Anyone else remeber this ginger apex predator from doomsday preppers when they did a 'marauder' episode talking about...

Anyone else remeber this ginger apex predator from doomsday preppers when they did a 'marauder' episode talking about how he was planning on taking peoples stuff with his homemade suit of armor. The whole time I watched I just kept thinking "This guy got the idea for the suit by asking Jow Forums "

Attached: Tyler-Smith-Doomsday-Prepper.png (615x345, 253K)

Other urls found in this thread:

pic of suit

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Yeah but there was a thread on /b/ several years ago, that's where he got the idea from. Not Jow Forums .

other pic of suit

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The only thing he'd use that suit to take is another plate of food at Golden corral

When he had his son or whoever shoot him in the chest to test it. Straight baller.

Get lost Tyler

Its edutainment, so it was undoubtedly fake.

Fucking kek

That guy was a felon and got his shit taken from him after the airing

Oh my fuck, that's hilarious. Imagine feeling like a total badass on national TV with this shit you made, and all the stuff you said, and immediately after, it's all gone. This made my night.

Felon on what conviction? I'm guessing wife beating or sex offenses.

my understanding is theft and he is also a sex offender for touching a 14 year old girl

Imagine how many more 14 year olds he would touch if shit actually hit the fan.

At least they'd be alive.
Unless he was also into necrophilia. Then they're shit out of luck.

Fun fact: ALL of the preppers seen on doomsday preppers are sourced from Jow Forums

I work as a jailer, and I dont know why, but I have developed a sort of pedo-radar. Works on wife beaters too for some reason. Not trying to be edgy, but I can glance at a guy and just go "yup. beats his wife" or "fondles kids."

I dont know if its me subconsciously picking up on common mannerisms or micro body language but about 8 times out of 10 I open up thier records and sure enough, Im right.

addendum, it gets really bad when im in social situations and the pedo/wife puncher itch starts tingling with some body im supposed to be friendly to.

Congratulations. You are a good man. And your occupation has sharpened you instead of desensitizing you.

wonder if he'd guess you fancy anime boys

Based. What trip does castle boy post under and how can I talk him into letting me breed his daughters?

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And there was that one near Seattle with the pregnant teen GF who was arrested for statutory rape, he was gonna be a raider as well

I work not far from your home turf in montana btw, we've spoken before.

trick question, only he gets to breed his daughters.

He got arrested as a pedo felon with a gun

Stupid fucker

I'd wager that all he's picking up on is a mixture of insecurity and domineering behaviors. It's not really an indicator of domestic abuse or pedophilia, but is a behavioral pattern within certain kinds of domestic abusers and pedophiles.

Nah, pedophiles have a type. A face. It's nearly the same look as autism, most likely because pedophilia is some sort of variant on autism.

All men desire youth. Youth is beauty. Youthful looks in women are good. But social conditioning doesn't make that progress to an interest in youthful adult women, because they have an autist's resistance to it. I'd wager that most autists have a little pedo streak in them.
>inb4 what evidence
When they did a study on it, 2/3s of men were involuntarily aroused by non-nude child models. Attraction to them is heavily repressed by social conditioning and ethics. It's like someone wanting to fuck their sister because reverse imprinting doesn't work on them (another autist thing)

When he was in jail for beating his wife?

Maybe. Im not particularly well educated, but based on my observations pedos and wife beaters are insecure people, often low IQ, low income, egotistical despite this, and into dominance and power. Because they are weak, poor, and stupid thier victims have to be from a vulnerable class of individual that can't stand up for themselves. So they tend to be women or children.

Obviously youve got your psychopaths and what not, but I work a rural area and those are few and far between. The large majority of pedos and wife beaters I deal with are easily simplified as egocentric, poor, dumb, and weak.

An interesting phenomenon is the psychological methods they use to support the egotism. MGTOW uses the term hamstering to describe when a woman cheats on her man but convinces herself its not really the same as cheating because he didnt treat her like a queen or some such bullshit.

chomos and wife beaters always seem to have some pre-prepared excuse that makes them "not like the OTHER guys who do that shit" and thus immune to guilt.

naw, in relations to mundane shit.

Holy fuck I know what you mean
I get that same vibe about people.
There’s this YouTube prepper guy that I fucking guarantee is a diddler

So what you're saying is that you didn't talk to him when he was in jail for beating his wife? Not even to say hi?

Sounds pretty rude, desu.
Even jailers should afford their acquaintances basic social graces

well, the thing is that doomsday preppers tend to also demonstrate a lot of those same traits. They get thier sense of control and power from preparing for an imagined threat and feed thier egocentrism by imagining that the societey that they don't fit into will someday burn for rejecting them.

People with the same borderline personality traits may choose different coping methods that don't involve diddling kids. But yeah. Guy gives me the creeps.

To be fair I don't talk to tripfags if I can avoid it too regardless of the situation.

