When is PSA releasing the new MP5?
When is PSA releasing the new MP5?
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It doesn't have a fun switch and it's made by a company with a reputation for shit, so who cares? Might as well get an airshit at this point. At least those are FA.
late 2019 and msrp of 1800
they said under a 1k,
1800? Got something to back that claim up with? Thats the price of a zenith made on HK machinery. Theres no way it will be that high from PSA
Bummer. Usually the reason why PSA products are so fucking cheap is because A. They own the whole supply and manufacturing chain. And B, they have a lower mark up then other companies, I.e. they are willing to make less money per unit sold but are still making a profit. I haven’t heard that PSA is making an MP5, but if they are, and it’s being done by another company. Then that msrp sounds about right. Would be fucking awesome and a huge financial opportunity for PSA if they got the tools required to manufacture HK weapons like G3’s and MP5s on their own, this dropping the price for something like an MP5 from almost 2 grand to something like 600-700. And a G3 for like 500-600. That would be sex.
where can i find more of this cute cat?
No they didn't. Autists dreamed it would be 1k
I bet they are just rebranded Omegas
I mean that wouldn't be a bad thing, my omega has ran flawlessly for over 1k rounds
>1k rounds
Yea I don't shoot it a lot.
But I have yet to have any kind of malfunction in that time. I'd say that's pretty good
Do you also find out about world news from Kim Kardashian?
>tfw my turkshit never done me wrong and I dont need to wait for PStealyourcreditcardnumberA to shit the bed with their offering
What kind of ammo do you use
Just buy a PTR
How does PSA have a shit reputation? They put out cheap guns that work?
>he doesn't know about their AKs
lol fucking retard
They had some credit processing problems and their AK lineup got a little messy. For the most part they have delivered pretty good gear.
State specific problems with the psa AK.
The checkout problems were fixed years ago.
K just loves to circle jerk themselves regardless of if it's true or not.
That is why I said HAD. Bad rep will often follow for a bit with most companies.
It's relevant since they had major issues on introduction of a new firearm. The PSA MP5 is the introduction of a new firearm.
Unless you're fucking Remington in which case you get to put out garbage for over a decade and Fudds and cops will swear up and down that you're the best bolt gun and pump shotgun manufacturer on the planet.
Cheapest brass I can find.
For the first six months, it will be shit, then there will be gen 2 which is perfect.
"Gamer Cat"
The PSA AK i bought a month ago had a completely fucked hammer spring. I replaced it with a higher tension one. Nothing serious, but something really dumb to slip by QC
But how you fix bad rep is by actually fixing the mistakes that caused them and seeking to do better in the future.
I feel like psa has gone above and beyond in these efforts by producing better products. Meanwhile other American manufacturers continue to put out degradating models of firearms because the tooling and machines were on their last legs when Bush was president.
Oh no doubt. That is why I ordered funs from them just last month. Just saying they have to convince everyone as well.