Attention all Southern Jow Forumsommandos

Hey y'all Jow Forumsommandos who live in Dixieland. When the bombs drop and we survive (maybe) could we reestablish the CSA? And I say this not to proliferate slavery but because fucking Yankees are assholes.

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Other urls found in this thread: meaning

We didnt hide all that gold for nothing my brother. Long live the Southern Pride Long Live the golden circle of the CSA.

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What the fuck is this picture? I've seen it before but it gets me every time. Who would make this and why? Why is it the flash? Why is his penis being cut off? Why is there a guillotine for wieners?

Midwest bros we gotta join in this balkanization.
Michigan UP theocracy NOW

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You'd probably see the Confederate States unironically re-established if the American government collapsed into Civil War or was devastated by war with an outside power beyond the point of being able to function (i.e. Russia in 1917). That said, the South would be a mess and I'm not talking about black vs white here. Even neo-Confederates have a sharp ideological divide between the more libertarian-minded who want a restoration of personal liberty and localism, the "authoritarian" who mainly want a re-institution of Jim Crow-era social norms, and the full-blown 14/88ers who want an all-out race war.

There would be hundreds of groups claiming to be the successor to the Confederacy and they'd either have to form a coalition or one would have to grow powerful enough to absorb the others or eliminate them by force.

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Let's kill or remove everyone who doesn't respect the NAP and sever our identity/societies. North and South are too different to lie under one flag. The new confederacy will respect liberty

So how the used was formed but with capitalists
Basically these groups overthrow government then fight for power like Lenin and Stalin and what was left of the old lordship

>Why is there a guillotine for wieners
Well if it exists it means it's been used before.

>atomic war
>let's start something from 1860 again for laughs

i guarantee if we institute some new jim crow or blacks want to have a separatist movement, we will all get fucked either way for a few years.

the 14/88 types aren't in huge numbers. however your concern about libertarians against people who would still want large government like before (remember, the rich ones in the south would either flee to their yankee homes or try to influence our politics down here.

it would be a complex mess in the south mainly because of our diversity. and i doubt i would want southern florida, the people north of the Rappahannock River. however, west VA and parts of kentucky would fit right in with the modern south that either the midwest or the north.
i'd gladly move further south (dixie user in southern Nova) as these folks are the ones i like.

as for surviving nukes? if it is pretty much the end for me, i'll just have a final drink with my dad and mother if they're still alive.
>thinking the usa will stay united forever
it won't

Dumb retard autismo op

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I live in Montgomery so that naturally makes me the leader

Southern gay pride lol

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south will never rise faggots. you inbred retards got btfod eternally, get over it already

You lost once you can leave when the north is good and done with ya. All that makes ya soft. You wanna come camp up here in winter?

I hate Yankees that think they're cool because their climate is miserable.

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Behold the Federal Rag in its proper form

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Virginia here, we arent interested.

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>the 14/88 types aren't in huge numbers

They would certainly swell in rank if a civil war broke out. Enough size to be a security problem if they decided to revolt against the new Confederate government for not being extreme enough.

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>we arent interested.


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I'm a literal Okie from Muskogee, when shit kicks off, I'm throwing my hat in with you fags, 'cause fuck the coasts, and fuck Texas.

Why? What would your values even be? Besides niggers.

Reporting for duty.

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> Fuck Yankees
> Fuck Coasties
> Fuck Mexicans
> Fuck Texans
> Fuck Foreigners

Right but what does that translate into politically? Are you just another republic but with those groups cut out from the ability to make decisions since they aren't part of it? Also the CSA is like, half coastie geographically.

The South economy is shit, that's why you lost the war and it still true today.

Texas here, we won our war

Implying meth or crack doesnt get to rest of your species
At least niggers had nothing you species had a civilization

Lies. You must be hail from north of the Rappohannock.

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Texas will be part of this new union, this is not negotiable. Texas is too important. If possible we will take the former Indian, New Mexican, and Arizonan Territory as well.

