Post your NFA shit, legal or not. Timestamp preferred.
NFA thread
>le epic ATF troll xDDD
Please at least try next time OP. I'm not mad, just disappointed.
gay and retarded
Fuck it, this is my favorite NFA item cause it turned out exactly the way I wanted it to. I built it from parts collected over the course of a year.
Waiting for the tax stamp sucked, but it's a helluva lot of fun at the range. Jesus this board used to be fun.
Glow more ATF NIGGER!
Looks too nice to be a mini draco. What is it?
still waiting for the tax stamp back on this. It'll have a dong on it too when its all done
>waiting on the stamp
>has a stock on already
its a yugo pap
look closely
I still don't get it
No, it's a parts build. I bought pieces as they became through multiple sources (k-var, AoA, Apex) over the course of a year . This was around 2014, so the market was all fucked up. The barrel is a Yugo M92 that I had turned down to Krink spec then nitrided, the underfolder is Polish, the grip is Russian etc.
I didn't build it till I got my stamp cause I'm not an idiot. I wanted it to be as close to the AKMSU thats in the Enfield museum cause I absolutely loved that gun.
I did do an M92 out of a virgin parts kit as well, but it was such a pain in the ass since I fucked up the parkerizing initially.
the stocks not even attached to the gun
my only NFA toy at the moment, Ti-Rant 45
My nigga love me some romer g switches
Im getting there. Transfer completes in may / june.
I'm so jealous.
9mm is quieter.
>giving the government $3600 extra
its OK, I'm over $4000 now.
One of my SBR's.
My wife wants to buy me a suppressor for Christmas. What's a good 7.62 can for around $800 that doesn't have overpriced QD mounts? I have 6 guns I want to use it on and $700 in mounts is crazy...
Deadair Sandman S or L
and it's super quiet on my 92
My suppressed 300 Blackout SBRA
How do you use the sights when the can is taller than them?
My Retro-esque SBR
was curious, is the crack of the sound barrier really even that bad? hi, I'm newguns, I shoot a .45 which is subsonic but it still seems loud as fuck. what's the deal? it doesn't seem like there's that much difference.
Yes. Not God awful, but very uncomfy.
Aim through the can. Duh.
This ^
Yes it's a little loud but you can always use subsonic 9mm then it's nice and quiet
I've been waiting 230 days (since check cashed) on my form 4. I called Tuesday and they said it hasn't even been assigned an examiner yet. Wtf is going on I see everyone else getting their stamps approved in 190 days.
you want the serial number, address, social security, and credit card number too?
what the fuck is even the point of SBR when AR pistols exist. it's not like 223 even needs a stock. if you can't shoot it without shouldering your a pussy.
welcome to the fbi black hole, enjoy your stay
It hasn't been assigned an examiner yet so the FBI shit hasn't started
First, hello satan
Second, they look way cooler, and coolness is what matters.
Damn.. if it makes you feel any better I'm not far behind you and I'm still pending
My only two currently.
I've got another Form 1 that had to be corrected and sent back,
so hopefully they will process that one soon.
Also a paper Form 1 that I sent in September just before the E-file system came back up.
I won't be seeing that Form back for a long fucking time.
Atf pls go
More SBRs soon
Suppressors eventually
Who did your PS90 SBR work?
>nearly 4000 dollars worth of paper
God, I hate the government so much.
Me, myself, and I.
It's actually really easy if you have all the right tools.
The hardest part is probably getting the shroud off, even then it's not that bad.
>get tax stamp back
>finally Im a good goy!
>alright time to order my stock...
>"you now must engrave your NFA item upon construction"
I heard some jewelry stores will do
It for you. Just call ahead instead of walking in with a gun.
Im gonna go pick up my girlfriends christmas present pistol at a gun shop that has an engraver on retainer. Its alright its just kind of a blow.
