If you could only use one caliber, what would it be?
If you could only use one caliber, what would it be?
.44 mag.
Powerful enough to use in a rifle for hunting and can still use it in a carry gun.
5.45x45 tracer
This, but 5.56mm since it is typically loaded slightly hotter than .223.
It is incredibly light for what it is. A .223/5.56mm round weighs the same as a 9mm round. Both are about 12 grams depending on which exact load you are talking about. If you are limited to what you can carry it is hard to find a better firepower to weight ratio than 5.56mm. Plus it is super common in the USA so should be easy to find more in a SHTF situation.
If I had an unlimited supply I'd say 6.5 Grendel or .264 USA. I'd love to rock a 6.5mm battle rifle 24/7/365.2422.
.50 BMG AK
7.62x54r because all I own is a well-oiled and carefully maintained nugget. I clean and rub my nugget to make it shine before going to bed everyday.
I wish the souls of fallen Slavic soldiers are content with the great care I put into keeping their host nugget in good condition. I store it near a shrine of vodka bottles and cigarettes packs, all on top of a old Russian piano.
Pic not related
12 gauge anything. Now I have loads for hunting and defense alike, and it's easier to make custom loads with them over brass rounds.
Only downside would be range, but hopefully, not too big of an issue.
I'm sure they're happy with just seeing someone taking care of it, utilizing it, and just making sure it's being put to use instead of it rotting in a warehouse or in a dump.
The only one you need.
.45 ACP.
They don't make pistols like they used to
We won more wars when the 1911 was standard-issue
Beautiful post user
>Unreadable image
One job, OP.
Wait, what the fuck? Fucking hiroshimoot has ruined image posting apparently. I'm sorry for doubting you, OP.
.45-70 Gov't, the only government you can trust.
Decent rifle round, decent carry round.
I need it for work :(
410/45 lc
20mm. Small bullet wont kill big thing but big bullet will kill small thing