Let's have an open and unbiased discussion of this cartridge, shitposting, so-called "poorfag cope" and memes aside...

Let's have an open and unbiased discussion of this cartridge, shitposting, so-called "poorfag cope" and memes aside... Where do you see it in 5 years? 10? Will we see any large militaries or police forces adopting it? Or is it just another "flavor of the month" cartridge that will be replaced in a decade?

In a perfect world I'd wager that the military starts issuing two typed of rifles as such: a 6.5mm cartridge for long range operations (like shooting at people across the desert) and .300blk for urban ops. This will drastically reduce the cost and enable more people to afford to shoot this round. Although again this will probably never happen due to military budget restraints etc.

So what do you think?

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b8 thread but i actually like 300blk, it's good for it's purpose.
It's a niche cartridge for suppressors and sbrs, no point in having 300niggerout without a can. It's value overall is nice for people who have cans and SBRs, otherwise it's a waste of time.
>a 6.5mm cartridge for long range operations (like shooting at people across the desert) and .300blk for urban ops.
Hahahaha, are you fucking retarded? What is this winter of 1926? Do you even understand why the universal rifle was created? Jesus christ.
>Although again this will probably never happen due to military budget restraints
You're half right. It will never happen cos it's fucking stupid. If a mil ever adopts BLACKEDout, it will be fore niche suppressor running, which btw wont happen since cans are not used in the military the same way they're used in the civilian world. Cans barely have a military application.

It's an okay to very good round for shooting suppressed and/or out of a short barrel. The main benefit is that it does this in an AR platform without changing any parts except the barrel. If a military wants to move away from the AR-15, I doubt they would bring along the 300 blackout.

For civilians, especially since NFA sales and production of SBRs and suppressors have increased, it isnt going anywhere soon.

300 blackout will become the 30-30 of the 21st century.

.300blk is great for shooting out of a short boi

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>A niche round for SBRs and suppressors will become the excellent general purpose civilian round
LOL NO. 30-30 was perfect for everything a civilian needed to do from late 1800s to this day.

Or the military could go to a 6.8mm CSAT round and actually improve the lethality of the rifleman while reducing weight.

Oh wait, the Army is already doing that.

300 meme will never, ever be adopted while there's a single round of 5.56 floating around

Do you know how bad the 80iq guys manage to fuck up getting dressed or raking rocks, let alone trusting them to properly distinguish 300 and 5.56

I'm ready to see a manufacture step up and start making steel case for 20cpr