Soldier commenting on why airsoft is stupid

Soldier commenting on why airsoft is stupid

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>reeeeee don't have fun
imagine being such a pathetic ZOGbot you get mad at people playing with toy guns

Watch the video brainlet

*People who think they're tough shit oper8ters who shit on everyone else because they're not doing it right when they've never touched a real gun

>adult slav comments on hobby for kids to LARP as oper9ors
If you want to dress up like a soldier and shoot your friends with realistic-looking guns it's the best you're gonna get. But it's a game, and it's targeted at teens.

>Why soldiers HATE airsoft and MIL-SIM
Who the fuck is this little cunt who thinks he's the sole representative of soldiers and how fucking young are you, OP, to think he has any validity?

>I didn't watch the video but I'm gonna comment on it anyway

>kids decide to do something besides play on their Xbox or phone but still want to run around shooting each other

>mad at people playing with toy guns
No. People get mad when children and man children (you pick which is worse) think they are doing anything other than playing a very unrealistic game.

Which is nearly all of them.

Is this a shill?
Not sure to report for advertising or not.

Airsoft is for faggots and if you disagree you are on the wrong board.

Report it. It's obvious advertisement, especially with how OP repeatedly admonishes people for not watching it.

Wow, a reportfag running defense for airshit.
This is my shocked face.

That's not what the video is about.
If you watched the video you'd have known that

Prolly bait but he angery because they're being autistuc simfags and not having fun.


let people do whatever they think is fun.


That's what the guy in the video is saying....

airshit fags are the worst, this is why airsoft ain't bigger.
its funny how the story of fags faggin up airsoft seems to be universal. Would be a bigger sport if it wasn't for the players

yeah i agree with that guy, i went through all that but here is the deal the worst types of assholes in airsoft are not the soldier and the kids it's always the cops (or security guards) that try to play commando. many of them are incredibly unhinged. i remember a few cases when it almost got to a physical fight when one of the pigs lost his shit. i mean yeah sure kids are stupid and do asshole things too like ad and friendly fire. but come on...

two warnings for those that want to play airsoft. watch your eyes and teeth. those tiny powerless bbs won't hurt you anywhere else. but they can break off your teeth and fuck up your eye. i had a bb bounce like a dozen times under my eye and between my protective glass once.

You're trying too hard or not hard enough but showing accent through text is nigger tier

Are you the kind of person who thinks a professor is a text book shill for telling you to read the material before an exam? Then tells you, you failed because you didn't read the text?

I'm a reenactor who does milsim on the side (I've been doing it since I was a teen) and I can say I have to agree with the video.

Some people take the game too seriously and give us the cringey name. It really is just shooting around with toy guns, there's no way you deserve recognition or rank patches for playing with toy guns. It's kind of cute when I see a young kid playing but it crosses some creepy line when there's a guy in his mid 20's expecting to be respected as an officer.

just watch the fucking video.

You're on the wrong board polfag

k only tolerates you noguns faggots

>equating your shitty video to a professor's work
Hellooo narcissist.

who are you that youre speaking for everyone on this board

Eat shit mate, go create more lazy as fuck movie maker aesthetic videos

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Wow you're stupid.
It's about consuming the relevant media for the whole basis of discussion
What's the point of discussion in this thread if you don't watch the video.
I hate talking to stupid people

This is the wrong board for your garbage video and discussion. .
Never mind that the entire premise of "Why soldiers HATE airsoft and mil-sim" is so retarded and clickbaity, there is no way I am going to waste my time watching the works of whatever mouthbreathing mongrel made the video. Especially so, when it's being viral marketed on Jow Forums, of all places.
Suck a dick.

>movie maker
talk to me once you to do better

Yet you're hear "wasting your time" shitposting in a desperate attempt to derail the thread
Just go to one of your circlejerk threads if your time is so precious to you

Already did champ, no need to be mad that your edits is 16 year old highschool editors tier

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Holy fuck that's a boring video.

Oy vey only people who sign away their life to Israel and the Central Banking Cartel can have opinions on anything related to firearms.

Not everything is made to fuel your ADHD

okay then link me what you made.

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thats not what i implied. i just said to watch the video...

First day here champ?

I would rather spend my time calling you a worthless faggot than watch that garbage video, yes.

Stop samefagging with your phone, retard.

Shows how valuable your time is

I can't, I lost my videos in a boating accident

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>there can't be more than one person in the entire world
>much less this website
>that thinks you're a big 'ol retard
Top lel

I gotta ask, did that REALLY deserve a video commentary/statement?

MOST people think that about milsim faggots, soldiers, civilians, anybody. Nobody benefits from being a milsim fag, nobody gets pussy because of that, nobody gets free shit because of that, if anything, they get called an autist or whatever.

Those who know about them consider them retards, did you really have to virtue signal a video out of that?

The worst thing is I'm tired and I zoned out during the video, effectively watched the whole thing.

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You clearly didn't watch the video or at best. You had it on the side, but was too busy shitposting to actually know what it was about

Your monotonous Slovakian accented complaining asmr video is gay and you should feel bad that it's so bad it immediately derails what would be a much welcomed airsoft-hate thread here into an "OP is a faggot" thread.

