Why have SHTF scenarios become so popular here and in the general public over the last few years?

Why have SHTF scenarios become so popular here and in the general public over the last few years?
Are people tired of modern life and want to get back some simplicity?
Is it a lack of unconquered frontier areas like one user proposed here some days ago?

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People feel like they aren't in control of their lives in the rat race so they resort to these fantasies. They usually overlap with fantasies of violence against whoever you think is oppressing you.

They've been popular ever since the Cold War created the shelter market

Why do you think SHTF is a fantasy? You can feel it in the air

Don't say people say men. I don't know a single woman who longs for anarchy. Current society is very feminized. Humans evolved to live a certain way but our big brains fucked it up. The way men naturally form groups and hierarchies has been subverted by women changing the rules of society to give themselves a better chance to compete for resources(replacing the traditional role of men in their lives with the state). I believe most men can feel how wrong modern life is but everyone deals with that and expresses it differently. Some spend money and dream of it all falling down.

"I'll finally be able to do something besides shitpost and masturbate and stacey will kiss me when I save her from raiders!"

Larpers and try hards who are too scared of doing what they want to do because they don't want to get in trouble. They want to be able to run around shooting people and stealing stuff with no repercussions.

It's mostly morons with power fantasies because they're failing at life at the moment, but they're too lazy/inept to fix themselves so they want something external to fix it for them

Jewish plot to sell more gear

Basically this. When I lived in Irving, I wanted nothing more than for society to break down so I could finally feel alive again. Then I watched The Road and realized shit might actually suck. After that, I did some traveling and fucked bitches in Spain, Belgium, Laos and Vietnam for a while and now my advice to anyone with SHTF fantasies is to get the fuck out of dodge and go live anywhere other than flyover country. Or join the Army or Marines, whatever... just GTFO.

Seriously, nothing makes life more meaningless and meandering and the soul more nihilistic than living in fucking Middle America.

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It seems like people around the world are starting to expect civil wars.
In europe wars will be about independence, religion, ideologies and race.
EU is slowly crumbling and it started multiple years ago but now more and more countries are implementing totalitarian and authoritarian rule under cover of eu control and that is slippery slope to conflict between government and people.

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I'd somewhat agree with this user. Men in middle America can see their way of life disappearing and resort to burn it all down fantasies to make themselves more relevant.

The other path is to accept that change is inevitable and to find your own definition of happiness. Or move somewhere else and hate things there too.

>It seems like people around the world are starting to expect civil wars.

This is nothing new, grounded or realistic. Just more wishful thinking from manchildren.

>nothing grounded

As a kid people are excited about it because it's a power-fantasy element of fiction

As a grown-up people are excited about it because they're unhappy but fundamentally inept to fix it themselves. The same kind of people who think joining the military would make them a "real man"

Because in this social media society we can't say our grievances without a mob of busy bodies butting in with their dog shit opinions and mindless activism. Since we can't just go back to the time before the internet without something bad happening we fantasies about that bad happening.

Might be but when there is enough of those manchildren something might just start to happen.
It has happened before and it will happen in again.
We must do mistakes to build better from nothing.

sauce on image?

Nice spacing plebbit.

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I like how this was pretty much a perfect summary and people are unironically proving it in this thread

>$5 has been deposited in your shareblue account

This is a perfect pic for

If there is a picture to sum up the late teens it will be that one.

I just want to live a simple life with a horse wife.

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It's about the most dream level of marketing you could ever wish for, people will spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on what is essentially roleplay investment.

People buying knives who never sharpen them, Backpacks being sold to people who've never hiked. Armor being sold to people who've never even heard a gunshot outside of a range. The pressure is never on the customer to use it, because it's "prepping", so there's never a sense of fulfilment beyond doing anything with these items than owning them.

It's an entire industry geared around selling expensive equipment that is very rarely used for anything other than living in a desk drawer.

