Be Georgia police

> Be Georgia police
> Respond to a call for a shooting at the mall
> Kill the cop's 21-year-old kid with a CCL license who never fired a shot
> Let the guy who shot another 18 year old and a 12 year old girl in the spine get away
So, have you ordered that CCL sash yet?

Attached: georgia-weapons-license.jpg (290x191, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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I only draw my weapon when I am going to use it. It cannot be reholstered until it has tasted blood

>be in Georgia
mistake number 1

>hear gunfire
>draw your ccw
>get shot by police


>have argument with some Lefty friends about carry laws
>they tell me its a nightmare for law enforcement
>I tell them I haven't heard that in academy or from my family in LE
>This shit happens the next day

>Family members said he served in the U.S. Army, although an Army spokesman told CNN he did not serve.

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Admittedly, it's less of an issue for white people than it is Hispanics or black dudes. Sucks, but if it has to be that way, I'd rather be on the advantaged side.

it's because the guy was black and carrying a gun, not because he was carrying a gun

>it's because the guy was black and carrying a gun, not because he was carrying a gun
Was it his fault for carrying a gun?
This nig had a phone

petition to replace cops with private security personnel who only defend the property of the people hiring them

Haven't there been like 3 innocent black people shot by police in recent memory? The guy in his apartment, the one who held down the shooter, this one
Probably others but its kinda amusing they don't get the same press as say trayvon or some other really high profile cases

Cops are fucking pussies who are terrified of people outside their race.

Emphasis on carrying
As in the weapon was in his hand
If cops come up to a shooting, and see someone with a gun in their hand, they're more than likely gonna assume they're a threat. It has always been that way and Im not sure why that is hard to understand
Regard >cops are giving me orders
>better ignore them and reach for my pockets
>better have a black handheld object in my hand too
>theyll probably know it's a phone

Cops are killing more people every year. And they are also killing more whites than blacks which isnt talked about.

The police actually said in the report he was reaching behind the air conditioning unit. This person also had a clean record.

I kek'd

>2018: 357
>2017: 128
>2016: 197
>2015: 848
>2014: 634
>2013: 343
>2012: 609
>2011: 173
>2010: 297

Cops also shoot significantly more black people per capita (which makes sense)

Attached: 2nenq7.jpg (889x485, 105K)

A solid 95 percent of Georgians are subhuman

They wouldn't be shot as much if they'd just quit doing crimes and getting caught. Clearly they're horrible at crime, so why keep at it? To pad the statistics is my guess.

Unless if some jackass is recording it for a Worldstar Hip Hop video no one cares.
>848 people shot by cops in 2015
You got a source for that? That looks pretty damn high even if there’s too much trigger happy morons with a badge.

Attached: 6908D890-3DD9-4E46-BEF7-9D593DDC6220.jpg (307x352, 25K)

It was Alabama, not Georgia.

What about when they cooperate and still get shot

>It was Alabama, not Georgia.

Why are you incorrectly implying that I also don't think that about Alabama?

>caring about the chores of the state

The police really did a great job here!
Just imagine if they hadn't been there, Bradford would still be alive and the shooter may have gotten caught.

future crimes prevented

Attached: mel.jpg (445x482, 36K)

Jow Forums's Cyberpunk memes aside, I'm not sure I'm ready for a complete abscence of police prescence yet.

He was involved in a shootout with a rival gang member which tagged a 12 year old girl and when the cops who were stationed at the mall due to nog gang shit everyone pointed at this retarded nigger still brandishing a gun.

Do the math.

*previous nog gang shit

What happened in 2017?

Trump became president.

>reaching behind the air conditioning unit
Could be construed as such. Real weak argument that is more tha likely a poor attempt to cover their tracks but could be argued. Cops have took testimony to much stupider claims
>clean record
What does that have to do with anything, are you saying they shouldve been able to glance at him and go "nah hes a good kid"?
To that extent just because someone has a clean record doesnt mean they cant - and dont - commit crimes

police exist only to enforce the will of the state on its subjects user. They cannot and do not make you safer from anything.

or just imagine if the shooter didn't have a gun to draw because he thinks its a magic problem solving device for any minor inconvenience.

>no source
Also whites suffer from just as much and sometimes more police violence and misconduct. The confusion comes from backs being more likely to be shot by police, because they have a smaller population in comparison to whites, even though the suffer the same level of violence.
Once again liberals get the equality they asked for, then go "actually, we meant special privilege"

Ok retard

so what about shaver you bootlicking nigger?

>sensible thinking means you're bootlicking
Weak rhetoric

Glad persecuting thought/theoretical crimes is fine so long as its blacks.

Daniel Shaver. 100% white dude, unarmed, in his shirt and boxers, who was mown the fuck down by an angry manlet SWAT officer who ordered him to get on his hands and knees and do the twister shuffle toward him, or has your tiny pea brain already forgotten because it was more than a month ago? NIGGER.

>shooting an cooperating citizen is enforcing thought crime because theres a chance they might think about committing a crime at an indiscriminate point in the future
I bet that sounded better in your head

>Army spokesman told CNN he did not serve.
they said he didn't complete training

At least follow the post chain if you are going to reply you dumb nigger.

>all this literal anger because I didnt decipher his shitpost
>couldnt even reply to the write person because hes so mad
Toppest of kek your skin is thin as paper bud
What about him? I dont see how it's relevant to anything I said. Or are you assuming, because I dont lean the same way as you, I must be against you?

