Would it be possible to make a 105mm shell that could safely house and deliver provisions, such as a glass bottle for instance? I imagine with a parachute and enough padding this could be done.
Would it be possible to make a 105mm shell that could safely house and deliver provisions...
Crazier thought, what if we just air dropped supplies from a plane?
Crazier thought, what if we air dropped planes from tube artillery
yeah, but the braking gear would take up most of the shell, your better off using rocket artillery
Anything is possible just throw money at it.
>Be me
>Hear the sound of artillery
>Take cover
>Package daintly drifts into town well
>Spend 2 hours retriving the heavy thing
>Has American writing on it
>Weird plastic tube, looks like penis
>Fucking americans
>be innacoldwar
>commiefuckers blockade berlin
>prepare airlift
>meanwhile in secret thousands of M101s prepare a barrage
>nuke the shit out of berlin with bottles of alcohol
>the sheer magnitude of provisions and shells fucks up the whole of berlin and decimates soviet forces
>what remains of berlin and the west of germany ally with the soviets in a combined offensive across the fulda gap
>ww3 starts because of a bunch of alcohol bottles shitrigged into howitzers
i wish the US military systematically trolled, not just a few guys playing around waving a helmet on a stick. wartime mindfuckery is funny when we make them look like fools.
I was reading To Hell and Back and Audie said that a buncha Germans and them got into a yelling match when put in nearby fox holes and the Germans said "IT OKAY AMERICANS, WE KILL YOU TOMORROW" then they all slept
They have a device that generates sounds when it actually hits a target. If you aim it at someone's head and speak into the microphone, it sounds like God is talking to you or some shit. Imagine the hijinks.