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But prepping is not mainstream, it's a smaller niche than all the things it is related to and it's not spawned by mainstream culture.

Thanks, bud. :)

>anywhere but flyover county
Funny user but that's where I lost you, I've lived on the east coast, the west coast, the south and the midwest and I can tell you right now that the "flyover" states have a much more meaningful lifestyle unless you are poor and in a city.


gimme dat horsepuss

The only reason society is "feminized" is because men made it so. Men funded and started most of the women's suffrage movements, men helped women fund thier 2nd and 3rd wave feminism, men promoted women in the workforce and men are weak enough to take their shit with no rebuke.

I am starting to thing that as women always project and also bitch about muh Patriarchy. That there is a shadowy cabal of women organizing the biggest shit test in history, a shit test men have long failed.

Nothing there changes anything I said. It's still a multi-BILLION dollar industry

DESU the road seemed really comfy

Almost no people and camping erryday sounds like a vacation

t. guy who likes to wrap himself in a tarp and sleep in snow banks for fun

It's wonderful how these always drag the incels out of the woodwork with their "mom will finally stop asking me to get a job" attitudes

There is most likely much more survivalists than preppers.
Survivalists aren't exactly as easy to recognize as preppers and many people are already "survivalists" even without knowing it.
Many of the more hardcore hunters are survivalists without the word survivalist.

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I doubt that. Since a lot of "prepping products" are also used by non preppers so the numbers are heavily inflated.

Depends on the relationships I guess.

Where have I expressed a hatred of women or inability to get laid?
My post is specifically about men being shite not women.
Or what did your white knight alarm get sparked off?

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This is from 2013.

You are just adding buzzwords at this point.
Not everybody who stockpiles ammo is a prepper or "survivalist", they could just be taking advantage of deals or buying in bulk.
Not everybody that purchases MRE's or stores food is a prepper or "survivalist", they could again be taking advantage of bulk, go on camping trips or live in areas that experience regular wrath of nature like Hurricanes or Snow Storms.

Is there a guy with a megaphone talking to a cashier in some sandwich shop?

>W...When the apocalypse comes girls will stop being mean to me!

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But you get the point.
There is much more people with the equipment and skill than just those who identify as survivalists.
Prepper like behaviour when not being one seems much more sparse among people who don't identify as one, maybe you find some among hoarders.

>There is much more people with the equipment and skill
Because that equipment and skill has other uses outside of just pure survival. That's the general gist of it. Anyone going in the whole survival of the fittest mentality before the bombs have dropped is not quite right in the head or have a very gullible and superstitious spouse and as such making it easier to get them to accept such ridiculous spending.

>Because that equipment and skill has other uses outside of just pure survival.
Well I have never been good at expressing what my words mean.
I think that practicing survival skill and getting needed equipment for said hobby is good thing but going full survivalist is just retarded.

I am borderline survivalist because I find those skills useful but I am not in hurry learning everything because of "some world ending scenario".

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>reads ISAIF once

>be me
>launching up wargame for the first time
>playing weird tutorial
>flank with my armor
>They catch enemy by surprise
>armor still gets btfo
>haven't touched it since because I'm so buttblasted
what do I do?

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Don't be a scrub and play multiplayer.

Lawls. You must be a woman. Only women think everything a man does is about their relationships with women.

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>sandwich shop?
Starschmucks after the cops were called on the two black men for just being in the place and not ordering coffee

I just want to be able to trade a can of baked beans for some wild jungle sex with a Victoria’s Secret model. Is that too much to ask?

>Victoria’s Secret model.
god I wish that were me

>Men funded and started most of the women's suffrage movements, men helped women fund thier 2nd and 3rd wave feminism, men promoted women in the workforce and men are weak enough to take their shit with no rebuke.
Jewish men

No idea comrade, saw it on a horse thread on /an/

>last few years
It was far more popular in 2008 leading up to obama

>leading up to obama
and the subsequent time after, remember shows like DoomsDay Preppers who swore Obama was going to crown himself king?

