5 years of amerifuck war against russians in ukraine

broken people just broken people..


do you think they really want to go and submit to to the occupants from the west and join banderastan?

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just because putin didn't approve of your fag lifestyle, you had to try to get a peaceful buffer nation to become another crony puppet state and the retarded boomers that inhabit most political offices loved the opportunity to ban more fucking guns from that part of the world


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russia is such a fucking corrupt shithole and hungary is more and more like that, I feel sorry for my country and its people

*autistic vatnik rage in the distance*

These days I cant even tell if its just shitt bait or if people actually are this branwashed

T. i want more shekels at the cost of being flooded with rapefugees

>fuck my country and people, i want that sweet green

how do i find cutie ukraine girl to fug :D

>he thinks it's easier because it's a different part of the world

if you are unsuccessful with amerifat bitches then slavic ones will just take your shit and laugh at you

Not wanting the massive corruption riddened AIDShole that is Russia =/= wanting refugees

you imply that will discourage me from seeking cutie ukranian gf

>a german cleaning lady makes 1000€
>a hungarian college educated programmer makes 622,5€

Inb4 cost of living
>petrol, food, clothing costs more than in germany
>27% sales tax
>german roads are.well maintained
>hungarian roads are pothole shitholes
>cops are too scared to arrest gypsy criminals who rob and kill hungarian even if they do they get 2 years max

Orban wants universities to have 50% foreign (mainly arab and nigger) students

But muh fence haha

Cry all your tears of impotent rage vatnik, this war is all you deserve and it was your own doing

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Furthermore, I believe Russia must be destroyed.

Ceterum autem censeo Vatnikistan esse delendam.

I don’t care about Ukraine I just care they banned saigas and Ukraine isn’t selling is stuff.

>if you're not with the vatniks you must be with the sandniggers!

The responsibility for the war in Ukraine rests solely on the russians and their draconian oppression of the countries in their sphere of influence. By acting like subhuman vermin, the russians forced a popular uprising in Ukraine, to throw out the kreml puppet who robbed Ukraine blind on the behalf of russia.

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It's a job.

Can't you just order them online?

Go to a Ukrainian National Home in your city?

>Orban wants foreign students

source please?

You say that as if Russia is unique in that aspect. And it’s hardly draconian.

introduce me one of those and i will maybe believe you. until then you are just some cocksucking jew in internet to me..

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if these "russians in ukraine" want to live in russia so bad they should just move there.


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sure. if the ukrainians want so much to live with the west they should just move there. ukraina was and always be russian soil. you dont like it there you fuck off to your home in israel or jewish london.

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The capital of the Rus people used to be in Kiev, therefore Russians are all Ukrainians and owe their allegiance to Ukraine

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>if the ukrainians want so much to live with the west they should just move there.
They do. 3.2 millions left and up to 9 millions leave the country for a season job.
>if these "russians in ukraine" want to live in russia so bad they should just move there.
They did, around 1 million people moved to Russia as a refuges.

Hohol detected.
Actually, the responsibility for the war in Ukraine rests solely on the stupidity of Ukrainians. From any angle. Who elected "Kremlin puppet"? Ukrainians did. Who wanted to kill Ukrainian economy by trade agreement with EU? Ukrainians did. Who threw out president 6 month before legit elections? Ukrainians did.

How much does being an online propagandist pay in Russia out of curiosity?

they do it for free sadly

Not as much as for Hilary's "internet research", sadly.

Your tears are all the payment I need, Mutt

Never set foot in Hungary have we? If you did you'd know about gypsies.

>guy overthrow government
>"haha it's okay if we invade"
Hitler was right about Russians.