Currently at Navy "A" School and on track to graduate top 1% of my class. Accelerated Advancement Program will jump me from E1 to E4 with no Time in Rate requirement, so I'll be skipping a few paygrades in exchange for 1 more active duty year to my contract. My plan with the Navy in the first place was to finish my contract with an education/skillset that will bring me far in the civilian world. Originally I wanted to do my 4y and gtfo, but this deal seems too good to pass up. Given the fact that I haven't even experienced sea-life yet, am I dumb in wanting to take this? Assuming I stay top 1% of course.
Anyone got advice for a young shipmate?
Currently at Navy "A" School and on track to graduate top 1% of my class...
i have no advice but i just wanted to pop in and say that you should have gone marine corps
Good advice thx.
Provided you have the sense to save the difference between what you're getting paid and what you would have been paid, go for it.
Not only will it give you a better financial start to your civilian life, but it (and any subsequent promotions) will look good on your C.V.
3rd class here
depends on your rate desu
something like Engineman with 100% to third class, ill laugh at you
but for BM with 40% not such a bad idea, plus it saves you a lot of the bullshit work.
Id say pros and cons list it
IT, advancement is damn near, if not 100%. It's less about my chance at advancement, more just time saved and looking good. That being said, is it all that important if I don't want to stay in?
MC rate is near 100% advancement up to 3rd class.
wew lad, you're stuck in the third best school on that shitty, sun-scorched airstrip. At least make the most of it by drinking at the Crow and eating at McGuire's, Five Sisters, and Nick's Boathouse as often as possible. I sometimes miss Pensacola just for those.
Personally, I wouldn't sign myself up for two more years guaranteed of the ship life, but if you drink that koolaid and want to go to sea, I don't see why not. It'll depend on whether or not you're married. E5 faster means BAH which is great, but irrelevant if you're not single.
should just kill yourself with coorpsman and skate in a marne unit
just do your 4 and get out and make 6 figs doing it work you loon, is this even a real question????
and honestly even if you drink the kool aid, you'll prolly have a nice SRB when its reenlistment time
It will look great on your resume when you get out
Only one more year Active yes it's a good deal. It's designed to get you to stay for life. It probably won't work as long as the economy is good.
Get your degree before getting out. I can't stress that enough.
Pro tip third class ain't shit unless you are cfl or oil king or something like that. Keep your ego in check no one cares that you got to skip seaman.
Also don't say shipmate or you will get duct taped to the bulkhead.
It’s smart if you save the extra money. It’s dumb otherwise.
tell them to jump you to E-7 or fuck off
I did four years and two deployments and left as an E3, so it seems like a good deal to me.
The Navy is really weird with advancements. If you're a certain rate, you really don't even have to worry about it. Others you're competing for like a 10% quota. It's not the fairest system in the world, but you said you got IT so you probably wont have to deal with it too much.
What is the most useful thing you have learned in class?
>begging for free training
As a neverserved I have to do something user
Do it. E-5 here, I got a homework assignment for you boot.
Go calculate the difference in BASIC pay between being E-4 at the end of A school and immediately getting paid E-4,
being an SR for 9 months. Then an SA for 9 months. Then an SN for 6 months and THEN waiting for the next exam cycle. AND THEN PICKING UP E-4. And then getting paid 3-6 months after that. Go do the math and come back. IDK your current time in service but factor that into your E-1 pay. So that comes out to about 2.5-3 years of E-4 pay you're missing out on. Get back to me when you're done.
>brings up E-5 in most pretentious way possible
>post pic to really drive home pretentiousness
>uses the word boot, is also a boot
the points you make are valid, but you're a prick so you're wrong
Hooyah motivator!
What is your rate, shipmate? Hard to make suggestions if we don't know your rate. (medfag khaki here)
Don't fucking do it. I was in the same exact situation as you, GM though. Left bootcamp as an E1, got Distinguished Military Graduate and Top Gun in A school. They asked me if I wanted in on Accelerated Advancement, told them no and they still bumped me to E3 at graduation. Made E4 immediately on the exam 6 months later scoring in the 99th percentile. Made E5 immediately on the exam one year later with 99 percentile again. Was an E5 at 20 years old. If you're good enough to get recommended for AA you'll be good enough to pick up advancement without selling yourself to the Navy. It will also keep your EAS close for when you eventually start to hate Sea Duty. I'm glad I didn't fucking tack on another year with that glorified canoe club. Also surprised you didn't get some sort of pushbutton contract with that IT rate.
Just to piss off the lifers and khakis watching this
>t. E6 without any kind of warfare pin
IT, advancement is almost guaranteed from what I've heard.
wtf is a pushbutton contract
What kind of gay ass 'A' school doesn't make you an E-4 on graduation?
>E6 without any kind of warfare pin
Nice. That's an achievement on it's own. Be thankful you were in a command that actually valued hard work over pointless quals.
I was an E3 with surface warfare, and my department chief wanted to deny me terminal leave because I didn't have air warfare too. They compromised by giving me half of my requested leave just to get in one last 'fuck you'.
Go for it, Sailor.
Smart man.