Women are just as attracted to the post apocalyptic scenario as men, however more notably in younger generations I would say. The rise of this genre in media has been fueled largely by books for young adults and their overwhelming focus on dystopian / apocalyptic settings.

I think younger generations are feeling a huge sense of impending doom and lack of control, and that's reflected in the media they consume and the politics they identify with.

Once I escaped my suburban hellscape home on the coast and moved to Appalachia running traplines out of a cave I realized nihilistic hedonism is simply hollowing. Live every day like s has already htf and life is good.

The popularity of SHTF LARPing is nothing compared to what it was between 05' and 09'.

what people think:
>I will have a cathartic fight against people I hate and will be able to kill them without consequence or reprisal! Life is exciting again and you finally get to unleash the masculine action hero within that youve always known you had!

What will actually happen:
>Saftey, comfort, and security degrades while quality of life plummets, every single day is a soul crushing monotony of struggling to provide even the most basic necessities. Life is actually more boring and unfulfilling before except for brief bouts of pants shitting terror when responding to new disasters like your kid having pnemonia or discovering somebody has been watching your house.

>nothing makes life more meaningless and meandering and the soul more nihilistic than living in fucking Middle America.
>Middle America

You're describing the coasts and major population centers. It's amazing that small "fly over" towns despite having lower income and less materialistic shit than the coasts/cities manage to have larger senses of community.

If SHTF I'd rather be in a farming town of 2000 than a metro area of 200,000.

This, its about catharsis. Every day you just have to take shit you dont agree with on the chin. You very rareley get to fight back and settle the accounts. People adopt power fantasies where life becomes simple and every situation is resolved immiediatley in thier favor through violence.

Of course, in real SHTF scenarios catharsis won't be any more common than now, and even when it happens will be something that you wished you never got. Standard of living will be piss poor, saftey will be non existent, life will be even more hopeless and monotonous and catharsis will be something you avoid because who the hell really wants to be getting into gunfights every single day (other than in the fantasies of people who haven't been in one).

If you want to really know what SHTF will be like read up survivors accounts from the holodomor or the siege of leningrad. Real SHTF is not fun for anybody.

There's nothing in modern history that comes close to a shtf scenario like people fantasize about. I think it is popular because most people now are not self sufficient and it makes them feel good imagining that they will be in a superior position in the fantastical post civilization world.

>save stacy
>not killing the raiders so you don't have to share

Lol. Stacey will be going straight from the raiders' rape dungeon into mine, regardless of her willingness to kiss.

Nah man. I've lived on both coasts and overseas.
flyover states are the best. People on the coasts are rotten, conceded, living on top of each other like rats in cages. It's not worth the stress and emotional/financial drain to try and live in those festering pits they call cities.


IDK dude i recently moved to rural OK, shits weird man. Meth and other hard drugs are everywhere, people just work fast food jobs or try as hard a possible to not work at all. White trash is real and depressing.

Make this a pasta, Jow Forums. Seriously though, this board scares me a little. It’s one of the most on-topic and low in shitposts despite being a fairly active board, yet lots of people seem to advocate for dangerous ideology like anarchy or fascism on here, and I don’t know how much is roleplay.

here ya go

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>Seriously though, this board scares me a little. It’s one of the most on-topic and low in shitposts despite being a fairly active board, yet lots of people seem to advocate for dangerous ideology like anarchy or fascism on here, and I don’t know how much is roleplay.
This is an anonymous image board primarily populated by men with a deep interest in history, warfare, weapons, and the outdoors. Most of these men are in their early 20s to late 30s and have been demonized by a significant chunk of the global population as vicious, deranged, monsters because they own firearms. It doesn't help that a handful have legitimate issues with social interaction which is why they are on Jow Forums, the internationally known asshole of the internet, in the first place. Yet you're surprised that a few of the men that post on Jow Forums may have some unorthodox views on politics and societal issues we encounter in the modern world. How fucking new are you?

