Am I supposed to clean the inside of this silver tube?

What am I supposed to use to get all the way down it?

Attached: adfsasdf.jpg (400x400, 13K)

No. It's self-cleaning.

It's called a pipe cleaner and no you don't have to do that.

No, just replace it. They are cheap.

>carbine length

user theres probably enough carbon in there to create another human being, just spend 15 bucks and replace

Nigga that's pistol length

No, not even a pipe cleaner
It could get stuck
With the pressure that goes through it, it cleans itself.
It will last the life of the barrel, then replace with the barrel.

OP here, its just a stock photo I found online. Mine is brand new and I wanted to know how fast they get dirty.

I always tell by comparing my penis to the rod. I can only judge the pistol, never the carbine, and definitely not the rifle length gas tubes.

This. Gas tube is fine.