
>Circa 2054

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The Mexican mummy

why does him being anti fascist upset Jow Forums so much?

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Because we realize that eventually every non-commie gets labeled "fascist" and sent to the gulag unless you have you fucking guns. Better to start fighting commies now so I don't have to literally go down shooting versus the Organs
>people make valid criticisms
>refuse to let go of valid criticisms
>i-i-it's divide and conquer!
Fuck you commie.

>anti fascist upset Jow Forums so much?

Anti fascism was pro communist and anti nationalist from the start. In my country the so called anti fascists killed many civilian people including women and children who never collaborated with Germans.

We still have tens of thousands human remains scattered across the country and they are being left there because " nazis do not deserve a burial"

In what country?

>>people make valid criticisms
Slander is not criticism you nigger faggot

>every non-commie gets labeled "fascist"

While my country was occupied by German forces the anti fascists used the chaos to loot rape and murder as they pleased.

They were so bad the people banded together and formed defense groups against them. They fought against both Germans and communists until they realized that communists were far worse.

And so after 3 years of being killed by their own countrymen they chose to ally themselves with Germany so they could receive firearms.

Slovenia. The anti fascists even killed our only aviation pioneer who supported them with money and goods.

They killed a wealthy guy who supported them because they wanted all of his wealth.

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