They have also been implicated in several Kremlin-sponsored covert operations in eastern Ukraine and in the Russian...

>They have also been implicated in several Kremlin-sponsored covert operations in eastern Ukraine and in the Russian takeover of Crimea. And they were suspected of being involved in the assassination of Milo Djukanovic, the president of Montenegro. The assassination is now seen as an attempt to derail the country's entry into NATO.

>Are the Night Wolves the spearpoint of the Kremlin's new arsenal for non-conventional warfare or a motorcycle club with paramilitary delusions?

>The answer is, a little bit of both. They certainly play a role in promoting the Kremlin's view of the world and in justifying Moscow's actions. Under the guise of "youth patriotic education," they articulate a narrative that mirrors the Kremlin's view of the West. Such activities would take place, however, regardless of the existence of the Night Wolves.

Found this kind of interesting, had no idea this was a thing.

Attached: nightWolves.png (1023x575, 953K)

Other urls found in this thread:'

If you liked that you'll like this

Good read.

>Members of the Night Wolves motorcycle club arrive to lay a wreath at the Soviet World War II memorial in Treptow park to commemorate the 71st anniversary of the victory of the Soviet Red Army over Nazi Germany on May 9, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

based and redpilled

Attached: IMG_0713.jpg (621x414, 71K)

Turning the angry young men into a paramilitary force loyal only to the leader, as opposed to police and military which may have silly ideas about "law and order" or "the good of the country" is pretty common. Sometimes called the "thug caste", the SA are the usual example. So it isn't exactly uprising that Putin would do such. In the US the easiest way to go about it would probably be to start getting popular with the various far-right militia groups.

No such thing.

Can you think of other modern examples in countries that make a good attempt at looking democratic? Not questioning, genuinely curious.

>No such thing.

If you are referring to your education, obviously that's true. Also, don't forget that the country that became "Russia" was founded in Kiev.

Sickening. Putin has his own army of racist nazi bikers and nobody cares. Fucking fascists flying the hammer and sickle! Stalin was a homophobic bigot and that wasn't even real communism. Do you get it yet, sweetie?

The Rus was founded in Novgorod (which later conquered Kiev from the Khazars), imbecile.

There aren't a lot of things more lame than a biker gang loyal to the highest state.

God I'm so happy we have a giant-ass ocean/inhospitable ice hellscape between us and these steppe ogre abhumans

Don't want to waste words on you. I know you won't read, but here are proofs:

>The modern nations of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine all claim Kievan Rus' as their cultural ancestors,[6] with Belarus and Russia deriving their names from it.'

No such nations.
>kievan rus
No such thing, it's a 19th century historiographical term.

>kievan rus
>No such thing, it's a 19th century historiographical term.

>Historiography is the study of the methods of historians

>"Kievan Rus"
>"A term describing the study of history or historians

Oh man, you really need to get on that education thing as I pointed out earlier.

>what is reading comprehension
You fucking retard.

Why are you tards always letting Russians troll the fuck out of you?
I know Jow Forums has a lot of dumb boomers but this is no excuse to be so easily baited
t. Russian

Ukraine gonna be nasha soon

>can't look up the definition of a word
>gets mad

>biker gangs that actually do anything.

too bad it's all jewish neocon propaganda and retards like you easily fall for it.

The absolute state of cuckmany

>can't read
>talks shit