>imagined threat

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she is really stocking up on them calories

That can't be right. I don't remember them ever showing any dragon dildoes.

kek, you were in my thread on Jow Forums last night huh?

hilarious find m8, fellas at work had major laughs, cheers

Very much so. I live in montana, I have met every flavor of survivalist, militia, and doomsday cult there is. Many of them are preparing for imagined threats while very real and present dangers creep up on them unnoticed. The problem with fanaticism is inflexibility and false confidence. Theres people preparing for wierd crazy shit that is frankly delusional, and they've become so dogmatic in thier preperations that theyve failed to consider far more likley outcomes. When a real disaster kicks off they won't be any more well prepared than any average joe.

I've been around since 2007, I don't start threads often but when I do I make it worth it. Glad yall had some keks at this landwhale's expense.

That was a lot to type to say absolutely nothing.

Nice blog post

this is a good video but i think he'd be better off using corncob tumbling

That’s just logical, user.
Tripfags deserve no respect

Ill just ask you to read this.

>He should do corncob tumbling
With the brass, or the children?

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>i saved so much money lmao
>hours upon hours of labor, probably enough to buy ten times as much ammo as he reloaded
whatever he is, he's also too dumb to know what opportunity cost is. maybe he's just a bit dumb.

Frankly, I never had to work that hard or spend that much on reloading. I got my reloading press and a bunch of dies for free as payment for splitting firewood. I got my powder by scrounging flea markets and gun shows. I only buy the bullets and the primers. I get my brass by heading out innawoods to popular shooting areas.

I can press out 1,000 rounds in a dedicated evening and maybe pay a penny a piece for them.

brass obviously

>I only pay for primers and bullets
>I pay maybe a penny a piece
Plz share sauce on sub-penny primers and bullets.
Best I can do is cast and powdercoat bullets from scrap lead for almost free, but best primer price I have ever found is when Cabelas has S&B primers on sale for $20/1000, then I buy enough to get free shipping. I buy powder in 8lb jugs when I can get free shipping. Even at that, I’m lucky to still be around $0.10/round for 223 and 300BLK



I mean, so long as those Zombie preppers still stockpile food, water, and keep reasonable amount of ammunition I don't see why they won't be more prepared than the average Joe.

Was that the retard that thought he could fight off attackers with bows and ended up getting his shit stomped by a dude with a paintball gun?

>calls others crazy
>goes to "end of the world" orgy because of a presidential election
I want off this ride.

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>tfw have 1 year of food stores on me at all times

I pick most of my stuff up used honestly. I buy stuff from people who got all gung ho about reloading then gave it up, or people who died and thier family doesnt want it. Buying stuff used on the internet or at estate sales is a great way to get things dirt cheap.

meth goldblum was absolutely terrific in that

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There wasn't a single person on Jow Forums who wasn't shitting on his retarded bathroom tile """armour""" when that shit came out, you can buy a decent carrier and plates for under $500.

Based and Busterpilled

>goes to an orgy
>it's mostly sex workers
Either way you cut it, it's kinda sad.

The only good part of that show was the daughters.

Mother fucker claimed he spent a million flat building just the shell of his castle. Literally how?

Said his time in the military gave him the skills and knowledge. Was an "infantry training officer". All that means is he wasn't fit to lead real troops and ended up being a company XO at a basic training site.

Confirmation bias. I guarantee you you haven't been right 8 out of 10 times, you just only remember the times you have been right. Memory's a strange thing, it really can play tricks on you.
It's the same with cops thinking they have lie detectors in their heads. Any cop you speak to who's been on the job for a few years is absolutely convinced they have a 80% effective lie detector, but when tested in lab conditions, they are always slightly less efficient than flipping a coin to determine truth and lies.
The only time you can actually detect a lie with any real degree of certainty is if you can cross examine someone and compare their answers to previous ones and find things that don't fit, and then start pulling on those strings.
This is the kind of shit people training to be cops or warders need to be made aware of. I'm not criticising you, btw user, I'm just trying to correct a very common perception in law enforcement that is unfortunately exacerbated by television and movies. Perp radars don't exist. Absolutely anyone can commit a crime for just about any reason.

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>The only time you can actually detect a lie with any real degree of certainty is if you can cross examine someone and compare their answers to previous ones and find things that don't fit, and then start pulling on those strings.
Oh yes, additional, and even then sometimes they're just frightened or flustered or stupid. Once interviewed a guy who lied about going to the shops for some reason and almost went to jail because for some reason he didn't want us to know he'd gone to pick up some bread and cheese.

Couldn't make it past the Election Orgy I was cringing too hard

All of the stuff on her personal life reads like humblebragging.

Sounds wrong. What real prepper would reveal his cache on TV? "Hey guys, remember my face, I have lot of stuff that will be valuable when the law loses its power and incidentally I am dense as plutonium"?

using a cold steel irish blackthorn walking stick.
Aye and Begorrah she's gonna break it

La creatura el americano
Mon dieu....

its like she has an asss in front of her

I don't know what's worse, the everything or the icp shirt.

It was his cousin, and it was bird shot at like a 5° angle

And homosexuals, minorities and his own nieces and nephews (which he's in denial about)

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>not having integral blubber-faulds and lard-tassets

They're evolving into living battering rams, all they need is a ramp or a hill to run down.

>his son or whoever
>It was his cousin

I think you're both right.