I don't play airsoft and never cared for it, but basically the whole point given in that vid is

>muh stolen valor

Someone needs to grow a pair. If you get triggered because you've seen some kid wearing a special forces patch while playing dress up, you really need to re-evalutate your life.

I take it you just skipped the first half of the video

what was it about then?
about the guy being triggered by a bunch of fatass 30 year old "toy gatherers" while simultaneously struggling with the pronounciation of the word "gatherer"?

Or maybe about how his honor being violated by a neckbeard wearing a patch of a unit his buddy HAS APPLIED TO, and hasn't even become a part of?

Please tell me: what was this video about? I would be really glad, because I'm kinda lost on that.

It was pretty much about autistic super serious larpers can't just go out and have fun

ok, so now we know, that at least half of the video is entirely pointless, since you can't even really defend its content.

Let's talk about that first part, the problem is the neckbeards ruin some guy's fun playing with toys? SOMEONE CALL THE COPS, A SOLDIER WAS DENIED QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT BY A BUNCH OF MANCHILDREN


True for shooting at a range as well.
Doesn't justify the length of the video in the slightest. We would be better off with just that one sentence, everyone would nod, some would say airshit is called airshit for a reason, and voila. I don't encounter airshit players, so the only thing that really annoyed me, much more than whatever the guy complained about is the way the guy talked, repeated himself, tried to show how the world revolves around his VALOR.
I think this video turned out very counter-productive in my case.

You really don't see a problem with a bunch of fat, out of shape man children pretending to be special forces and acting like they should be treated as such?

You know when I play CoD. I'm level 55 prestige 10. I put those prestige 2 faggots in their place when I play. They're gonna talk casually to ME?
Look at that badge I got

I like guns and gear and was going to start getting into airsoft because a field just opened up near me. This vid really made me second guess starting to play. Am i going to get called stolen valor for wearing camo and gear? Im not a kid, im 25+, have a career and want to play a game that involves my other hobbies and interests.

no, just don't wear unit patches of organizations you aren't or weren't a member of, and don't act like you're actually a high speed operator or an officer

This slovakian "soldier" of yours, was never even deployed, i dont understand who the fuck he thinks he is, yeah i guess some of em airshitters think they are the real deal, but i believe most of em are just having fun, let em be, let em have fun, end of the story

Either way. The points he makes still stands

who gives a fuck?
I swear, soldiers are the biggest fucking crybabies

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ITT: We don't watch the video and assume the opposite of what the video is about

Yeah this makes me want to join a milsim group just to act like a giant faggot.

>7 minutes of complaining about how some people take airsoft too seriously and muh stolen valor
While true that doesn't really mean shit about the value of airsoft in general, its just a commentary on the kind of people it attracts. Airsoft is still useful for practicing basic tactics like room clearing or probable force on force encounters you might run into with a bit more realism and feedback than just using finger guns while being worlds more accessible than simunitions. If you want to play it as a sport/hobby then there's nothing wrong with that but expect to deal with terminal LARPers and keep your shit threads on /toy/. If you want to use it to help bridge the gap between range time and go time on a budget by running simulations with a few buddies under controlled conditions then there's nothing wrong with that either and its acceptably Jow Forums related. It isn't perfect but it'll leave you better prepared than never doing anything but shooting static at the 25yrd line.

no, retarded people have been doing worse things like electing shitty presidents or voting for stupid policies.
Them running around a forest, far away from me, acting like little kids is probably, and I'm not overstating this, the smallest problem I can reasonably imagine

I've never been in, but it is very much a thing that the people who do their special forces cosplay have a tendency to act like assholes.

Welfare queen angry that he wasn't allowed to command teenagers just because he's a welfare queen*

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Its just a fucking game, if i go to the range and have USMC patch it doesnt mean i pretend to be in the USMC nor does that mean i wanna be treated as such
If some 16year old told him he is the lead airsofter with prestige 88 he shouldve just laughed, said "ok" and continued on playing, same shit i do when someone tells me some bullshit whenever im at work or somewhere in public
OP and that Slovakian "soldier" are manchildren that cant just get over kids being kids and retards being retards

>moving the goalposts

but /asp/ is the board for sweaty mandrama

Did you watch the video?
Because he literally says he doesn't have a problem with 15 year olds having those patches(kids being kids). It's the 30 year olds who has those patches and acts like they're entitled to be treated like they earned them


If this is the shit that keeps you up at night your life is either absolutely awesome, or incredibly shitty,


Bruh, i watched the video when it came out and im telling you for the last time retards are gonna be retards, its in every sport, everywhere in fact
For example: some people are good at what they do and they are humble
Some people are terrible at what they do and they will talk shit even tho they dont know shit

You will find retards everywhere and humanity as a whole was a mistake and should be eradicated

Yes. We watched the video.
It was retarded, and pretty much nobody agrees with you, which is pretty much why you've been asking that same question all the time.
What you see is a very cool video, what we see is a very shit video and agree that watching it was a waste of time.

