An 1895 Russian contract repro in 7.62x39, it'd be fun as fuck.
Dumb gun ideas you would pay good money for
AK in 43 Spanish
One of these in 32ACP (a little more zip than .32 S&W and the ammo is findable).
3d printed out of production cartridges
Fucking why. The market for that is quite literally you ad no one else.
At that point why not just go with .380?
A Vector in .50AE
I'd buy the shit out of that too. I love lever actions, but hate tube magazines.
Reproduction Volcanic pistol retooled for smokeless powder rocket ball, and new production smokeless powder rocket ball.
Wait but why change it from 54r?
This in 7.62x39mm or 5.56x45mm.
>Dumb gun ideas that you would pay money for
>You would pay money for
That's why, dipshit
x39 has pretty much the same ballistics as 30-30, so it makes sense to have a lever gun chambered in it.
But the 54r and 30-06 1895s are so cool though
Bolt action .357 or 44mag tube fed with a loading gate. Just because it would be fun
A snail drum for ruger 22/45 pistols
A p90 style rifle in .308 that uses a roller lock action
Straight pull rifle in .44 magnum that takes deagle magazines
20" AR15 in .243
Mauser C96 repro in .357mag
PS90 in 9mm
FAL in .280 British with a supply of ammo.
Good ideas.
Pump action 45-70, 458 WinMag, or any other big-bore straight-walled cartridge. Unless there's some kind of safety issue with the pump action system that doesn't exist in leverguns, I don't know why these don't already exist.
Semi auto clip fed .17hmr or .22
A case-hardened AR with wood furniture chambered in .45-70.
PS90 in 5.7x28 necked up to .30. Basically a bullpup .30 Carbine.
3D printing cartridges doesn't work. Lord knows I've tried, going with shotgun slugs next.
Even better: .45-120 levergun. Who cares if it's only 4 round capacity, that's two to dislocate your shoulder and two to pop it back into place.
a tube fed bolt-action .45-70 similar to the remington-keene. it would totally be kick ass.
A LeMat reproduction chambered in .357 Magnum with a 28 Gauge underbarrel.
Ive always wanted a p90 chambered in .45acp
ill take a famas. and maybe an ak74 rifle that shoots 5.7 just for laughs
Why not just 7.62x54r like the original? It's not exactly rare ammo, and they even had options in 30-06.
mp40 in .45
mg42 in 7.62x39
ar15 in 9x39
double stack 1911 in 5.7
>SVD, Mosin, SV98 in .338 Lapua Magnum
>AR in 9x39
You do realize that’s coming, right?
One of these in 10mm
You can shoot .32 acp in a .32 S&W gun
(as long as it's rated for smokeless powder)
Scale down a Savage 99 for 7.62x39, 5.45x39, 5.56 NATO, and 8mm Kurz,
Bonus for a takedown model that can change calibers with just a barrel swap.
Same but in .308
Same man, the fucking patience too load the thing, the fucking time and carring loose ammo.... Would buy any lever action that could be magazine or clip fed...
9mm lever action rifle with a loading gate
Falling block .bullpup in .50
Already here. Wolf has 9x39 uppers and ammo for sale.
45-70 AR-10 with wood furniture
pumps exist in 30-06 so what you propose is doable. Go buy a Remington 7600 and have a smith make you a barrel in whatever cartridge you think will feed out of the mag.
Marlin 60 scaled up to 357 magnum
Doubt alot of them were considering they're 150 years old.
k31 in 6.5 creedmore or plane jane .308
Saving this thread for my future gun company that will totally exist outside of my dreams and flood the world with awesome though obselete firearms
9 or 10 shot .327 federal magnum
This this this
Bolt action .32 ACP and .32 SW Long rifle, or single shot break action.
A .22lr handgun with 20 round capacity(why these are not common I have no idea)
10/22 in .25 ACP
O/U 20 gauge/.32 ACP
.38 Super long slide Hi Point
More regularly avaible single shot 10 gauges
Levergun in 50-140 modernized for smokeless powder pressures.
American made AK in 7.62x39
Iirc they made those in 5.56
>1911 in 5.7
my nigga
Live your dream, become /our/ boy
*loses your headspace*
10lb Bullpup autoloading DI 20-24" barrel 308 or 6.5 creedmoor that's free-floated and accurate
Under 2000$.
AK pistol in .460 Rowland, AK/PSL in lighter safari rounds like .375/.416, full semi auto crank fire MG repros.
Are you me?
Here's mine: do what you said, but rework it to accept AK mags instead of the fixed mag.
shut up and take my money.
A semi automatic Lee Enfield carbine.
7.62x51 Trapdoor Springfield or rolling block.
holy fuck I want that
A battle rifle that can switch between semi auto and bolt action, with a build in suppressor.
An MP5 10mm but is actually available
mini 14 scaled up to .308
>ruger makes a cheap M14
450 BM AR with wood?
10mm USP
In no way is this a dumb idea
A modern break action revolver in .22 magnum, .38 +P, or .357 mag.
I'm shocked no one has actually done this yet. I know some people would bitch about 'muh antiquated mechanics' but I still want one, and I'm sure a lot of others folks would too.
not to mention that break action is a lot faster of a mechanism than the swing out cylinder. The main issue is the barrel and frame being two separate pieces, which makes it less durable. With modern manufacturing, I'm sure someone could make one.
an AR-10 in 45-70