I just signed a 4 year IT about 3 hours ago, was debating the 6 year but I heard that E-4 was pretty quick to get to in IT anyways. This thread seems to confirm that.
You a surface IT or what?
Either way your aren't going to do shit. Just take the rank and reset passwords and not do shit for maintenance then get out and go be a civ IT making a shitload more.
Get out of the Navy before they fuck you over. That's my advice.
I picked surface IT yeah, didn't feel like dealing with the shit-ton of studying I heard you have to do for the first year of sub life.
Your job is stupid easy. Just take the extra year and then get out and use all the IT certs for a civ job. Or, re-enlist once and do some college on shore duty and then get out. Bam 8 years and done.
Just remember that the submarine fleet is where the finest sailors in the navy are. have a nice day.
You really an IT? Im at corry station aswell.
You like dick bro? What's your email?
Did you just so happen to graduate today?
if so, I was there
Nah, not really, just wanna see who this is. Meet me at the 1094 Smokepit?
>Be op
>be in navy aap
>post on chinz
>get found out because .mil snoops
>get DD because anonymous hacker Jow Forums
seriously. I'm out here having a puff. just look out your window
>implying it's not the best place to have A-school
I sincerely hope you weren't doing this.
Surface has way more assholes who like to make you wish you were civilian. If you take the extension, go subs.
this is now a submariner thread
688I master class
And then they had the big gay :DDDDDDD
Yeah stop making lame threads.
Fuck off.
Be a merchant Mariner and make 100k+ working 6 months a year and be a free man.
What's your rate? Because you'll be the most clueless third class. E2s will know more than you, congrats on looking like a dumbfuck for the rest of your career
>from E1 to E4 with no Time in Rate requirement,
This kind of shit is why there are so many clueless E4s and, by extension, incompetent E5s nowadays. Everybody gets rank without the experience to understand its meaning or what you are supposed to do. Furthermore, these incompetent E5s fail to properly train their subordinates, because they were never properly trained, and you wned up with a whole bunch of NCOs who don't know how to NCO.
From a personal standpoint, good job and grab as much money as you can.
From an institutional standpoint, this makes me want to puke.
Don't get cocky. You're setting yourself up for failure. And anyway, you've already made your decision, even posting this thread (assuming this isn't a larp,) is a sign of self doubt. Stay the fuck off this Peruvian left hand dentistry board till you actually make that top one percent.
lol fuck no
Dude that’s so fucked.
But he's smart and doing well. So...
as a soldier I always kinda wondered about subs, and life on one
I just cant imagine being stuck in that box for months on end
but after freezing my ass off in a half water/piss muddhole's in the 'stan more then once
it starts to have some appeal
Don't do it. Im an E5 and as soon as I hit my four year point all i can think about is how much i hate my chain of command and I still had a year left. I made E5 in less than 4 years. My friend who is on my ship with me is still an E-4, he was 1st in the class and I was 24th. He signed on for another year and all it got him was mandatory sea time. An E4 with no sea time isn't worth anything, and no one will respect you. You'll get shit on like a seaman, no one cares how you did in A school. They just want you to do maintenance, qualify your topside watches, and show up on time. A school is nothing like the fleet.
>no one will respect you
I have more respect for E1's fresh out of boot camp than any push button E4.
I can't stand people holding ranks they don't deserve. said it perfectly. It was a poor decision by the Navy to allow this to happen.
Not OP, but my rebuttal: money. Who gives a shit, everyone's first four years in the Navy are the same. When you're the boot you do boot stuff, why not get paid more. I don't agree with AAP in the slightest but if you can get paid more go for it.
It let's you test for E4 without needing time in rate or some shit. Notorious among FCs and ETs, a lot of ITs too, I think you have to sign a 6 year contract for it though. You'll see it regularly out in the fleet, dudes fresh out of A school sporting crows.
They absolutely didn't appreciate that, in fact they fucking hated that I continually picked up advancement without a pin. They couldn't stand me picking up rank so fast without their blessing of a precious fucking EP. But I was also at what was the most fucked up command in the navy at the time. We had big navy on our ship all the time because they wanted to know how we were losing guys nonstop to death, drugs, or DUIs. We got first pickings from A schools and Great Lakes before the rest of the navy. I will bet money the thing will never get to paint its anchors gold
>calling yourself shipmate
also Ill see you soon when your cranking for me.
I did an extra year for a 5k bonus. Was it worth it? I think so. Got out as a 2nd class and now do the same thing I did when I was in, but for more money and better hours.
Boomer flag here. It's the worst job I've ever had. The 2 crew dynamic is awful, I hate being the crew with the boat because our refit schedule is arduous. I hate being in the offcrew because you spend all day trapped in an the office or supporting the other crews refit. Also some times your chain of command pimps you out to the other crew for underway support. So you go on your patrol and thiers losing your leave period. They won't let you make it up in the refit either.
>Lower enlisted
Congrats you're the smartest kid in a room full of faggots and retards
You little pushbutton bitch. If I wasn't retired I'd fuck you in the ass then kick you over the side you worthless little fuck.
>get ready for that in the fleet
>t. salty bastard it