Lessons of Yellow jackets in France

Who remembers pic related?

During and after Maidan we created a protester guideboo/k/ with the lessons we took from the happenings in Kiev during the winter 2013-14.


What are the lessons so far from the yellow jackets in France?

I also know that people are iffy about using google docs so if anyone can offer an alternative for communal writing that would be great.

Attached: clank docs.jpg (643x750, 84K)

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This is an excerpt from the document. The rest is pictures and the chain of events that was the great clankening

Attached: clanktot.png (1569x7447, 2.8M)

The movement is dying from the inside because of leftists engraining their socialistic desires into our demands.
You can't fight taxation with more State.

By the way, let's increase the amount of legal gun owners in France, it can only help in the long run. For defensive purposes obviously because a cornered government will get dangerous.

Attached: Gun laws in France 2.0.png (1000x4000, 1.37M)

It is way, way too fucking early for this thread to discuss things that we don't already know.

That aside I think this is still a noble effort.

>The movement is dying from the inside because of leftists engraining their socialistic desires into our demands.
That's because you French are socialists at heart. This movement is full of everyday people who want their boatload of tax money to actually go back toward making their lives better. This is a very reasonable expectation, so don't dismiss it because you're not going to win any friends by screeching about glorious Ancapistan and other political theory nonsense. It isn't practical and any successful protest movement needs to be focused on practicality.

That's a lesson to be learned, by the way, something forgotten by anyone who attended OWS in New York. I'm also not so sure the movement is dying, it shows no signs of slowing down.

>you French are socialists at heart.
True, albeit moreso the old school kind of socialism: left-wing on work ethics and right-wing on moral values. The newer wave of social progressism comes directly from the US. We have our own LGBT lobbies, our own BLM movements who divide us.

We are not so versed into libertarianism as Americans and that would be a key political point for this movement. We're afraid of true liberty, only a minority would express pro-gun and pro-freedom of speech ideas.

>screeching about glorious Ancapistan and other political theory nonsense.
It's not nonsense, it's the step further. Anytime you seriously discuss taxes, you're met with a wall of "muh public fundings, muh healthcare, muh social services". France has the most government workers of any country in Europe: more than 5.5 millions who are directly paid by taxes.
So now these media and political agents try to dismiss most of the political discussion by promoting pure leftist bullshit like increasing minimum wage, reinstating the special tax on the rich... again more and more Statism.

>it shows no signs of slowing down.
Trust me it does. People aren't ready to escalate the revolt further. It's a few years maybe decades too early. And by then, the demographical changes will make sure we have no voice anymore.
We could discuss this for hours but to me, it all boils down to a simple fact: people are domesticated and pacified by the modern confortable consumerist society and will not get violent, even though it's been proven that revolution never happens peacefully.

>It's not nonsense, it's the step further.
>People aren't ready to escalate the revolt
There you go, that's your problem. You think this is a revolt, so therefore it's "slowing down" and allegedly dying. This is why you need a goddamn reality check because this is not how normal people, the only people who matter, even think.

Whine all you want about statism, taxes, leftism, socialism, or whatever other "ism" that's got your panties in a bunch, but the honest to God truth is you're young and impatient and have no fucking idea what you're playing with. Revolutions aren't a fun, magical time where you get to mow down the commies and prance in the streets playing Shadilay at full volume. Revolutions are violent, awful, and they are unpredictable. A revolution is the last thing you should want, that is Plan Z after A through X have failed. It's the hail mary pass for a reason, the last big one ended with the revolutionaries getting their heads chopped off and it created a tyrannical state even bigger than the one it intended to overthrow. Maybe if you warned the people that they were replacing a king with an emperor they might've been a bit less enthusiastic about murdering a lot of their sane aristocracy. I don't know.

Honestly, I'm kind of glad France has cockblocked themselves from guns because there must be something in the water over there. You should be glad that your country isn't drenched in blood because you, as you are this exact second, could fail any number of purity checks put out by the petty tyrants. Ask Rohm how that worked out, ask Robespierre, ask any number of dead ideologues who wanted "a step further."

Attached: 1454831175891.gif (250x250, 1.16M)

I had no idea at first but damn you reek of judaism.
>A revolution is the last thing you should want
You're right actually, because global collapse is the thing I want. Nothing will change before that.

Yeah, this is why you're not getting anywhere. Every time too, somebody tries to speak some sense into you and tells you to keep it in your goddamn pants and you whine about Jews. You're poison. You parasites show up, you make sure the whole world knows you're spergs, and you kill whatever movement you latch on to because the vast majority of people aren't okay with over the top insanity.

NATO intervention will happen before you get what you want. Congratulations on shooting yourselves and everyone else in the foot all over again. If the movement dies, it will be because you killed it.

>The movement is dying from the inside because of leftists engraining their socialistic desires into our demands.
Oh look, Occupy Wall Street 2.0: Smelly and Hairy boogaloo

Nigger if a total collapse happens I am going to EAT you. Actually kill, butcher, season, cook, and eat you.

What, you thought you were going to be some sort of badass and ride out the end of the world? Set yourself as some sort of commie-killing-commando? You’re an out of shape armchair ideologue, the ONLY thing you have going for you is the fact that your jiggly thighs will be nicely marbled.