What's with tryhards and those stupid skull masks they like to wear?

What's with tryhards and those stupid skull masks they like to wear?

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Video Games, literally

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Deep insecurity issues. Looking like a badass doesn't mean your a badass. Real dangerous people would rather you not think they're dangerous.

You rang?

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that looks like cum

fuck off nazi satanist freak, I hope the FBI dabs on you

Good job revealing your absolutely shit tastes user

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>tfw I deleted my folder
fuck, this was a good series

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is that sum TACTICAL fleece?


Gas yourself kike

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lmao KYS my dude

Jow Forums isn't a racist board, you anti-Semite fuckwagon

It's not your reddit safespace either.

This kike is so bootyblasted

You know Jews aren't actually the bad guys, right?

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JIDF can fuck off back to Jow Forums
Every jew is the problem.

you're just upset we actually have a comfy ethnostate while you're wasting away and losing even more of your "white" blood

cry more, mutt


Iran and other Muslim nations are going to kill you so hard and trump will ignore your pleas for help. I can't wait to watch Mohammed rape and kill your mothers and sisters on liveleak and repost pictures of soiled JDF diapers. You fucks are so up shit creek and everyone is waking up to der ewige Jude. Enjoy what little time you have left on earth because I'll be laughing at the carnage of your undoing until my last breath.


not gonna happen, Tyrese, Trump loves us.
You do know those diapers are photoshopped, right?

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Fuck around and find out

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I genuinely wish left wing journalists stuck to writing stories like this. Reading about buying weird drugs from weird people in weird places is way more interesting than the last three years of endless bitching about le drumpf man

lol, you ain't gonna do shit faggot
you brainlets already blew your chance a hundred years ago, fascism lost, follow your leader

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based, fuck leftists, they're all anti-Israel
it's the neocons and conservatives you nazis should be scared of, and you're all stuck thinking you're on the same team

I dint fuck with left or right. Commies and ISIS are zog shock troops. We all know the true source of the problems in this world.
>"In general it should not be forgotten that the highest aim of human existence is not the preservation of a state, let alone a government, but the preservation of the species. And if the species itself is in danger of being oppressed or utterly eliminated, the question of legality is reduced to a subordinate role. Then, even if the methods of the ruling power are alleged to be legal a thousand times over, nonetheless the oppressed people's instinct of self-preservation remains the loftiest justification of their struggle with every weapon. "

Modern warfare 2

>all this LARPing in the thread
The communists are never going to have their revolution, the fascists are never going to have their day of the rope, and the libertarians are never going to have their Constitution restored. The best anyone in this God-forsaken country can hope for is that climate change and economic collapse will fuck up the entire Earth and we'll all go back to shooting each other for scraps of food.

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seigefags truly are the worst

>climate change

>tfw can't wear skull masks because of my beard

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We've already seen several waves of collapses of civilization throughout history thanks to climate change.

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>wanting to downgrade from a manly beard to a faggy airsofter mask

If this is yours, how'd you get the physical copy of Siege?

Do you even know the real connection between the emblem on your hat and the real nazis?

fucking based and redpilled

cringe and bluepilled

>he doesn't know that wearing macabre imagery to unnerve is an age old tactic in warfare

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It was painfully generic and then turned into a flaming dumpster in the last few eps.

>have a good beard
>want to downgrade to being an edgy teenager
What the fuck is wrong with you

Wanting to keep a beard so he cant use a useful M50 gas mask during the teargas depkoyments during the first stage riots.

>not shaving your beard before going to the riot
>instead shaving it so you can wear a faggy mask like a child because "m-muh riots tho"
You don't randomly find yourself getting gassed user, you can prep like 30 minutes in advance



I personally blame Ghost from Modern warfare, everyone liked how cool the character was and then everyone started the trend

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I miss when Vice went into dangerous places and talked to crazy people. sometimes they get to chat up the Taliban but it isn't like it used to be.
>who knew that the Taliban and ISIS had public affair people.

dude if that's real it's messed up.

nigger kike

Illiterate Jow Forumsommandos that feel the need to criticize the people who will survive the fire are even worse.

same, i loved all of their "vice goes to a shit documentaries to bad they suck

never saw ANYONE wearing them until this game came out

Climate change is going to come about as a secondary effect of subsidizing the breeding of third-world goblins, then importing them to industrialized countries where they consume and pollute more than they would in their homelands.

dat muscley finn booty tho

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