I did
Dont be upset because I poked a hole

>write person
Clever and subtle bait. I enjoy this
So he didnt serve, great. Thanks for the reiteration

>thought/theoretical crimes
>theoretical crimes

I'm just upset that illiteracy rates are so high.

police should not have guns. they lack the intelligence to be counted among "the people" who have a right to bear arms. they are actually more similar to chimpanzees.

>law enforcement
"Don't move! Drop your weapon or I will fire!"
>vigilante justice - judge, jury, executioner, and paranoid coward

>only shoot when shot at

>shoot when your feelings tell there's a gun

>the police are justified in preemptively shooting anyone who appears to have a gun

no, they are not. they should have visual confirmation that it is a gun and it is pointed at them. just like anyone else who shoots in self defense. if a man robs you on the street and reaches into his coat and you shoot him, you will be charged with murder. if you have a gold star on your chest you will be charged with administrative leave.

>he wuz a gud boy
>he wuz under a lot of stress
>blue lives matter
>he wuz just tryin not to die
>officer manlet wuz a gud boy

>you will be charged with administrative leave.
that's a high bar, most will just keep working

>they should have visual confirmation that it is a gun
no they don't, police policy on shooting people for thinking the have a gun is pretty loose

I said should, as in what their policy should be.

Jow Forums's bootlicking is really fucking depressing. A police shooting, justified or not, should trigger an automatic murder trial of the officers in question as well as their commanders, and if they are convicted of unjustly shooting someone, it should carry a mandatory death sentence.

>what their policy should be
Why would they? They write their own policy so they keep things as vague and nebulous as need be

>I did
Then why did you respond to the guy whose post agrees with yours, instead of the post he was responding to which would have actually been refuted by your comments?

Careful with that edge there son, sorry your dad’s wife’s other son was killed selling unlicensed pharmaceuticals.

this is a tough reality but if we allow CCW/CHL/CCL, the police need training with this to adapt

>need training
Sounds expensive. Just outlaw CHLs.

I really don’t understand Jow Forums‘s disdain for LE, most LEOs I know are very pro 2nd and most of their uses of force are justified and typically on the criminal underclass of society most people never see or associate with. Its just a gun grabbing, right stomping strawman that doesn’t exist in 99% of the LE community.

I can't speak for Jow Forums, but I have 0 problems with LEOs who can do their jobs without killing someone who didn't commit a capital crime.

are you retarded?

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>be american
>get shot

Attached: relax-we-get-a-day-off-for-this.jpg (1200x828, 71K)

Woah it’s almost like your delusion premise is false and you’re having a hard time coping with the fact that “MORE GUNS = GOOD FOR EVERYBODY” is total horseshit when in practice.

Thank you.
How do you determine who is in the 95% and who is in the 5%
Literacy tests?
Genetics? Politics?

We will probably have Constitutional Carry here in GA after the next legislative session.
No need for a permit unless you leave the State and go to a State with reciprocity.
Some clear ground rules need to be established for citizens and LEO.
My Local Deputies are pretty slow to shoot and the sight of a gun doesn't freak them out.

>PC on backwards
>No unit insignia
>Speaking in deaf-people slang
What an absolute nigger

>t. bootlickers

If you're going to carry a gun you need to be smart. You open yourself up to a ton of liability, legal and civil. Know the law, and know what to expect when any type of critical situation arises. You don't run around with your gun up when emergency responders are sure to arrive and be looking for an armed suspect. You should be able to holster your weapon as quickly as you can draw it.

>>You should be able to holster your weapon as quickly as you can draw it.
[fibular negligent discharges intensify]

I agree with your general idea though.

Self defense is for self defense not the defense of others. That is the job of the police (though technically they don't HAVE to help you). If the police can't do their job then everyone should be able to carry otherwise put more education on police training instead of churning out low-IQ individuals who only graduate high school.

There is no correlation between availability of guns and crime, however as more people CCW, violent crime consistently goes down. Criminals are afraid of someone who might fight back.

Attached: CONCEALED-CARRY-Concealed-Carry-Expansion-and-Violent-Crime-Rates[1].png (1247x888, 184K)

>What happened in 2017?


Even though I carry, the fact that more people do it has next to nothing to do with violent crime rates. Criminals don't study CCW application statistics and pick targets accordingly. The real reason crime is stopping is nigger babies getting aborted thanks to Roe v. Wade plus unleaded gasoline.

>Criminals don't study CCW application statistics
No shit, they just don't commit the crimes when they think they might get fucking smoked. Crimeniggers avoid houses where they think people are armed.
>Source: Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms, James Wright and Peter Rossi, Aldine, 1986
74% of crimeniggers agree: "One reason burglars avoid houses when people are at home is that they fear being shot during the crime."
>Source: The Armed Criminal in America: A Survey of Incarcerated Felons, U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics Federal Firearms Offenders study, 1997: National Institute of Justice, Research Report, July 1985, Department of Justice

What kind of name is Emantic?

I agree with the former but not the latter. Cops will shoot first and ask questions later precisely because they're pussies.

>shooting occurs
>uninvolved nigger pulls gun out of waistband and takes off running
>cops shoot him
Well, what the fuck did he think was going to happen?

What does half of Jow Forums think will happen when they pull their 9? They finally get to be a hero/race warrior.
What would actually happen? OP related.

Attached: shootings by year.png (977x638, 22K)

>What kind of name is Emantic?
Who cares? names are nothing but sEmantics.

I see you too read that one part of one of the Halo books

>>only shoot when shot at
yeah you never served

Just tell them CCW is a responsibility some are willing to accept. It doesn’t make anyone a cop and in fact the liability is much greater. For example, shooting a black guy is not a legit legal defense for a CCW permit holder but it is for a cop.