>advocating theocracy

Enjoy reverting back to mudhuts like every theocracy in the world


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We've gotta invest in the Vatican if they're too poor to afford anything other than mud huts.

Alabama here

Just waiting for the day of the rope

>implying that's a country

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> Looks like I missed a spot

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If we're not racist about it, then sure

t. nonwhite

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Hate to burst your bubble famalam but everyone dies in a nuclear war because of the fallout. Cesium and strontium have a half-life of 28 years and can be carried thousands of miles on the wind, meaning all plant and animal life as well as every body of water exposed to open air will be contaminated and any survivors will die of radiation poisoning (bleeding uncontrollably throughout your whole body) and the ones that somehow avoid lethal doses will be sterile or have offspring with severe deformities. The best outcome of a nuclear war is dying in a blast. And before some retard comes in with Fallout or the book Alas Babylon as some kind of objection I'll just remind everyone that each side in a nuclear war is going to eat at least a thousand warheads. That's a lot of radiation.

Trust no one, not even yourself.


If you help us, you will be granted full rights to live. No reproducing though. You better start making friends with some crackaz before it kicks off.

Oh you must be from NOVA.

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>implying a bunch of poor states full of old people and rednecks has any chance against the vastly more populated and militarized northern US

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no, wait, that's not how it goes

You are talking mad bull
t. Fredericksburg

>the south has held back social, technological, and economic progress for years out of a combination of spite, stupidity, and selfishness
>somehow Yanks are the assholes

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The south will never rise again. It was a war between two competitive types of capitalism and the guys who lost went broke within a handful of generations.

Who exactly would finance the Confederacy now? There's no non globalist financiers in the US. Let alone the South to kick anything off.

Is that really what you think, you ignorant retard? Carpetbaggers and THE WAR ITSELF set us back decades. You think we just jerk off over being backwards and send echo dots back covered in confederate stickers?

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>Carpetbaggers and THE WAR ITSELF set us back decades
The war the South started and the carpetbaggers that came thereafter? If you're gonna shoot yourself in the foot, don't blame the gun.
You'd think after you got your shit kicked in after the war you'd try to change.

>You'd think after you got your shit kicked in after the war you'd try to change

That isn't human nature.

The Nips are like the only country I can think of that has actually done this.

So you're saying Lincoln fucked up reconstruction by not being harder on the south? Because post WW2 Japan really only came about because of years of heavy occupation.

What does any of that have to do with what you just said, which is that we eschew development out of spite? Which is explicitly untrue, because we tried to put a stop to the federal authority that led to shit like the NFA, which I'm sure you don't give about as a reddirt soibean. Which is explicitly untrue, because yankees came to "rebuild" as in funnel money out of our economy and into the yankee economy?

Man, nobody gives a fuck if we were "asking for it," you just said something braindead retarded and it's amazing.

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Not the guy you replied to, but I do think CSA leadership got off too easy after the war. It's why the Lost Cause was (and still) is so prevalent in Southern culture.


This is also why there was a second world war, because we were war weary and we half-assed the aftermath of the war. America has a tendency to win wars and then lose the peace.

Or maybe that's because we live under a federal superstate, because the civil war was about the exercise of federal power, and now both sides bitch about federal power, but also the confederates arewere racist scum?

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>we tried to put a stop to the federal authority that led to shit like the NFA
oh, that's actually a good point. I know this sounds dumb or reddit, but I actually never got how "it's not about slavery" and totally thought it was

so this is like weed too, right? pretty much any tyrannical thing the fed does, just about, at least in concept?

>reddirt soibean
Someone's projecting.
Also, one good attempt doesn't make up for literal decades of progress lost, not because of any economic reason, but because the south as a culture refused to budge or hold itself accountable.

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them eagles gay ecksdee

federal income tax, federal gun control, federal gay marriage, federal obamacare, federal reserve, federal energy taxes
Fuck off, retard. You didn't even make an argument, and you're some millenial/zoomer faggot who wasn't even alive while the last confederates were just like everyone on this god forsaken, shill infested hellhole.
>haha projecting
Yeah, projecting an accurate model onto you.

