"Jow Forumsommando, you have 3 seconds to head back to the frontlines"

"Jow Forumsommando, you have 3 seconds to head back to the frontlines"

Wat do Jow Forums?

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frag him

I head back to the frontlines.

What I was doing behind the front, anyway? The Emperor needs me at the front. Question makes no sense.

Commisar, Your Bolter is not regulation issue.
*Commisar Blams self*

>gets unit purged

>love the imperial guard
>look up fan art of them
>see lasguns with rails and tacticool shit all over them
>ignoring the fact that a guardsman is probably going to die before he drains all his power packs
A Lasgun is supposed to remain as the Munitorium issued it, besides the fucking AdMech would probably execute you for tech heresy for even inventing 1913 rails.

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poke his other eye out

>implying the unit, me and commissar included, hasn’t already been eaten by tyranids
At least try to make it realistic

>*shoots you in the face with his still functioning laser eye*
ya dun goofed

Pour sickness into him.

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Who /archaicpattern/ here?

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I like the implications here.

>Implying I'm not wearing a full face helmet

"But sir, this IS the front lines."

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pull the pin on a grenade and clasp the handle.

40k is whack

This man knows


>What I was doing behind the front, anyway?
I bet Chaos did this

“But I have a splinter, sir.”

That's an issue for Adeptus Munitorum, not the Officio Prefectus.
You just earned yourself a *BLAM* for questioning your Commissar.

>Oy sorry bout dat commissar, bettah be gettin back teh shootin those ork boyz, yep! I'll be gettin me gunz an turnin round an loadin up like a good muhreen, nuffin strange ere!

kunningly brutal

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Whatever I was fighting would probably bring me a more gruesome and painful death, so I would probably grab the bolter by the barrel and press it against my forehead, goading him to empty the magazine into my misberable bonce.

What are you talking about? This is the front line! I am always on the front line! The front line is wherever I am! Jow Forumsill for Jow Forumshorne! Ave Nex Alea!

>not brutally kunning

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Cleave him in two with my Crozius.

No one questions a Reclusiarch of the Black Templars, little fool. I go where I am needed, and cowards executing men in the rear do nothing to help stop the evils of heresy, the mutant, the xenos, or the traitor.

Now, men of the Catachan 144th! Forward! For the Emprahhhhhhhh!

>You there, soldier! Which unit are you from?

Who /PraetorianGuards/ Here? Gorks (possibly Morks) Drift detachment reporting

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B-b-but , I need more ammo commisar-san! It's not like I came back here to check up on you baka....

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that old man seems to be enjoying himself

tacticool wh40k is best wh40k

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I go back with a smile on my face (if I am not dealing with nurgle or tyrants, in these two cases I would just shot myself in the head, they spoke me)

I hate them most off all. gotta cleanse em with fire

0.75 is 19 mm, not 25.6

no that's a heavy bolt 1 cal nigga
normal bolts require an insert

You git. Every grot knows Jow Forums is a mork board.

But daddy Nurgle loves you unconditionally. Why wont you accept his gifts?

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Hit or Miss.

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what are you talking about? he died heroically fighting the enemy

I'd be laughing too hard to go anywhere

b...but commissar i'm going to the front line! it's actually that way.


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some one should make a guardsman tv show and make it like band of brothers or saving private ryan

Smart commissars know not to pull this shit in certain regiments.
>In these jungles, a man can just... disappear.
>No one would think twice about it.
>Plants would start eating the body before it hit the ground.
>boys would miss ya. Real bad. I'm sure.
>But you got us to watch your back, don't ya?

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