What is each board's favorite gun?

What is each board's favorite gun?

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98% of them would be an HK, because special snowflake hipster pieces of shit

Jow Forums - M16 with a Beta Mag

/a/ Nambu (also with mandatory katana).


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HK is a well known company whose weapons are used by militaries across the world. Its about as far from "hipster" as you can get.

/Mlp/ is always a valued milsurp ruined by bronyfying it.

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right, but the average faggot that exists in the world (ex. the users of this entire website) can't afford one. Most people buy HKs because of the iconic rollmark. They're handguns are OK at best, and most of their actual rifles or SMGs are unobtanium. If you picked out 100 people that carried guns and got them together, there would be one guy in the entire room with an HK and he would be doing everything he could to let everyone in the room know he was.

They are the Vegans of the firearm world. Special snowflakes.

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>sword gun
>hello kitty decal anything
>airsoft m4a1
>magnetic accelerator cannon
>airsoft gun sword
>nerf gun
>flare gun
>bullet train
>battle rifle
>m16 w/ stopping power
>radar/lidar gun
>tranquilizer gun
>22lr revolver w/ long scope
>1700 era cannon
>cap gun
>stick gun
>finger pistols
>desert eagle
>double barrel 1911
>Chekov's gun
>sound gun
>3D printed gun
>3D printed gun
>pipe pistol
>rubber band gun
>ray gun
>horse cock
>fully semi automtic
>m1 garand
>CalCo 10rn clips
>FN 5 7
>Moist nugget
>aids gun
>chinese replica
>x-ray gun

>>x-ray gun
my sides

pol would be a nazi weapon like the sturmgewehr or the luger

I would say Jericho 941 due to Spike.

>t. poorfag

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>/a/ - Jericho 941
>/b/ - Zip gun
>/tg/ - Crossbow
>Jow Forums - Luger
>/vr/ - Sawed-off double barrel shotgun
>Jow Forums - Deagle brand Deagle, gold plated and tiger striped

What did he mean by this?

>not a list of different dildos
one fucking job

No, retard. That would make it the 'Supreme' of guns.

You know it.

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/tv/'s gun is definitely this one, prove me wrong
>protip: you can't

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Nah, a KSG

Isn't that the gun CIA used?


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>not a tec-9
come on now

Jow Forums MG-42