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I did a lot of time in 3rd world countries where shit has already hit the fan. Its worse than anybody thinks in all the ways you don't think of and most of the shit people prep for is stuff that will end up not mattering.

>Not killing all men on sight so you can sit on a mountain of loot over your rape dungeon


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If people understood what "SHTF" really means they wouldn't be glamorizing it so much. Look into Serbia or Yemen and ask yourself if that's what you want for your life.

"SHTF" won't be you killing commies and saving the day with your AR, it will be next door neighbors kicking down eachothers door and killing their families at 5am in the morning. it will mean polluted water for years, no food, no shelter, half your family dead and pretty much a 0% chance of survival for the larpers.

If you fantasize about shooting people there are people fantasizing about shooting you as well. I'm not talking about basedbean commies either.

You might think you are pretty based and redpilled, but how much of your life have you dedicated to our lord and savior jesus christ? how many sins have you committed? well there are tons of people who think you deserve to die for your lack of piety.

You might live in a small town and 'h8 niggers' but how loyal are you to the white race? what about that mexican girl you fucked in the motel 6 after the gun show in 2014? A lot of people think you deserve to die for that.

SHTF means the shittiest and worst political ideologies rise to the top and guess what? ALL of them want to take the guns after they seize power, they want to be the only ones with guns.

It's the one thing commies, nazis and churchfags have in common.

SHTF kits only make sense for natural disasters or heavy rioting at least if you're going to call it a SHTF kit. If you're preparing for anything other than that then just call it an innawoods kit.

Why is it so popular? people have disposable income, popularized on TV, people like to LARP as survival experts and it makes their personality less 2D.

This x 2

because Jow Forums

this is why you remain loyal to the US and join up with people who want the US back. there is no other rational option unless you're an extremist and think freedom is irrational.

Realistically one guy (not you) will shoot two nazis (hopefully not you), say THIS IS WHY WE NEED GUNS, and then the nazis will fuck off for a week and become sandnigger tier terrorists that blow themselves up before you can shoot them.

Ive been to a few places suffering civil unrest. It usually goes something like this:
>20 or 30 brave patriotic (and heavily armed) rebels arrive outside your doorstep.
>They are here to protect you from the evil corrupt government and defend your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
>as such they will be commandeering your car, your generator, and any other such sundries they might require.
>If you don't understand, they will accuse you of being a loyalist bootlicker, beat the shit out of you, and take it anyways.

A few weeks of heavy shelling and intense gunfighting later:

>20 or 30 brave patriotic (and heavily armed) government soldiers arrive outside your doorstep.
>They are here to protect you from the evil corrupt rebel scum and defend your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
>as such they will be commandeering your car, your generator, and any other such sundries they might require.
>When you explain that you don't have these things anymore, they accuse you of being a rebel bootlicker, beat the shit out of you, and take whatever else you have left out of spite.

The myth of the brave patriotic and noble anything is just that, a myth. End of the day neither side gives half a fuck about you beyond what you can provide for them at gunpoint. Your options in a real civil war are:
1: Get fucked over
2: get fucked over and die
3: Abandon most of your posessions, wealth, way of life and sense of identity to run somewhere that this conflict isn't happening.

That's the PG version, here is what really happens

>20 or 30 brave patriotic (and heavily armed) rebels arrive outside your doorstep.
>They are here to protect you from the evil corrupt government and defend your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
>as such they will be commandeering your guns, your car, your generator, your guns, and any other such sundries they might require. Oh yeah they'll take your guns too.
>If you don't understand, they will accuse you of being a loyalist bootlicker, kill you and your entire family and take it anyways
>20 or 30 brave patriotic (and heavily armed) government soldiers arrive outside your doorstep.
>your neighbor told them that you gave your car and your generator to the filthy rebels
>they kill your entire family and take you prisoner
>they take your neighbor too because they found dissenting literature in his house
>you both are blindfolded and shot in the back of the head.
>they shell your entire village for siding with the rebels

SHTF = Getting tread on like you have never been tread on before.