There are two logical, alternative conlusions from this, either you are correct and everybody else is wrong, or the more probable one: you are a fucking retard.

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>nobody gets pussy because of that
Military otaku pussy best pussy

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airsoft is for people who dont like driving an hour just to go to a shooting range that only allows one shot per secord. i have more fun airsofting than i do shooting real guns.

if i lived in new mexico and could just fuck off to the desert to shoot maybe it eould be fun

God damn airsofters are fucking dumb.
Even the mods want you off this board.

>People who think they're tough shit oper8ters

That's exactly why US soliders think even though they are fighting 3rd world goat herders, who have outdated equipment, no training and sometimes believe that Allah will guide their bullets.

It's even worse when the solider is from some European country that sends a total of 100 soliders on a peaceful mission so he was never in a gun fight.

The only "operators" are terrorists and mercenaries

>adult slav comments on hobby for kids to LARP

Now that i know that it confirms that he never had to shoot a person. So isn't he LARPING as a solider himself? How do we know that this welfare queen would not shit and piss himself if he ever had to kill?

Ok I don't play airsoft but I know a few mil guys that do. Don't tell people you're in the military, don't wear your military gear. It's a game, fucking pretend LARP you're a group of MI5 James Bond agents with cover stories or something if you don't like the entire thing trying to replicate military things. If you're having fun other people will probably pick up on it and do similar stuff.

Huh. That vid was shit.

Nobody gives a fuck about toxic larpers. Take a look around on Jow Forums, you see plenty. Do you give a shit? No!

Fuck off you inbred degenerate. Go back to your cesspit of fecal matter while your sister does a DIY abortion because she was getting a bit too frisky with dad.

Let people run around with toy guns and shoot at each other pretending they're soldiers.

My uncle didn't get accepted into the military because of a heart disease. He goes metal detecting for war artefacts instead.

He's a badass uncle. Nothing like the spoon fed boomer you're going to become once your mother throws you out of the house when you get past the age of 18.


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I mean seriously did any of you have a childhood? Just ask if you can put some kind of objective hidden somewhere like a flipphone somewhere on the course and say it has 'top secret' info a few times and try to retrieve and extract it. Then drop hints to other people that's what you're doing. People are there to play they'll pick up on it. or if you got enough guys break up two groups on opposing sides and try to recruit people to help doing it.

shut up bootlicker

like plant clues tell them you have a 'source' that left a dead drop location that gives a hint where the real objective is. pre hide the stuff somewhere around there. Then try to drag people in randomly that you encounter to it instead of just making it a boring old same old thing. Do that a couple times and people will probably find it more interesting than just the typical way of doing it even if it doesn't work.

>>reeeeee don't have fun
>imagine being such a pathetic ZOGbot you get mad at people playing with toy guns

Also, I preffer kids playing war than getting turned into feminised sissies by leftists & jews.

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>Don't tell people you're in the military, don't wear your military gear

But how am i suppose to get thanked for my cervix? I have to redpill the youth that Israel is the only democracy in middle east.


Faggots are faggots, hold the presses. The real newsflash is that nobody likes listening to cannon fodder who think they're worth anything, either.

Ironically acting like an arrogant operator faggot might be considered genuine milsimming too, lol

What? Most of the people I'm that play know it's a game. You just see and hear the fags who think it's real more

He specifically says he goes to these just to "run and gun" and have fun.

Keyword in childhood is child

>Slovakian solider that never seen combat calling anyone else a LARP-er
This is why nobody takes eastern NATO seriously, cause Western Slavs are a bunch of try hard faggots with no sense of self reflection.


>i didn't watch the video, i'm just cherry picking comments by people who didn't watch the video

I did watch it. And he simply tries to make it seem like just because you have an S.A.S. badge you are stealing valor. And is mostly booty blasted that people play a different way, because you see you can only have fun the way I say so or you are doing something wrong.

Until you are purposely impersonating a solider for some sort of personal gain then you are not stealing valour you are just LARP-ing.

Oh come on, it's 2018. You only get thanked for your service by church going ladies that probably were unfortunate enough to get widowed to both WWI and WWII vets.
Okay dude if I'm playing a game and I think the adults have an IQ of 70, I'm going to put on the kid gloves. If they're just big kids. Kids are great, you can train them for anything. If they don't want to play along just make that part of the game.

>He specifically says he goes to these just to "run and gun" and have fun.

He is a lying attention seeking faggot that got butthurt because kids did not worship him just because he is a part of some shitty military.

Sure thing Timmy

>signed up to die in the sand for israel
>now spends all of his waking hours screaming at actual children for having fun

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It's like an onion. The regular game is an onion. If you want to add layers to it, and you got a couple people in on it. Others are going to want to play along. Especially if they're like kids. Then the people that don't want to play along and want to do everything realistically are really doing their job better than possible if you want to do anything else. After a few games people would start a few rumors of it happening and a couple people would be more interested in playing along than doing the typical thing since it doesn't stop the typical thing from happening just adds a bit of difficulty and complexity.

>make shitty video on a topic no one cares about
>post as user
>people shit on video
>tripfag mode engaged
>frog posting