>be me >buying first revolver >research features and models for weeks online >decide on pic related for...reasons >learn that blueing is finicky after placing order to GragAGun >haven't gotten email that it's shipped yet >call GrabAGun customer service ask if they can cancel order >service rep says yes i can for a $15 fee and then order the stainless model instead, charges my credit card the difference >receive email confirming new order >wake up this morning and receive email that pic related the first gun has been delivered to FFL
How much trouble can i get in if I simply pay the transfer fee and collect it? Odds are pretty good that if the system failed to cancel the order they have no idea, and wont if I don't tell them.
Ruger has absolute shit finish. Hope you like rust on both.
Gabriel Powell
>Nu-S&W has shit finish
Fixed that for you.
Easton Torres
No you didn't they both suck.
Christopher Ortiz
I told you they cancelled my order, but it shipped anyway. I was more worried about federal charges, not them simply charging my card, but ty for calling me brainlet. your social status on 4channel is confirmed
Luis Brown
the problem is i have very oily skin, and i know id ruin the finish, its more a me thing than blued in general