Want to buy a gun

>Want to buy a gun
>don't want to spend the money I have
what do?

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Buy a used Cap and Ball revolver.
It's fun, it's cheap, it's a big iron.

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You should probably go fuck yourself and save more money

get a job

>want expensive hobby
>for free

Only spend a little bit of the money you have. You can get pocket .380s like a Taurus Spectrum for like $140 after a rebate at some stores, or find a Moonman 88 shotgun for like $180-200.

Or go buy the cheapest shit gun you can find at a pawn shop.

Buy a gun, use it to rob a liquor store, then you can have both.

Poor people should not be allowed to have guns.


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Anyone got that post by Florida user that blew a guy for a glock?

That's pretty good pay for just 1 BJ

Buy a Heritage Rough Rider, a brick of .22LR ammunition, and a packet of foam earplugs.
Then buy some packs of soda cans, drink them or not.
You probably won't break $200

Make sure you Observe The Four Rules, and then go plink out on some gov't land. Don't leave a mess after yourself, pick up the cans you shot and maybe shoot on a tarp to not leave so many casings.

Attached: Heritage Rough Rider .22LR, 3'' Barrel.jpg (600x364, 77K)


Attached: Glock 40 X2.jpg (5312x2988, 2.51M)

Turned out it was a Glock of the "problem solver" variety.

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Get out of here you neet faggot, Jow Forums is a working man's board.
>Also rich kids who use their parents credit card

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never seen that glock before

I hope your parents disown you and you die on the street you non-contributing parasite

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Buy Mosin rifle or Nagant Revolver, lol

Nuggets aren't dirt cheap anymore, you can get a much better Ruger or Savage bolt-gun for the same money.

The handnugget is nothing but unbridled garbage.

A lot of our tax money is used to pay for freeloaders. Hypothetically, less freeloaders, less taxes

>he thinks taxes will ever go down
nah the democrats will be in power soon and they will come up with new programs

I didn't say anything about paying taxes you brain dead nigger, I told you faggots to work for you food. Withholding your taxes from the gubblement is a time honored tradition but one that also comes with earning an income and not being a leech.
You still are not contributing to society in anyway and should be shot in front of your families who I'm sure would be thankful.

youre immature and its evident cant think things through, let alone own a gun.

why would I seriously?
say that to my face punk.

Oh absolutely.

That's why I added the hypothetically.

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ok so what you're saying is that there is no real reason to stop
ok thanks

Dude, just steal your mom's credit card, make a large cash advance from an ATM, then throw it away. Use said cash to buy a gun off armslist
Absolutely nothing in this plan could go wrong and come back to bite you in the ass in any way