Remember that we're police. Stick with the prod. It'll stun your opponents or knock them unconscious...

>Remember that we're police. Stick with the prod. It'll stun your opponents or knock them unconscious. A nonlethal takedown is always the most silent way to eliminate resistance. Just in case, though, Manderley wants you to pick an additional weapon: a sniper rifle, a GEP gun, or a mini crossbow.

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>A GEP gun is always the most silent way to eliminate resistance.

I'm confused. Is a bomb a good choice for close ranged combat?

Paul... I... I... I thought you were a GEP Gun.

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t e r r o r

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Bomb's a bad choice for close ranged combat.

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Why is the crossbow so fucking useless? I get that tranqs don't knock people out instantly like in movies but the KO delay is seriously the worst mechanic in the game.

It's to teach you to listen to Paul.

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