The trophy shop I tried said they couldnt do as deep as the ATF wanted
Yea it does suck but it is what it is. Tiny price compared to the tax stamp itself
can you use a dremel?
That's a nice handguard. What kind of handguard is it?
Ive seen guys use dremels. Yeah. Real fugly looking too. Its totally fine though as long as its legible and the 0.03 inch thickness they require.
Just get an actual air powered engraving tool, make a template and practice.
Or get a professional to do it.
out you go
How much did the MG lower run you?
oh, im not him. just wondering. my gramps did it back in the day.
could that work out well if you wanted to put something on the inside of an ar ejection port cover?
Yea but would you want to? I feel like a Dremel would turn out like shit just to save like 30$.
ive never been a fan of taxes. no stamp. no fucks.
Most of my shit is still in jail but here's my optimus on my ghetto SBR waiting for it's government permission slip.
I also have an AAC pilot, a recce 7, and a scorpion SBR pending.
I felt that way but the Draco just didn’t feel right with the brace. It was functional but the gun enthusiast in me just felt like it was off
My SBR but my Chimera 300 is still 150ish days in. SBR took 199.
Based /mkg/ shitter. I've seen enough of your posts I feel like a stalker now.
Is there a problem with silencerco shit now? I know all the good people left, but the Saker 7.62 and Omega have the ability to use the QD that I can mount to my 2 AR15s and the AR308, then use the direct thread adapter to use with the 300blk and 3 bolt guns...
nice sbs
Heck of a SBS
Who has the original 20 rd straigh magazines?
>Me, myself, and I.
>It's actually really easy if you have all the right tools.
>The hardest part is probably getting the shroud off, even then it's not that bad.
Gotcha. I heard the worst part was drilling out the barrel pin.
Fucking bootlicker.
No it was paper. Check was cashed may 1st
I fucking love this. I played with the idea of a PS90 SBR as my “truck gun” for
A while. Inside urban environments, this this would be probably the best weapon to keep in a vehicle.
I ended up going with the AK SBR however because I sometimes go out into wilderness and I want that 30cal for bigger wild animals if needed.
Should've went with a fixed carry handle for maximum aesthetics
From what I hear is that the saker is
Fine. The only issue was that the trifecta mount would lock up occasionally
The colt ones were all over the place a couple years ago... I think I bough a bunch from brownells for like $11 each.
Good goyim! $3,600 shekels to Mr. Goldsteinburg for allowing you permission to exercise your second amendment rights!
This is a real thing? I need one of these...
$3 from chinkland
*Taps glass*
*clears throat*
Fuck jannies
Fuck mods
And fuck the BATFE globalist gun grabbing yids
God bless the chinks
And god bless
Chang chong ching Xian Xau
Fucka dah BATFE gaijin san desu desu piggu
k thx
If they can't spell muzzle brake, they are probably idiots.
But how do you actually affix a tube over that "muzzle brake" to make it not a stupid ass monocore in midair...
A great way to clean your .22 with a plastic bottle is to put a thin layer of vaseline around the inside and use a metal dish scouring pad to diffuse the solvent as it passes through the bottle, make a channel through the middle so your cleaning rod isn't obstructed. Use a subsonic cleaning rod and your neighbors won't hear you cleaning your gun.
>tfw chinks won't sell me an 80% R700 lower for $20
But whyyyyy?
that's why i bought a factory SBR
for reals though... I have fucked up my guest bathroom sink and trash can cleaning guns so I'm asking for one of these for Christmas...
>tfw when people on Jow Forums have $20000 machine guns.
We've reviewed this picture and your statement and have found that this arrangement of a "stock" and "pistol" constitutes redesigning a firearm. Please respond with the number of dogs that we may expect at your place of residence.
AKA you bought a new barrel.
Anybody know where I can find a properly sized .98 outer tube?
man, now i want to build one
heres my first stamp, just an ar lower. ive got two cans still in jail, possibly out before December is over.