The Civil War was 100% about slavery. The whole "muh states rights" argument is technically correct- it was about states rights to slavery. Southern leaders did not have the foresight or even cared about the overreach of power we see today.

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>sure they were fighting for their right, BUT IT WAS A RACIST RIGHT AND THEY CARED ABOUT NO OTHER RIGHTS

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>You didn't even make an argument
And you did? You're just complaining it's actually the Norths fault the South is completely fucked as it is today, even though it's utterly their own fault, and even though you still hold those same retarded viewpoints that I just said are holding back the rest of civilized society.

You argued by assertion and begged the question. I never complained it was the north's fault, I gave two actual causes. You're just interested in wanking over how backwards DIRTY RACIST REDNEX IS because you're an unironic yankee faggot and there's a 99% chance you're a colonizing SJW.

Stop shitposting from whatever west coast homeless shelter you live at and get back to street shitting like a pajeet

I hate the north but desu I prefer cold to the mugginess of the South. You can put more clothes on, you can't get cooler than naked.

It had next to nothing to do with slavery, the South sperged out because Lincoln destroyed the hegemony they once had in politics. Most of the South has been a pimple on the ass of the US ever since 1865 and all they’ll do is screech about dem dam yenks.
>west coast
>bringing pajeets into this
At least get your buzzwords right Cletus.

yeah, that's what i always thought, but it seems pretty stupid in hindsight considering the vast, vast majority of them didn't own slaves and famous confederate generals wanted them freed anyway

seems kind of one dimensional now that I really consider it. i think i might have been the dumbass for listening to people who literally victim blame like

>brings another state in who is going to vote against you even though we said we wouldn't because stuffing the ballot box is bad
>fuck you dude your hegemony has gone too far

>hegemony of the south
Holy shit, boy, what the fuck kind of crazy pills do they feed you at the shareblue farm?

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>le nuclear Armageddon

>screech about dem dam yenks
>it's all your fault, cletus, you're a pimple on America's ass
This sounds exactly like the KKK talking about niggers.
As you literally have hegemonic power both politically and culturally. You're a fucking joke, buddy. A prejudiced, ignorant joke.

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>cuts off trade routes to the south
“Hurr the south has a bad economy”

Unlike any theocracy in the world, actually. The Vatican and mideast are hardly mud huts

Sorry, but the middle east is mudhuts in aggregate.

It literally is

The north started the war, senpai

>I just said are holding back the rest of civilized society.
Pot, meet kettle.

>t. Crash course history soi

Oh look it's a "smug larper announcing their wet dream to oppress everyone who doesn't agree with them, and everyone who does agree with them but have certain traits they don't like, then wonder why they get shit" episode

Fuck off Yooperfag.

Is Saudi Arabia not a theocracy? meaning

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Yeah, what’s your point? How do mudhuts in aggregate equal Lamborghinis and skyscrapers?

do you really think the average soldier was fighting and dying for slavery?
less than 2% of population owned slaves.

The north wanted to push hamfisted economic policies which didn't negatively effect themselves but would cripple the southern economy- its equivalent to cities pushing shit like carbon taxes on ruralites today. Combine that with rampant unchecked federalism eroding state autonomy and you will get hated quickly

Yooooo Fredericksburg user one of my buddies lives out there

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>it’s another deep south daydream thread
>secedes from an autism episode
>fires the first shots at fort sumter

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Lmao got any stats to back that up cuz last I checked all the north had was NY apes

Fort Sumter was on confederate land. The federal government was instigating/starting the war by bolstering the fort.

>in aggregate
No, you don't. Very obviously.

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>implying that world leaders are stupid enough to actually use nukes

Yeah, and most US soldiers today don't have stocks in oil.
What the men on the ground believe doesn't change what a war is fundamentally about.

>we want to leave the union but keep all the cool stuff that was built with Federal dollars with zero compensation

>links definition
>doesn’t read definition
A bunch of mud huts together does not equal Saudi Arabia. Just admit you were wrong and move on

>muh oil

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