Is it normal for the Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan to be walking around with his own rifle in hand?

Is it normal for the Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan to be walking around with his own rifle in hand?

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He's just a pog trying to looks cool

All of the insider attacks, i probably would too

That that some Multicam and OCP he has? Theres a decent difference


Side note/observation, his jacket doesn't appear to have any identification or rank, and also shouldn't he be wearing a cover/whatever the army headgear is since he's outside?

How many generals have random Afghans managed to kill by now?

Commanders can set headgear policy but he does need a rank hanger for his goretex like the Afghan guy does

We were up to five in 2014. Haven’t followed it since.

>No chest carrier/armor/plate
>No helmet
>No fucking extra magazines
>No sidearm
>Ironing creases in pants
>New clean boots


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dudes ready to draw

>no hat no salute areas dont exist
That isn't the gortex but the new windbreaker jacket. It doesnt need or have a place for name or rank.

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i love the afghan in the suit on the right who, although obviously squinting, kinda looks like he's thinking about his odds if he were to go for the stock of the general's m4

>implying I should know something I didn't, which was why I asked in the first place

>read the TM
>what does the reg say

Do you think that's even an "issued," rifle, or did he just take it from someone for a photo op?

Anyone know what model oakleys those are?

he looks like rand paul

It's trash either way.

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>comparing National Guardsmen to infantry Marines

>when the sandniggers have better uniforms than you

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He needs to get rid of that popped collar. Looks like he just got divorced, began a midlife crisis, and bought a Dodge Charger off base at 25% apr.

Everyone in that photo is Army. Guy on the left is wearing the Land Warrior setup from around 2000.

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>Is it normal for the Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan to be walking around with his own rifle in hand?

It should be! He is a prime target over there. He can't trust any of the Muzzies. Now what true soldier would not consider him/her self responsible for their own safety?

I don't know jack about this guy but right off I respect him for this.

>bought a Dodge Charger off base at 25% apr.

Should've bought a Challenger desu

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Because he should have security detail, and his life is more important to keep and run instead of "fighting it out," due to the men he's responsible for.

What jacket is that he's wearing?

Looks suspiciously like pic

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are you ok?

If you're a general you really should have a chrome plated Desert Eagle or something.

Nice house
nice car
on the ocean

guys should I take the boomer pill?

It's Aidan Gillen.

>finger over the licence plate
My sides

This is the retard that thinks rails are bad

>That clean rifle and PEQ

LMAOing at your army

'73-'74 Paris Iland Semper Fi

We all do eventually, user.

I dont follow. Do you actually expect a 4 star general to have a worn and busted rifle on par with something issued in an NG unit?

Hey, he did survive the plane crash after all!

why does commander of US forces have basic bitch M4?
shouldn't he have gunsmithed with ivory grips or something

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They are bad you stupid nigger.

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All the guns are the same. You aren't seeing guys lugging around off spec trophy weapons, and if they are, it's some personal hold out pistol.

You think the logistical officer wants to have to order parts for like 15 different weapons? Nope. Everyone gets the same shit, no exceptions.

Catch fire, Fudd

Custom weapons are something you have to buy yourself.

The only unit where the Army pays for custom-made weapons are Delta Force and even then, it's just relegated to M1911s.

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>resting your rifle on the magazine
>why does my rifle keep malfunctioning? the M16 is a shit!

>Best Korea has literal weapon skins while worst korean neets only get vidya lootboxes

why wouldn't he? I bet he gets the coolest guns

>Because he should have security detail,
Till his security detail murders him. The top commander in Afghanistan is basically just a military politician. If it was a real war we wouldn't really be making the enemy play dress up and walk around with us.


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No, generals and commanders generally have security detail follow them but since it is Afghanistan, its probably a smart choice to have a rifle.

Does he even have firearms training?

You really should user

>insider attacks
tell me more, is that a common problem?

The first fat dude replaced my unit in Iraq. Turns out he had a horrible motorcycle accident and ballooned up and they deployed him anyways.

He lost 130 pounds that deployment.

Yes, there was one just a couple weeks ago in fact.

Try hard field cred photo op.
Flashback of G.B. in flight suit.


Yes, it's a photo op. No, he is more valuable than grunts. Also those greens may possibly be reds in this theatre.

It’s called an assault weapon, sweetie

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>when Jow Forums breaks a story 24 hours before Very Fake News

It's the standard in Israel and we don't even have the problem of infiltrators among the ranks

pic related was our chief of staff

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her face is assaulting my eyes...

this is fake I bet

Nah if he died he’d be replaced within the hour. The real important people are salty ass E4s that take years soaking in Grizzly wintergreen, Marlboro reds, and 32oz cans of monster to cure just right. Once you’ve got them properly seasoned they can do anything including run the whole war in Afghanistan if needed.

What's the old term? The sinews of the force are soldiers. The skeleton is the NCOs. And the brain is the top brass. Whereas the assclown officers are something like the appendix and lymph nodes as a minute necessary function but if they fuck up, then the whole body fucks up.

And why is is that? Can you give a real reason this time?

Just sayin if you took a whole bunch of salty ass E5 and below and told them to win that shit they’d win the whole war for a 4 day pass and no company runs for life.

