Hey Jow Forums what is the best way to protect yourself from nuclear fallout...

Hey Jow Forums what is the best way to protect yourself from nuclear fallout,just using a gas mask and what you have innabunker?

Attached: IMG_1286.jpg (720x540, 68K)

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Stay inside the bunker for a few weeks

You mean to go out into the world?
If you're in a bunker and it's positively pressured, you'll be fine inside the bunker for a while.
If you need to go outside, you need a really good gas mask and a lead lined suit.

Step 1 avoid the blast by not being in it. If you're in it then you're fucked either by the blast or falling debris. If you're far enough away to avoid flying molten glass or some hot wind then go the other way. Pop some potassium iodide for that thyroid health.

Lead duct tape and a lot of supplies so you don't have to leave whatever closet or under your staircase bunker you build

OP here,i remember seeing some instruction manual thing where they told you to tie off the pantlegs and sleeves of your clothing

A tinfoil hat is all you need.

Yes, tiny little atomites are released from the explosion that swarm and burrow into your skin. Sealing up is the best method to not be attacked by them.

Nuclear war is a plausible possibility,maybe on a limited scale due to nuclear arsenals being reduced after the cold war

I literally just post this picture and you stole it from me

Lowest floor of a building, interior. Stay there between a few hours and multiple weeks. Hope you have something to eat, something to drink, a bucket with a good lid, and a bunch of garbage bags to wrap up any children or old people with you after they die.
Good luck.

Op! Well, not sure if you are the real, but...ARE we headed for something soon?

>I really really like this image

Don't live near a shithole that's due to be nuked.

read this book.

this may be useful

Attached: fallout.png (1335x524, 827K)

same user here
Note: not useful in a "this is likely to happen" sense (nuclear war is not coming, if you think it is, you're foolish. It is interesting reading though.

Iodine tablets so that your thyroid doesn't absorb radioactive materials.
Wrapping yourself in aluminum foil isn't as crazy as it sounds. Aluminum foil can block alpha particles.

Then GTFO of Dodge as fast as possible.

a 9 mil to the head

if you're in a bunker waiting through nuclear fallout you're better off dead.

So you are suddenly getting radiation in your neighborhood. Dirty bomb, or downfall from nuke or exploded nuclear plant. Regardless of which, your area is now being snowed on by radioactive dust fragments.

Put on your gas mask. Breathing the stuff in or getting it into your eyes or nose is very bad. Put on clothes that cover all your skin. Get the hell out of there.

Now you are out of there. But there'll be radioactive dust fragments in your gas mask filter and on your gas mask exterior. Also all over your clothes. If you have no other clothes, at least brush your clothes with a clothes brush or similar. This will get rid of some of the dust, but not all. Do not eat or drink yet.

Have you arrived in a safe area?
Undress completely, and wash thoroughly. Do not put your clothes on again and consider them ruined. You have no way of telling how badly they are contaminated unless there's a geiger counter handy. Your gas mask filter is definitely ruined. Wash the rest of the mask in running water. It too may still be contaminated.

Iodine pills are good. Their job is to strengthen your thyriod immune system so maybe you won't die from what dust has gotten inside you.

Wear a condom for protection!

Imagine being such a defeatist pussy.
You only use the pistol on yourself AFTER youve acquired acute radiation poisoning, not before.

>If you're in a bunker and it's positively pressured, you'll be fine inside the bunker for a while.

This got me thinking - would a tank of compressed air be a good thing to keep in the basement? How long would it last if you kept air trickling out to maintain pressure?
Would it be useful if you needed to travel by car during an event involving dangerous aerosols?

Attached: air.jpg (640x640, 56K)

To create positive air pressure, you need to have an actual ventilation system
Unless you had a compressed cylinder of o2 the size of those home use propane tanks, it's not gonna work

Lol no, at most an exclusion suit(think csi plastics) and a respirator. All your worried about is fallout after a blast, unless your one of those nuts who likes to explore blast craters, even then there's not a lot of radioactive material that'll give off enough to harm you unless your licking the ground. What you really need to worry about is contamination of foodstuffs and water by particulates(Ash)

You don't get alphas unless your basking yourelf in the atomic glow as the thing goes off

Literally just paint your windows/ house white, if your close enough for the blast to knock over the walls the overpressure is going to kill you no matter where you hide. Expect the windows to break anyways. Cover yourself entirely and move out of the area asap after blast while most of the fallout is still up. Modern weapons are rather efficient and airburst (what residential areas will be targeted with) doesn't produce a ton(figuratively) of fallout. God help you if you live near a rail yard tho

That's not what we're talking about...

