Battle Rifle General /BRG/

That good shit edition



Attached: thatgoodshit.jpg (640x550, 233K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wheres the best place to cop l1a1 furniture

Ernst armory

The range I go to requires squirrel cages or bags, my PTR really likes to spit brass fast and hard so I've got a few marks from where the casings reflected off a cage or wall onto the receiver. Do bags mitigate that and how the fug do I clean that shit off?

To the user who wanted to sell his G3 scope + claw mount, post a picture please. I want it but I'm deployed right now making tax-free dollars and maxing out my TSP so I don't want it right now. Also, what state are you in?

I can't seem to get a very clear answer on this, but what moa should I realistically expect from a PTR using iron sights and surplus REAL FUCKING NATO?

3-6 moa depending on how good the surplus is and how you are at shooting with irons. Off sandbags.
Maybe 2 moa with a rest.
The front sight post itself is 2 moa wide iirc.

More or less what I've observed, thanks.

i want to use irons to get used to shooting the scar 17 before i choose an optic, but the front sight has a tiny bit of play which affects MOA. would a troy or mbus be a viable alternative on the rail? would it sit higher than the rear sight post?


Boi don’t do it, don’t fall for it.