Y/N ?
Brownells Retro M16A1
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get that forward assist
Troy makes cooler retros
Furniture feels like cheap shit. I'm planning on buying the parts from them except some surplus furniture.
don't do that
build your own.
Receivers: GOOD/OK
Barrels: GOOD/OK
Trigger: GOOD
Small Parts such as forward assist buttons, magazine release, sight posts: MIXED RESULTS YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY
Fun to shoot, looks cool, shoots straight, TNTE makes it better for cheaper and their furniture doesn't suck.
i want an a1 but the idea of a pencil barrel kinda turns me away, opinions on this?
Ghost uppers, yes/no??
You are gay.
>TNTE makes it better for cheaper
Proofs? For $700+ I can get a built Colt upper.
And they only have 80% lowers?
I'm just not seeing the "cheaper" part.
I really like it and should probably save up for one
No. They hurt my dick when I fuck them. Smooth furniture is much softer
i like the look of it i'm just concerned with performance
>even considering
Say "fuck you" to Jodi Weis and Dale Monroe for me, will ya?
Who the fuck actually buys an assembled AR these days, besides completely rank noobs and actual feminine faggots?
newbie here
what's the difference between buying an assembled gun and build your own ?
Fuck TROY. Can't believe a kommando would stoop so low as to give those fuckers a single doll hair.
Their lowers aren't exact replicas and their furniture manages to be garbage, but parts kits and SP-1's still exist.
Dick-swinging on a Polynesian basket-weaving forum, nothing aside from the fact that you can say 'lol I made this' and it's generally "cheaper". Considering the fact that you need a bench vise, an AR-15 wrench, a torque wrench and anti-seize to build it, it's really not that much cheaper. Sometimes it's better to buy an upper and a lower, sometimes not. But user's just being a noguns /arg/ parrot.
What, in the name of John Browning, did troy do?
>nothing aside from the fact that you can say 'lol I made this' and it's generally "cheaper".
Yeah a sense of personal accomplishment and knowing absolutely everything was properly installed is for faggits.
>Considering the fact that you need a bench vise, an AR-15 wrench, a torque wrench and anti-seize to build it, it's really not that much cheaper.
If you didn't already own a bench vise and a torque wrench then your entire comment makes sense.
Also not realizing you buy these once for less than the markup of many big name brands, and then have them forever, and can borrow them out.
Why would you not want to build your own so you can have every component exactly as you want, instead of buying and then upgrading many of them anyways?
Google is your friend user.
>Hire a rapid anti-2A cop
>Hire a Ruby Ridge sniper
You still pay taxes I assume, so why would I not purchase from troy over who they hired? Speaking of garbage companies, google is not my friend. So much irony in your one post.
When I built the A1 pictured in my previous post, I needed to purchase everything myself. I'm the only one in my family with any firearms. So yes, I include a bench vise and torque wrench as part of the overall price, because good fucking luck building one properly without either of them. While yes, personal accomplishment is a thing, I satirized it. 'Nothing' wasn't the right word, but I didn't completely discredit the notion. Because of this, I believe it's perfectly acceptable to buy a fully built rifle because they're cheap as absolute fuck right now, unless you're going for an A1 build and that user I replied to did not specify.
>700$ Parts kit from Whatacountry
>150$ For 20" pencil barrel
>150$ For Lower
>$$ For tools/vise
Looks like a fuckin bionicle to me
this^ definitely build
ghost and radical are both bottom tier. Doesnt mean they are complete shit though, I wouldnt trust it as my only upper.
>giving a shit about the political beliefs of the companies you buy from
go back to Jow Forums please.
O.P. once again posts proof of the undeniable truth
Anyone have a report on Calvary Arms A-1 buttstock. Want to put one on a 16" a2 mid for handling reasons.
Any other suggestions for A1 buttstock other than CavArms?
It's a consideration for weight. If you're going to be carrying the rifle innawoods you will appreciate it. If you're mag dumping from the bench at the range then an HBAR or standard profile would better suit your needs. If I get another AR it's either going to be a pencil barrel retro build for lightweight innawoods or a complete meme machine like an SCR FightLite SBR in .50 Beowulf.
Where can I get an A1 length stock? Everything is A2...
Just swap out the horseshit furniture they come with and make sure that the usual Brownells-brand spotty QC isn't present and you should be set.
Retro carbines*
They haven't gotten into the full-length game yet and are probably hesitant to since Brownells beat them to the punch. Troy has the retro carbine scene on lockdown, their XM shits all over Brownells'.
Be all mad.
anti-seize isn't expensive
>700$ Parts kit from Whatacountry
I cannot believe people would drop $700 on the beat up, barrel-less A1 kits that are available currently.
Have you left VT yet?
Calvary Arms C-1
Are there other or better options?
> I include a bench vise and torque wrench as part of the overall price, because good fucking luck building one properly without either of them
>torque wrench
The acceptable window of torque for a barrel nut is so huge it's practically pointless, I think I've mated a barrel with an upper receiver a dozen times at this point and all I used was a cheap vise bolted to a 2x10, an armorer's wrench, and some grease.
No I'm getting paid too much at my current job but holy shit I want to go back south like fuck dude.
What about the receiver extension. Did you just to that by feel or snug it up just enough to it doesn't unscrew itself?
I am also thinking of buying one of those as my first rifle
Pencil is best.
Heavy barrel does what A2 is allegedly for, so if you are worried about things that didn't bother full auto A1 users in Vietnam go ahead.
A2 profile is retarded; it introduces stress concentration points for no good reason and making the barrel thicker at the muzzle end adds mass to no purpose.
Mag dumping is fine with a pencil barrel. And the balance while firing is just beautiful.
dude what have you been eating..jesus
You snug it up and stake it.
That's the public range toilet.
>That's the public range toilet.
Have you ever been told you need help?
>not using the public range bathrooms after enjoying the crab legs
What's the appeal of the fake 3rd pin? It's kinda cringy to me.