>What the best way to protect yourself from nuclear fallout

People who off themselves instead of riding this shit out are the lowest of the low
Nuclear war is extremely survivable if you live outside of a large city

That's not what that user and I are talking about you numbskull

>If you go outside you'll need a lead lined suit

Attached: 1544295405969m.jpg (1024x765, 76K)

Innawoods fallout survival, wear a gas mask and rainclothes when the fallout settles on you, then remove couple of inches of top soil in a 10 yard radius around your campsite and dump it far enough, make sure food and drink aren't contaminated. Once you are done cleaning up your campsite dump the rainclothes in the radiation pile and wash your gas mask/get all the dust off. Then jerk off for 10 days before it's "safe" to leave the campsite.

We're talking about bunkers. Not any sort of suit...
Are you actually autistic and can't read between the lines?

Jesus. My monitor is so shitty that in the catalog this looks like a 4 year old kid shitting into a potato sack that had roast beef sticking out of it.

Damn thats one jaded chicken.

>how to protect yourself with what you have innabunker
>how to protect your bunker

Attached: 1528818661347.jpg (500x400, 196K)

Your the one who mentioned lead lined suits

Fucking toilet paper or literally air can block alpha particles. What you don't want to do is drink, eat or inhale anything that has absorbed alpha particles.


God damn, arguing with actual autists is like trying to argue with a brick wall

Get the screw on sealed lid for the poop bucket, have some kitty litter on standby for light dusting. Put in poop bag (can be garbage bag), Poop, little cat litter, tie off, leave in bucket, screw closed, repeat when need to poop. Pee in bottles. That should take care of the worst of it.

Attached: bucket lid.jpg (376x327, 26K)

Generally, the more material (denser, the better) you can put between yourself and the blast/fallout will mean less lethality.

Really, if you aren't in the immediate AOE and can bug-in for a week or so while the dust clears, I think you'd be outside the window of immediate or impending death.

I dont know. Neither does anyone else.

So Oregon?


I was in a nuclear war once and it took about a month for things to be safe, that being said pack some food, a month of nothing but twinkies is bad for your health

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in addition to what other anons have said, if you are in a radiologically contaminated area and find yourself outside, stay up against the walls of the buildings as you try to make your way in. As looney toons as this sounds, your are limiting a direction from which you can be exposed to radiation, thereby significantly cutting down your dosage

Well user is right... you only need lead lined suits for Gamma radiation which dissipates a couple weeks after the explosion I’m pretty sure. So you wouldn’t need a lead lined suit. Just stuff to protect you from Alpha and Beta radiation

>how to survive the nukes
(Before nukes drop)
Step 1. Don't be in the blast radius.
Step 2. Have enough food/water to last at least 2 weeks, preferably 2 months.
(After nukes)
Step 3. Seal up house as best as you can, duck tape all doors, windows etc. You'll have to designate a shitting corner.
Step 4. After 2 weeks you can have limited exposure to the outside. If you have a gas mask, use it, take off your clothes when you get back home and toss them outside, rinse yourself off. Remove sewage.
Step 5. After 2 months it is safe to go outside. If it hasn't rained and if you have water pressure rinse off your house, car, shed, tools, anything that could be covered in radioactive dust.
Step 6. Do not enter any areas that got "glassed".

Congratulations, you have survived the "Radiation" portion of the nuclear holocaust.

Gamma radiation isn't an issue after the initial blast, it doesn't stick around.

Depends on how intense the initial does rate is.

>After 2 weeks you can have limited exposure to the outside.
See above.

I intend for anons to not ever leave their houses.
You should have your house sealed up before any Fallout reaches you. If you get caught out in it, you probably need medical help (good luck).

If you are caught in the prompt radiation of a strategic weapon you are dead from the pressure and thermal effects alone. Primary fallout threats are I-131 and Ba-140 with 8 and 12 day half-lives respectively, both undergo beta decay so the radiation they produce does not penetrate even rudimentary cover, but I-131 especially accumulates in the thyroid.

So in practical terms, after two weeks the activity from these has reduced by over 50%, another two weeks and its a quarter of what it was at the beginning. Other exotic shit like cesium and strontium will also be present but their activity is low enough to not be an immediate concern

Why so pessimistic, Op? It seemed like you were far more optimistic in the past that a nuclear event was extremely unlikely. What has changed?

>So Oregon?
>t. Californian
its only portland