Different lanes. No doubt they could conduct a battle, but high doubt that they could run a theatre's logistics, or all the other shit that feeds into the top brass. That's why the NCOs are pigeonholed, because they're so damn good at their jobs and the higher ups have to deal with the overall minutia, from intel to supply, to even fucking the politics back home.

dam. underaged as fuck yes its a huge problem.

Considering theres been an assassination attempt on him by supposed friendly forces in the last 2 or so months yeah i think it makes sense to go around armed and have a chance to survive a gunfight or at least go down fighting

Dude just drop them all in and hit your supply drops. We’d have killed every male and raped every moist hole. You’d have a whole generation of Afghanis twerking and smoking camel crushes. Afghanistan would be no worse off than Lawrence, Kansas

Alright, you can stop posting now. A student of history knows that it didn't work in Vietnam, and you would need public resolve for straight genocide instead of "We're helping the people," yet spreading rape, pillage, and plunder. It does not work in the American system without a complete media blackout, which is also a fantasy in the current age of recording and broadcasting technology.

I didn’t know I needed a polished AR until today.

I wish it was. I saw it at the gym

Legit the best tactic we had in Vietnam was to assign a squad of dudes to a village and have them breed the excess women and defend the village.

State one time that happened, ever. Because I can state a bunch where we fragged civis and burned homes as standard practice, which made gook non-commies have all reason to say, "Okay, whoever wants to give me a gun, I just want to kill these fuckers."

Combined action program in Vietnam. They did a similar tactic briefly in Iraq but it wasn’t quite as intimate.

That wasn't a concerted effort to breed the enemy forces out, that was to incorporate a cultural understanding between the US armed forces and organic locals. Naturally, fugging would occasionally take place. But it would not be the rule or the goal. That's taking an extreme leap into fantasy. Hell, at least the Phoenix Program with it's, "April Fool, motherfucker!" shotgun blast to a civi's face, and "Bell Telephone Hour," testicular car-battery jump-start have a lot more references to back them up.

Only the good Americans are prepared to defend their own lives at a moment's notice. He and the rest of the Americans in that photo should not be in that photo but since they are it's only logical to suspect those shitskins around them.

>Here Afghan village these 18 American chads are here to defend you
>Also they make more money in a month than you make in your lifetime
>They also cause free shit to rain from the sky

You’re deluding yourself. Those people would be so smitten with western chads Afghanistan would be the new ground zero for the incel uprising.

Jesus fuck, have you never even read any vet threads? The fact that you have no clue to context makes you fucking stupid as fuck.

If even the glancing view of these vets who I've talked with in real life, and heard the most interesting deployment stories online, if anything it's a comedy of errors. Hash smoking sand monkeys who fuck sheep, selling physically within meters rancid cooch of their own sisters, meeting straight-out-of-high-school Americans who jerk off in baking port a john's, and are so bored out of their minds that they have a jail mentality of talking just for the sake of talking... And with the top brass not even having a goal after wiping out the majority of the enemy, and kind of peacekeeping without wanting a fucking thing to do with the populace. It's a little more complex than whatever the fuck you just posted.

You know what rains from the sky? You ever played Rome: Total War? When one of your cities has a squalor level of over 50%? Well this entire country was like 100% squalor. The rain from the sky, whenever it came, was shit. It was brown, fucking, shit.

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That Afghani general looks like Maj. Dhatri from New Vegas

Sounds like you don’t even know how resupply is done in remote regions of Afghanistan or how it affects the local economy. It’s cool though keep making all this shit way more complicated than it needs to be. One day I’m sure you’ll figure out how to put down an asymmetric threat. By now we could have bred an entirely American population if we were allowed to.

>I read stories and played Vidya
Lol k virgin incel

Yes, your aimless insult about my understanding of logistics that segue into rape babies and war brides is sure a compelling argument about the quagmire of the current war in Afghanistan. Bravo.


>talk with veteran friends
>read self-published accounts
Yeah, fuck, I guess I fucked up here. Maybe you can lend your gravitas of opinion on the current conversation. Or hell, maybe even reading a sentence and comprehending it.

>Actually just an original Bren with all the bluing worn off and a kitsch stock.

"Can you bring me the gun of Rambo?"

That's a funny way to spell Rip-It.

This has got to be some 4D Chess level bait, I refuse to believe that this guy thinks colonialism would be a good idea, or that colonialism would even work.

Nah gotta get the pop top monster can because it makes the best spitter.

Leave Mrs. Nosenstein alone she dindu nuffin

American generals? Citation needed senpai, General Greene is it.

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So now you use a buzzword and a strawman about colonialism to address the two other aspects of military logistical support and expansionary breeding, which already had nothing to do about the original argument about the quagmire of the US War in Afghanistan.

Really, I'm impressed. It's not "4D Chess," it's you jumping to a new spectacularly unrelated point so you can't be pinned down to actually discuss anything. You argue like a liberal.

You’re replying to different people my dude. I’ve pretty clearly laid out how young enlisted alpha chads breeding waziri women to raise IQ levels, infiltrate tribal networks, and invigorate local economies is the correct way to approach war in Afghanistan. You haven’t provided a strategy that addresses any of these issues.