Never forget

December 7th, a date which will live in infamy

Attached: never forghetti.jpg (1280x1709, 671K)

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Get fucked japs

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>celebrating their false flags year after year for eternity
>muh 9/11 never forget Saddam bad bush good hurrdurr

Never forget, the president knew about the attack.
>Though it was cool seeing the captured Jap sub in Fredericksburg.

Attached: Screenshot_20181206-150245.png (1660x2048, 1.62M)

>cute anime grills fighting back against western imperialism
this makes my penis the big iron

Attached: 1543664468653.jpg (1280x1829, 683K)

He also knew about the 3,000 other potential threats.

Franklin Roosevelt was the most corrupt piece of shit to ever be a US president and the worst part is that he's idolized for it

>t. autist unable to understand humor