Can’t figure out why I’m shooting left with my Glock 19

Pic related is my 25 yard shooting with a Walther PPQ M2 on an 8 1/2 Inch paper plate (I consider this to be pretty good based on what i see by youtube gun reviewers who have shot 10 times the rounds that I have.)

Next pic
11 yards with glock 19 factory night sights

3rd pic
Smith and Wesson Sheild 2.0 25 yards (6 shots at a time pretty quickly)

4th pic
Same Glock 19 with perfectly aligned Trijicon HD XR
(6 shots at a time pretty quickly)

I dropped my gun on a tile floor while practicing my draws, but don’t see any damge. Althout the rifling near the barrel end doesnt look consistent

Maybe it’s my eyesight but considerikg my perfermance at 11 yards and with thes the Sheild my group should be better. Currently at about 15k rounds under my belt, mostly within the last 8 months.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Also at a local range I shot 15 shot groups with a rented CZ P10c and alternated with my Glock and the group was always to the left but less so because of the distance

Attached: 80E19D5C-D1E5-4655-9B38-5A1BCA771DB8.jpg (4032x3024, 1.68M)

Verify that the sights are on (use the table as support if you need to). Most likely it's you, not the gun. Glocks have awful triggers, and will show you if you're doing something wrong. The PPQ is a lot better gun, and easier to shoot.

My money is on you pushing the gun to the left with your trigger finger as you squeeze the round off.


I forgot to clarify, my groups with the CZ were dead on and same with the PPQ I rented the day before (I traded mine for the glock) only shooting left with the glock

I like the glock trigger and the sights were put on my a gun smith

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>>I like the glock trigger
It doesn't matter if you like it, it's objectively worse than the other guns that you've shot. You're more likely to make mistakes with it.
>and the sights were put on my a gun smith
And? Doesn't mean that they're on. Verify that.

Look, dear. There's exactly two possibilities here: either it's YOU, or it's THE GUN. Verify if the sights are on, and if they are, it's YOU. Shooting left almost always happens because you're pulling the trigger wrong. If it's not the gun, and if it's not you, what the fuck do you think could be pushing the bullets to the left, fucking wind?

Look at my groups at 11 yards, I think I have decent trigger control.

I’ve shot the gun about 3000 rounds with one cleaning. However last night I cleaned the barrel extensively and shot that IPSC this morning.

I’ll run back to the range and shoot for groups at 11 yards

It's a common occurrence. Here's a video that explains it:

So you're trying to tell me that it's neither you nor the gun. I guess your local range fairy is doing pranks on you then, you should make her an offering of pumpernickels and a couple of VHS casettes of shoujo anime (fairies don't have dvd players)

I’ll watch it but I know when I have a good trigger press and those are the shots going left

>i know im right
>but it just keeps happening

I’ve shot six guns perfectly in the last week only one of them is going left

ah yes, all guns have the same grip and trigger, and theres no way your hand placement on these could vary in any which way. the same grip and placement for a revolver is definitely the same grip and placement for a glock.

okay, so now that weve crossed that out as a possibility, lets get back to what it really has to be. gun fairies pulling pranks

>"Jow Forums tell me why gun no bang right"
>Get informed in a manner that's eerily civil for a Jow Forums board
>"Umm I like the gun and I'm a good shot, try again sweetie"

Ok then

It's probably you, buddy.
T-guy who shoots dead on with every handgun but his security 9, which groups well but low left.

>low left
Oh, user...

Attached: Scut Farkus.jpg (1600x1200, 234K)

Its actually high left
Anyway heres my rest shots

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Here’s the rear sight

Attached: BE299332-43EA-4D6D-B5D4-CB950AAA4767.jpg (4032x3024, 1.83M)

>on backwards

Shitty b8

Attached: E9D8A3B4-6238-4041-B891-0F176EF6B58F.jpg (4032x3024, 1.58M)

Put a bullseye or something in the center jesus. The human eye randomly wanders over blank spaces, you need to have an exact point to focus un.

>unable to focus on the center of a paper plate
>owns guns

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Its at 25 yards I’m just trying hit

Come to think of it my original sights on the gun were ever so slightly to the right and even though i shot well with them I drifted it over (see 11 yard group pic) because it really bothered me.

So is it possible that even though the sights are not 100% symmetrical to the naked eye they could have actually been aligned peoperly?

I really liked the walther because you can tell if the sights are aligned perfectly because of the ridged spine that runs atop the slide.

Are you serious?

When is a meteor going to obliterate this shit rock I have to share with idiots like these?

Neber mind. You do you boo.

with your willpower aiming it, literally never

Oh damn, that makes so little sense it actually hurt inside my brain for a second. An actually powerful insult.

lmao rekted

I literally had the EXACT same problem as you. I would shoot most other handguns dead on, but with Glocks (in my case a 22 and 21) I would always shoot to the left. I suspect it's a problem with the grip. For whatever reason with my small hands (and presumably yours) whenever I try to grip a Glock normally and squeeze the trigger, my trigger finger pushes the barrel ever so slightly to the left. You'll notice this when dry firing.
The solution is to get your grip a lot more forward. Pulling the trigger with the rear of the pad of my trigger finger makes for a straight trigger pull in my case. In fact, my hand is so far forward it's easier to hit the mag release with my middle finger than with my thumb. Hope this helps.

t. handlet

Considering I probably have a tumor or latent aneurism now. And have to get an expensive MRI scan; "Rekt" indeed.

fuck dude. your gonna pay for it right? i hate it when my taxes goes to shit like that

I'm in the demographic that isn't poor enough for subsidized Healthcare and not rich enough to have an accountant or tax lawyer hide my taxable income. So, yes I'll be paying for my Healthcare and for shaquanda to get another abortion and an amoxicillin scrip because she got staph from not washing her bed sheets.

It's best not to think about where your taxes are going, dawg.

But they're all the same hole at 3 yards guys! It's the gun.

I bought a Pps, took it to the range. Shot left, way left. Thought the sights were off.
Went back a few more times and changed up my grip.
Turns out my grip was off, which probably (did) fuck up my trigger pull.

Learn to shoot. Or give your gun to someone who knows how to shoot. If they put it all in the middle and hands it back saying "gun is fine" it's you.
If they scratch their head in confusion. It MIGHT be the gun.

I have over 3,000 rounds in two months with the gun, I dropped it on a hard surface and moved the sights, then changed the sights.

I was shooting fine with it before

I shot from a rest at 25, and 11 yards, 2 types at ammo, it’s shooting left. The sights appear to be aligned perfectly (see pic) but for whatevwr reason it’s pushing left. The barrel isnt crowned and I don’t see any damage, at least not now but when it happened it did appear so but the gun is run hard and barely cleaned so its hard to really tell

it's not centered

Lol shooting a pps way left and telling me to learn how to shoot, ive been been picking up rentals ar the range this past week amd shooting perfectly with everything. Stuff I’ve never shot before
CZ, 42, 43, S&W Compact. Only one gun is left and it previoulsy wasnt

Drift right?

move it a tiny bit to the right (up) yes