My parents are quite progun, but practically everything firearm/ masculine in my life had to come from outside sources, i.e. internet bullshitting, the scouts, or grandpa. Hell, my dad doesn't even know how to sharpen a knife, much less maintain a firearm competently. How do I pass Jow Forums related knowledge onto my future descendants without going overboard? Act like Andy Griffith?
Don't even get me started on clothing, my entire family just wears oversized tents and sandals for 'comfort'. Please don't make this political though, we've had enough of that lately
Yeah I had to learn everything myself. My dad's teaching experience is learning how to hold a flashlight and getting yelled at for accidentally moving the flashlight. I just plan on passing the flashlight down to my kid. As for guns, yeah take them out every so often and show them the ropes. Not all passions are passed down. Your dad's prime chevy may not be that interesting to you as you are as interested to guns.
Luis Murphy
>My dad's teaching experience is learning how to hold a flashlight and getting yelled at for accidentally moving the flashlight. Too real, user
You poor guys. I smacked my father in the face with a Maglight as a child, chipping his tooth. He laughed it off, and the incident remains in his stock of funny stories to tell people.
Blake Clark
Same situation as OP, although dad does at least sharpen knives, taught me backpacking/woodsmanship, etc.
But he only ever took me out shooting once. No matter how much I pestered him about it, he always came up with an excuse for not going. He'll beat his chest about how important guns are and such, but won't actually go shooting.
Everything I learned when it comes to firearms is my own knowledge. I don't begrudge my father that, but it does sadden me we will never be able to share any bonding moments with that hobby.
Ah well. Live and learn. If I have kids,I'll be sure to at least give them the option of learning about firearms.
Asher Clark
Yup, father degenerated into a useless drunk by the time I was 11 and my mother never did much other than whine and yell. You think learning about guns is hard? Try learning to hunt without a father and a family that spent their entire lives in cities. I've learned just about everything I know from youtube
Lincoln Walker
No, I had the help of Jow Forums, and YouTube autists to guide me along my black powder journey.
Julian King
Im kinda the same minus the scouts. Dad was kinda a fudd. Bought us shotguns one crimmis and bought a rifle for hunting. Took me to the range and let me shoot the rifle. I was young didnt know shit and wasnt really into them. No one ever really made it cool. Not sure what made me come to Jow Forums.
Before, I enjoyed gun related stuff but never felt a burning desire to buy/shoot guns. Now it feels sexual. Thank you for being here, no matter how autistic and retarded you all are.
Robert White
Just like you my parents were pro gun but my dad just didn’t shoot guns much.
The first time I shot a gun was when my college Roomate brought his guns up. I taught myself everything I know about shooting and even taught my dad how to shoot modern pistols properly. Because of me he bought a g19 and a sigp380 and got a CCL
Just take your kids shooting it’s that easy to teach them.