showing up in the Falklands where in spite of having both naval and air superiority modern "destroyers" were still sinking left and right.

Thread Theme

Except the brits didn't have Air Superiority. They were forcing Harriers into front line dog fighting roles against Argie jets flying at extreme leg range.

>I wish we went full retard with the defense budget
We do

If the US military had no problem using $117,000 Hellfires and $1,800,000 Tomahawk missiles to kill goatfuckers in Afghanistan and Iraq, what makes you think they wont use multi-billion dollar submarines and $3,800,000 Mk48 torpedoes to sink Chinese fishing trawlers and missile boats.

Chinee so implessive.

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China is a master of painting the bullseye around the arrow with any halfassed victory they achieve.

Ask me how I know all your knowledge comes from youtube and that you are an astounding moron and wonderful example of Dunning-Kruger.