This would explain the uptick in hunting by single 20-30 year old males in my area

Get your ass to the US army flying the flag of the republic
Volunteer if you are of fighting age
Yes you may have my car
Cross your fingers and hope the drone strike memes hold true
Be one of the first to do this because sooner or later people will use it as a cover for suicide bombings and other assaults

Yeah, no shit.

t. 24 year old male who is horrified by his dating prospects

Not exactly a reply to OPs question but I've been through a mild SHTF scenario, a cat-5 hurricane that struck my smallish hometown. Power was out for two weeks in my area, and about a month and a half for the whole town (we lived near a hospital, so that grid was priority). Travel in the city was near impossible for a bit because there were so many fallen trees and power lines. Gasoline was non-existent for weeks because no fuel trucks could get into town. Store shelves were empty for about a week and even once they started getting stock, stores has to ration exactly how many goods you could buy for a short while. Store shelves still would go empty in a day.

Looters were there but mostly just opportunistic thieves; they were going after high value items like gasoline and generators mostly but, also broke into luxury stores (jewelry, pawn shops, furniture, electronics, car dealerships, etc).

Didn't matter much anyway, the Army showed up within about 2-3 days and was out in force within the week. There was a curfew. and humvees with .50-cals became a common sight for a few weeks.

I was still living with family so I got to get in food line and grab MREs at 6:00am from the Army's temporary depot. Honestly, the worst part was all the yard-work but after a while, it was rather relaxing to just go out with a chainsaw and slice up debris, clean up leaves and help out the neighbors where they needed it.

Honestly, I think every community could use a SHTF situation once in a while, it brought our community together as people helped each other and got to know folks they'd seen around town but never gotten to talk to. Hell, it was around that time that I started to lose interest in animu and vidya and started buckling down on life.

mfw I made myself nostalgic for a natural disaster...

Start going to a small-medium sized protestant church regularly (even if you don't believe) and get involved. You'll get introduced/have opportunities to socialize with non Tinder/Bumble-tier chicks and maybe luck out.

That’s not reddit spacing, newfag.

some men just want to watch the world burn

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Not that user, but yes it is.

>comfy post apocalypse days with Ellie
a man can dream of such things

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Yeah, I'm in rural tharabouts as well. The recent talk on this board and by ferfal about how "cities are safer than rural areas in shtf" really made me stop and think...

Now I'm thinking of moving back to the city or more like commadating (what's that word for militarily take over/conquest?) a comfy suburban McMansion.

It's a clensing kind of fire.

/DOOMER/ general?

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>or live in areas that experience regular wrath of nature like Hurricanes or Snow Storms.

Which would make them preppers if they’re taking a proactive stance toward potential future difficulties. Prepping is not the purview of some weird micro-demographic tucked into some backwater of the mainstream. Anybody who has a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, or spare tire for their vehicle is a prepper.

mid 30s doomer holding steady
if im lucky the big one will happen and ill get 2 beaches!

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Holy fuck this is me, except i do have conservitive values with some liberal sprinkles.

It's a power fantasy, little more, little less.
People don't fantasize about realistic SHTF situations where they have to become a member of a community, probably doing some menial labour like helping clear rubble, or fuck off into the woods and die because they've never been in the woods before in their lives. They picture some serious S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-tier shit where they're some ninja running badass killing all the jocks that used to give them wedgies and fucking 11/10 girls who are so grateful that they saved them from being eaten by a 20' mutant with nothing but a pocket knife.

>nazis and churchfags rise to power
Damn this sounds like a blast senpai

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I think your post is a power fantasy.

Well, I have a can of baked beans if you’re reasonably passable.