>live in commie shithole
>visa application was denied yesterday
>dreams of moving to the USA crushed again
>tfw i can only own shotguns and bolt actions
>tfw the only ammo i can legally own at the moment is birdshot
>tfw i will never hold an AR-15
>tfw i will never open carry my raifu
>tfw i have no freedom
Live in commie shithole
If it makes you feel any better....... asuka worst girl.
Well go liberate yourself from your over-governing nanny state.
Do illegal shit like importing the things you want. Then fight off the statists, dont let them take you alive.
>reicucks get out
why did i greentext that
Woah what are you Australian?
Did you get anyone to sponsor you? I would literally sponsor any foreigner if they were based enough, but you're an Asukafag so I guess that's out of the question.
Are you white? If so, please try again and ask us to set you up with our sisters. If not, fuck off we're full.
This is what you get for being an asukafag
How do you look in a skirt and stockings?
>Did you get anyone to sponsor you?
No, I tried to self sponsor. I thought I had a strong case
>have own business
>under the age of 30
>500000 USD in liquid assets
>no debts
>no children
>no criminal record
>in good health
I was even willing to sell off my business if it improved my chances
I am white.
I don't get how millions of poor Mexicans can immigrate to the USA but I can't
Basically the jews. So you're in for a fight. A white, gun-loving America is the Jew's worst nightmare, worse than the SS. Find an American waifu and come on over.
Find a gold digger to marry you and then divorce her as soon as you're a citizen, no matter the monetary cost.
Why not find a loyal qt gold digger so loosing 50% of your shit isn't necessary?
It's a nice idea, but unrealistic given the way that Judasized "feminism" has been normalized in western culture. Basically, the modern culture and "family" legal system are heavily biased in favor for women. Piss her off and she will be draining half your paycheck while getting dicked by Tyrone in no time. There is no woman immune to it, and all men are better off admitting the risks.
I'll marry you user so you can get that freedom
>Only a little bit homo
I'll gay marry you for citizenship.
You have to get a job within 6 months of reaching the US.
I have a car for you to use, it's not fancy but it's all yours.
Lube is optional, sex isn't.
I live 15 miles out of town in a nice little community. I also have a 40 acre compound innawoods for us to go larp on.
>Lube is optional, sex isn't.
user, can I gay marry you too? The closest place I have to shoot is a 45 minute drive and is $400/year for membership.
>implying only beanshit immigrates illegally
Just do like everyone else and overstay your visa, then find some chick and pay her for a sham marriage if you can't convince her otherwise. White Yuros do it all the fucking time, don't even have to pay usually if you lucked out with one of the "sexy" accents.
Sorry user, polygamy is a sin
Fuck off nigger he's my husbando
Adopt me?
Maybe. What's your EDC pistol?
>tfw my country would rather have beaner drug dealers come over than a fine young white with an American dream. I'm not even white and this infuriates me
Depends, I have a S&W Bodyguard for the beach or jogging, I have a S&W Shield 9mm for regular summer carry, and I have a full size FNS-9 for winter carry.
Alright you're in, you'll get your gate code in the mail
Sweet, Thanks.
Should I call you dad?
Fucked up the greentext but whatevs
red is love, red is life
sorry bud we need to import more niggs and mexicans
>tfw friend's white gf got visa denied even after an appeal
I bet you like 9mm too.
Drunk whore who will cuck you and only uses you.
oy vey
You're all a bunch of dumb niggers. Don't you know that all the women in Evangelion are complete trash and that is the actual point.
>Misato can only function in the professional world, outside of work she lives like an infantile dog and eats trash and lives in trash
>Rei is just actually autistic, probably eats glue, also lives in trash
>Asuka is an emotional turd who seeks to ruin everything for everyone
>Ritsuko, the only seemingly sensible major woman character, has a breakdown when her cat dies
Never been a finer example of how awful women can be
Don't give up buddy. Give it another shot.
i have heard it's easier, and more fruitful to apply for a change of status than for a visa.
use a tourist visa to get in, then apply for a change of status to a green card. file for an EAD at the same time. the EAD or employment authorization document will let you work while they decide your case, and is typically received within 3 months. with the EAD you can apply for a social, and with the social get a drivers license.
if you move to CA (shithole i know) you'll have at least a year to get settled, because they're backed up as fuck
not a lawyer, YMMV.
also talk to an immigration attorney.
>all the women in Evangelion are complete trash
this nigger
user do you have any idea about the sponsoring process?
I have several frens in Murica that said that if I could find out how they would sponsor the fuck out of me but the Google sponsored Interwebs all have aids for spics trying to cheese the system and all I want to do is to be a God fearing Commie/Facist hating Libertarian in peace with my gats like the founding fathers intended.
I wonder where you people who haven't even watched evangelion get these ideas.
>watches and likes filler
this nigger
for you
>outside of work she lives like an infantile dog and eats trash and lives in trash
I like her because she reminds me of myself.
>there are some aspects of Asuka's backstory and character arc which resonate deeply with black culture
What the fuck?
does any ameribros know if you can get a work permit for a blue collar job. Im a mason...
where do you live op
whichever country you're in you're supposed to love your country not call it a commie shithole.
>whichever country you're in you're supposed to love your country
Founding fathers must have loved Britain then. Fuck off.
>can only own shotguns and boltactions
Nigger here In Poland the only Guns we can own without an expensive and hard to get loicense are black powder muzzle loaders and air rifles
Youre fucking lucky
You can get a work visa as a goddamn fruit picker. I'm sure mason is in there somewhere.
Very unlikely.
You cant wait for your freedom to come to you Jow Forumsomrade, reach out and take it. What better way to please your raifu than to carry her into battle?
Sucks to suck.
>throw a tantrum by breaking a law as a fucking nobody and somehow a big govt will cater to you!!
Martyrs get the ball rolling.
Unfortunately nobody wants to be a martyr these days.
>Lube is optional, sex isn't.
>an expensive and hard to get loicense
About as hard to get as a driving license, you're just lazy. The only restrictions are that caliber has to be
Don’t tell him to do things you would never dare do, hypocrite pussy trash.
My country has the same laws, but I'll get to take a G3 for free in half a year. Tho cant shoot it
The Mexicans will vote Democrat.
>being annoying pieces of shit
This has been known as a hoax for years. Why would you expect someone to fall for it now?
>infantile dog
That doesnt even make sense. It's like you're just putting randon words together and hoping it makes you look smart
>>Misato can only function in the professional world, outside of work she lives like an infantile dog and eats trash and lives in trash
I know that feel all too well